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Autumn Programme 2024
Autumn Programme 2024

Our very own SmaxiBridge duplicate bridge club
Every Monday Evening 7pm. 18bds 

Platform provider Real Bridge. Open to both subscribers and non subscribers. 
Full commentary of all the deals in your inbox immediately after the session.

Our club is unique in that it provides further development to a player's competency
A full commentary on every hand can be seen after every round.  
EBU affiliated - Master Points awarded

Discounts for SmaxiGroup subscribers.

Online host (our Judy)  Director Smaxi.


Autumn School
A series of seminars on Wednesday evenings
Declaring and Defending.
We have spent all summer getting into the right contract.
Now we need to play it properly.

Routine defensive moves: Getting to know partner.

Every weekday morning.  An early morning conundrum followed by a midday video
Subscribers only
Platform WhatsApp

Year Two
Big Green Book
Tuesday Mornings 10am At Home.
Starting 1st October.
Tranches of five consecutive classes

Bespoke classes for groups of friends on application. Times and dates subject to availability
The group maybe absolute beginners or social groups wanting to consolidate the basics
or regular club players wanting to learn how to win more often!
Improvers may choose to have the sessions online or f2f.(f2f shropshire)

All enquiries

07710 867982

Year 2
Year 2

Every Tuesday morning starting from October 1st
Tranche of five consecutive classes.
F2f at Home.

Another Lovely Person!

Yes, It's Judy. She is too modest to say that she is a Grand Master
That achievement was reached decades ago.
Arguably her greatest achievement is her contribution to the administration
of Staffs and Shrops County Bridge Association. She is still working 
as the county's secretary.
Smaxi players know her as a wonderful host and mentor on Monday evenings.
We love Judy and are privileged to have her on board.

People We Love
People We Love

Many of our members who live in Berks and Bucks know our Bev.
She raised them as babies. They are now earning Master Points!



We Love Our kate
We Love Our kate

All the Smaxi beginners know Kate because she helps out both online and f2f.
She is just so popular! 

Another Person we Love😍
Another Person we Love😍

When she is not winning top national awards at Shrewsbury's Market Hall,
she rounds up everyone to improve their game. And hers! 

Condover BC 30th Birthday
Condover BC 30th Birthday

Club chairman and founder member Anne Muir cuts the birthday cake she made herself!  

Condover bridge club celebrated it's 30th birthday on Friday 14th June.
Twenty six people turned out for the champagne fab-cake reception.
The business of the AGM was done and dusted within ten minutes
and was followed by 24bds for a 10pm finish.

Smaxi started the club from new beginners. One of the first members was her mum, Betty!
Anne was re-elected as chair unopposed !

More than just a game
More than just a game

Janet is a much loved member of SmaxiBridge.
We enjoyed lunch at the Armoury to celebrate her special birthday.
We like this present best!

Fancy Missing Classes.....
Fancy Missing Classes.....

....just to go to New Zealand!
Peter and Janette - down under in February


Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy

A great night out to those who could make it.
Preceded by carols in the square in Shrewsbury!


More comfort and joy!
More comfort and joy!
New Beginners 2023
New Beginners 2023

Some of our new beginners enjoying a lunch to celebrate the last class of the first term.

Aren't they lovely!

Belated Christmas Party
Belated Christmas Party

March 2022

It took 15 months to get this Christmas party done.

Well worth the wait at the Spanish resturant!

Boathouse Get Together!
Boathouse Get Together!
Meeting for Christmas lunch
Meeting for Christmas lunch
2021 September Beginners Morning Class
2021 September Beginners Morning Class

This little crowd enjoyed their first class and are looking forward to their next class!


Bridge is more than just a game.....Its a new life  

Autumn Programme 2024
Autumn Programme 2024

Improve Your Game This Autumn  

Defence and Declarer Play

Declarer: Plan routine strategies for getting the best out of the hand

Defence; Is that your partner over there?

