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News 2010

This year’s Christmas Fun Bridge was held on 13 December 2010. As well as good food and drink, good company and the usual array of prizes, the main feature this year was that half the hands were played as Minibridge - the cut-down version of bridge that's taught to beginners and is also very suitable for playing at home with your family and friends, even if they've never played bridge in their lives!

The sheet given out at the party is available by clicking the heading for this box, and there is also more about Minibridge on the EBU website here.

Here are some old photos from the 2009 Xmas party.

Here are some old photos from the 2008 Xmas party.
Roger Van Noorden RIP
Update: Baroness Deech, the wife of Roger's long-term bridge partner and close friend John Deech, has written an obituary.
Sadly and shockingly, Roger Van Noorden died suddenly on 12th April, after a very brief illness.
He had only been a member of Summertown for a relatively short period but we will miss him greatly, not just for his bridge (excellent though it was), but also for his unfailingly modest, friendly and courteous behaviour to his partners and opponents.
Our thoughts and sympathies go to his widow, family and friends.
Summertown in the NICKO
Both Summertown teams have now been knocked out of the 2010 NICKO (the National Inter-Club Knockout Competition) but did quite well to beat some good teams along the way.
The Wessex League 2009/10

Our "A" team continued its winning form and on 22nd April 2010 beat Thame B 14 - 6.  They have won all their matches and are winners of Division 3.

Our "B" team lost their last match of the season against Thame "B" 2 - 18.  Unfortunately, that means they will be relegated to Division 4 next season, finishing in 7th place.

Our "C" team lost their last match of the season  3 - 17, playing Aylesbury "C" on 28th April 2010.  This means that, unfortunately, they have been relegated and will play in Division 5 next season.

See the Wessex League page (button on the left) for all fixtures, results and match reports.

Pam Adamson-Jones
Members were very sad to hear of the sudden death of one of our members, Pam Adamson-Jones.  We send sincere condolences to her family and friends.
Winter Ladder and Ascenders' Competition 2009-10
Congratulations to Lorna and Alastair who have jointly won the Club's Winter Ladder competition. The average of their 10 best scores was 64.36%.  With the result they got last Monday they just pipped Roger van Noorden at the post: he had been leading for a while but finished 3rd with an average of 63.16.  Well done all of you!  Full results for the ladder can be found on the website by clicking on Competitions in the left-hand menu and then on Winter Ladder 2009-10.

We also have the results of the Winter Ascenders' Competition.  This is calculated by comparing your 10 best scores with your 10 best in the 2008-09 Winter Ladder.  Well done to Clare Lim who improved her score by 7.17%!  She was closely followed by Carol Benzie with an improved score of 6.92%.
Haiti Disaster Fund Event

Thank you to everyone for supporting the Haiti Disaster Fund last night, 25th January 2010  -  we raised £453.00 which  has been sent off to Ecats Charity Bridge Account.   

A special thank you to Erica Sheppard who, after Krys Kazmierczak went home, managed to direct and score for the evening and she still managed to win the event with Christopher Sheppard.  A magnificent achievement!  Speedy recovery to Krys, too.

A baby boy!
I'm sure you'll all be delighted to hear that Melinda had a baby boy at the JR on Friday morning (18th December). She and the baby are both well and back home.

Congratulations, John & Melinda!
Children in Need Sim Pairs
Children in Need Sim Pairs
Summertown raises £1000 for CiN!!!
Many thanks to everyone who turned out this evening 16th November for our heat of the annual Children in Need Sim Pairs. The evening saw a new attendance record of 19-and-a-half tables, but more importantly we set a new record high of £1000 collected through a combination of table money and two raffles, beating last year's record total of £768 handsomely. Will this be the third year in a row that Summertown has raised more than any other club in the country? To check donations from other clubs click here.
  Particular thanks to Sara Alden for organising the evening, those who helped her in selling raffle tickets, everyone who generously gave donations of raffle prizes, Sara's friend who gave of her time to make the special cake, Maison Française for donating the usual cost of renting the Salon, Krys Kazmierczak for directing, Erica Sheppard for scoring and all those others who contributed in whatever way. Children's charities are the winners tonight.
  Results of the club duplicate will be found by clicking on the Results button in the menu on the left. National results can be found by clicking here.