Risbygate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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It is with regret that I have to announce the passing of Les Mann who died peacefully in the WSH in the early hours of this morning the 6th of July. Les had poor health since Christmas and for this reason only made one appearance at our club.

After losing his wife bridge became his real passion in life and he soon found a new 'family' who loved and supported him.

Renown for his 'rogue' bids but with a natural ability for card-play he will be sadly missed.




smileyNew results page  ... hand records now available.smiley

Monday afternoon sessions start at 2pm promptly so please be seated by 1.45

Welcome to Risbygate Bridge Club
Important Information
Important Information



Dates for your diary are:

Thursday the 19th of September

Cafe Bridge comes to Bury St Edmunds - a fund raiser for St Nicholas Hospice



Monday the 18th of November 

Fund - Raiser for the Sports Club at Risbygate

♠   ♣ 



Our Venue
Our Venue
Results for the 22nd of July


This weeks winners were:


North South 


 ♠ 1st Melanie Lesser & Diane Thurlow          

 ♥ 2nd Sue Lewry & Tisha Mortlocke

 ♦ 3rd Martin Prince & Alan Hewson


East West


 ♠  1st   Paul & Anne Sikos

  2nd   Judith & Adrian Childs

  3rd    Angela Revell & Sue Daglish


Well done to all of you.

A technical failure on boards 5 and 6 may have skewed these results.




♠  All afternoon sessions will start at 2pm prompt.  Please be seated by 1.45pm.

 ♣ We aim to be finished by 5pm.

29th July 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Tim
Scorer: John
5th August 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: TIm
Scorer: Chris
12th August 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Tim
Scorer: Chris
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Tim
Scorer: John
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Tim
Scorer: Chris
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Chris
Scorer: John