Wednesday evenings starting October 9th


about SmaxiBridge
about SmaxiBridge

♠   ♣ ♠   ♣ ♠  

SmaxiBridge specialises in beginners and improvers.
She goes on to provide a protected place to play where graduating students can practice their new found skills in a happy place.
Other teachers often send their students along to SmaxiBridge in order to get some playing experience.

Graduating students have an option of becoming Subscribers.
They receive a couple of bridge conundrums every weekday morning before 9am
Each conundrum will have been a hand deal played recently.
A video with the answers will be posted on SmaxiBridge WhatsApp at around midday.

The Monday evening duplicate is EBU affiliated, Master Points awarded and is open to all players so long as they are nice laugh .
It is restricted to improvers.(U9 NGS) No fancy stuff!  A regular 12bd morning session is planned starting on June18th 2024

Monthly subscription is not necessary to play on a Monday and players can simply pay the session fee.  Connection link on request. 
In order to progress development a full commentary on all the deals are despatched immediately after the session.

A variety of coaching courses are available either online or f2f.
These maybe bespoke groups of friends wishing to consolidate the basics
or regular club players wanting to shake down specific advanced topics or simply learning more about strategy and tactics
in order to win more often!
Apply by email or ring to discuss requirements.  6pm is always best!


A bit about Sue Maxwell
A bit about Sue Maxwell

Sue is a professional bridge teacher. She worked at the English Bridge Union (governing body of the game) on and off for twenty five years.
She was responsible for devising Standard English Acol for use on all the national bridge courses.
In 2013 she returned to EBU and refreshed and updated the coursework books

She helped develop the online bridge platform for the EBU in 1997 which merged with Bridge Club Live.
This provided a place for all players to enjoy playing at home, online with their friends
From being a niche place to play, online bridge is now mainstream.
Real Bridge has emerged as teacher's fave!
Sue worked as a bridge host for P&O Cruises for ten years.
Over the years she has started new clubs to enable her bridge students to enjoy their game in a friendly environment.
Her latest club takes place on line (Real Bridge) on a Monday evening and Tuesday morning.
Both sessions are affiliated to the EBU.

Regarded as one of England's top elite teachers she nevertheless prefers a very relaxed and fun class. 
With a glass of wine in the evenings (helps with the memory! )  
The morning classes enjoy freshly brewed coffee with pastries.
Face to face classes are held in Shrewsbury.

The SmaxiBridge online clubs, classes and seminars provide a safe and happy environment 

She practices what she preaches, playing in national events and county pairs

The classes involve much chat about grand children. She's got five!  
Each class is integrated into the SmaxiBridge community which provides further tuition and a happy place to practise their newfound skills.

For more information about courses email Sue on
or phone 07710 867982



getting started - from the very beginning
getting started - from the very beginning

SmaxiBridge complies to the national learning programme devised by the national governing body of the game, English Bridge Union
This gives assurance of best practice held to a national standard.

The first step is learning the intro to the game - MiniBridge. You buy a batch of five lessons, each 2hrs duration.

Its all very social and good fun. The morning class gets coffee/orange juice and croissants. 
You get notes and a printed flipper. You don't need a partner but of course you can bring someone along. 


At-Home learning in Shropshire considered. Apply.
Groups of friends wishing to learn together may apply for a time slot.  5+ friends. Apply.

Total 5-lessons cost £75 including all publications
A deposit of £15 is required on booking the course. Fully refundable after the first lesson if you do not wish to go on.

If you love the 5-lesson minibridge intro to the game each person has the option of continuing a full course.
This would entail five further beginners lessons running on from the MiniBridge
Lesson five teaches the transition from MiniBridge to grown up bridge.

Classes usually start in October of every year  But if you can get a group of friends together you can start at any time!

If you have done a bit before and would like to get back into the game you may be able to join an existing group.

