Eastbourne - Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
Duty Officer Rota [Directors/Hosts]
25th Sep 2024 10:15 BST
Home Page
25th Sep 2024 09:58 BST
Dates for your Diary
17th Sep 2024 17:27 BST
16th Sep 2024 10:14 BST
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Here's the link for Youth Bridge Camp



Worthing weekend. You need to be booking direct with the hotel if you wish to join in. See dates for your diary 👀

Masterpoint Promotions have been UPDATED FOR August . 

At present we are not providing any bridge lessons

for either beginners or Intermediates.

A reminder that if you wish to view your personal

analysis (all your personal results at shbc) ,

change your address etc, you need to use

the "members only" option. (see main menu) 

If you require an ebu diary, you have to opt in. See "MyEBU" on the ebu Web site. 





Tips, Hints, Conventions etc
Articles of Relevance [updated 3/12/2021]