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Fun, friendly and supportive learning experiences in our games.
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Hello! My name is Cyndy Winkler
I started playing competitive bridge in my mid-20’s and have 50 years of bridge under my belt. I continue to learn every time I teach or play. I‘ve achieved Bronze Life Master status and am a certified ACBL teacher and director. I remember the first time I tried playing duplicate bridge at a club, my partner and I felt we knew what we were doing, so why not try it out? The sharks in the room must have seen through us easily and we finished the session deflated and discouraged. However, my partner and I refused to give up and we continued playing.
When I moved to Canada from the USA in 1994, I wanted to meet new people so I started teaching beginning bridge in Thornbury in the Blue Mountains. My students still play bridge and keep in touch regularly.
We call ourselves Stepping Stones Bridge Club. A stepping stone is defined as • an action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal • . We want all players to feel comfortable and not intimidated. The club is aimed at players who may make mistakes but want to learn by playing and get better. You can’t play bridge or golf once a year and expect to improve. Play, play, play. Gentle Bridge has a (0-20 limit), and Limited Bridge will cover players who have 0-399 master points. The Limited game uses pre-dealt boards with hand records available after the game to review. We play more boards and we won’t be able to help you bid, but we will be happy to go over the hands post-mortem to perhaps show how optimum contracts could be reached. We will be practicing common etiquette and procedures like leading face down, keeping track of your team’s scores, using a convention card, putting your names and ACBL number into the BridgeMates, and calling the director if any irregularities happen.
Our first goal is to offer bridge in a fun, friendly, supportive and welcoming environment. We want you to have fun, learn and enjoy.
Josee Hammill is still actively involved with our club, and Gary Reinblatt, my partner, who is also an ACBL teacher and Bronze Life Master, will be helping me, along with some of the amazing volunteers who are so happy to work with you at our Monday games.
Check the schedule for all the games.
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Hello! My name is Cyndy Winkler
I started playing competitive bridge in my mid-20’s and have 50 years of bridge under my belt. I continue to learn every time I teach or play. I‘ve achieved Bronze Life Master status and am a certified ACBL teacher and director. ..........
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Practice Makes Perfect |
No matter how long you have been playing bridge the most important thing is to keep playing, and keep learning. Bridge is made up of bidding, play and defence. To get more practice on playing we suggest that you go to and join. It is free. Give yourself a username and password, and you don't have to pay a thing (although there are lots of tournaments online you can play on but those cost a nominal amount).
Click Here to See How To Practice Your Play on BBO |
Looking for A Partner? Check our Roster. |