To apply or enquire, email:
or phone Sue on 07710 867982



23rd September 2024
Real Bridge 7pm
Director: Smaxi
Scorer: Real Bridge
Host: Judy
Dealer: Bridge Composer
 RealBridge Login
Director: Smaxi
Scorer: Real Bridge
Dealer: Bridge Composer
Chrysanthemum Day
Director: Smaxi
Scorer: Real Bridge
Dealer: Bridge Composer
Mellow Fruitfulness
Director: Smaxi
Scorer: Real Bridge
Dealer: Bridge Composer
SmaxiBridge is Affiliated to the English Bridge Union
SmaxiBridge is Affiliated to the English Bridge Union

The English Bridge Union (EBU) is the governing body of the game.

SmaxiBridge is affiliated.
This means that every time you play on a Monday part of your session money goes towards investment into the game nationally.
This includes, Junior bridge, training of teachers and club organisers etc. This helps safeguard the future of our game.
Master Points are awarded.  These will be uploaded to your EBU account.
All members who play in these sessions automatically become members of the EBU for free.

Role of honour. Smaxi heroes.

Local Master - 100 points +

Karen Kelly
Alan Langston

Loret Cook
Wendy Evans
John Madden
Angie Moore
Adarsh Kharbanda

Club Master - 200 points +

Jo Fathers
David Hampson
Ros Garrett-Bowes
Kate Garbett
Mary Massey

Area Master  500+
Janet Lewis
Kate Bassett
Susan Turner
Maxine Large
Peter Hough
Bernie Hopkins

District Master - 1000+

Jane Barker
Neil Hammond

County Master - 2500+
Lin Roberts
Jen Warrington



Weekday Conundrums
Weekday Conundrums

SmaxiBridge daily conundrums were borne out of desperation when lockdown prevented us from meeting.
It was meant to be a temporary arrangement devised to keep us all in touch.
The first conundrum was despatched on 11th April 2020.
When lock down was eventually lifted people liked it so much they wanted it to remain a daily feature in their lives..

Every weekday morning at around 8.30am subscribers are WhatsApped a bridge conundrum.
Most people have a stab at the answer. Many more wait until they get an idea of what everyone else has posted!
Some don't even try!

Just after midday Smaxi sends a video (about six minutes) explaining the answer.
We use hand deals from the week's online bridge sessions including our own.
WhatsApp is used to convey the deals and videos.

Players can subscribe to the daily conundrum for £12.50 per calendar month. Paid monthly in arrears.
There is no contract, players can stop at any time. Players on current bridge courses get it for free.
Players get a months free trial before deciding to subscribe on a monthly basis.
Subscribers get a discount on all SmaxiBridge playing sessions on Real Bridge.

If you would like to join the gang for a month's free trial email

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Believe it or not it is four years since we started SmaxiBridge.
We started in response to the first lock down in order to keep everyone in touch.

During that time we have been joined by my mate Bev's students from Berks and Bucks.
A very welcome addition!
The merging of the two groups have enabled us to have our own online improvers club on a Monday evening.
It provides a restricted, happy environment where students can practise their new found skills.
We affiliated our club to the English Bridge Union (EBU).
Membership of EBU is free for the players (as in free lunch - part of your table money goes towards the EBU)
We upload your weekly results to the EBU who then issue master points to the top third of the field.

A new group is emerging from our beginner's courses.
To accommodate them I am starting an additional session on Tuesday mornings at 10am starting May 14th.
The session will consist of just twelve boards and will also be affiliated to EBU. A full commentary will be sent immediately after the session

Meanwhile our conundrums/videos go out each weekday morning. It is what keeps us all together as a very special community.

April 1st is traditionally the start of the new bridge year and I hope that you are enjoying the community as much as I am.
Our strapline says 'More than just a game'
The one thing we all have in common is that despite what is going on in our lives we not only love our game but we love each other's company too.
Sue Maxwell April 2024


EBU Diary

All of our playing members are also members of the English Bridge Union
In September 2024 they will get a free diary.  As well as being a diary it also has lots of 
info regarding the game.
Our members have to 'opt in' to get the diary.
This is done by logging on to the EBU website and clicking on 'My EBU'
If you have forgotten your EBU membership number, message me.