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AGM and Committee Minutes
10 June 2024


10th JUNE 2024

Those present:  Chris Wright, Christine Wright, Steve Russell, Steve Knight,  
                             John Blackett, Sally Walker & John Martin.

  1. Welcome & apologies:
    Apologies received from Christine Edwards & Andrew Murday

  2. Previous minutes & Matters arising:
    a)  YCBA grant – JB has thanked YCBA and stated that there was
              currently nothing further available.  To identify such future
              opportunities we must attend YCBA meetings.  AM is due attend
              the next one on our behalf.
              ACTION:  JB to update AM nearer the time.
    b)  Harrogate & District League
              ACTION:  AM as previously
    c)  Introduction of new players to Friday afternoons – SK stated that the
              current season of lessons will conclude on 14th June and the new
              season will commence on 13th September.  We shall continue the
              introduction to Pairs bridge at The Claro Lounge through the
              summer and run two “Pro – Am” Friday afternoon sessions on 26th
              July and 30th August in the hope that this will encourage regular
              attendance by many at future Club sessions.
              SK has the supporting advertising via posters, Facebook and free
              publications in hand for the end of July and will liaise with JB re
              further publicity beyond Ripon.
              ACTION:  JB to seek further grants to support this initiative.
    d)  Club Vision – The Committee reviewed past discussion and decided to
              proceed by individually providing JM with ideas which he will then
              draft for consideration by the Committee prior to further
              discussion with the wider membership.
              ACTION:  Committee and JM as above.
    e)  Committee roles – SW accepted the role of updating and developing
              the website.  The first step will be to liaise with Graham and begin
              to understand the work involved.
              ACTION:  SW as above
              JM advise    d that he had established contact with the EBU –
              Jonathan Lillycrop.  He is based in Durham and would welcome an
              invitation to come own and meet us to learn more about our plans.
              ACTION:  JM to establish Jonathan’s availability and progress.
    f)  Pianola -  Having visited both Wetherby and York Bridge Clubs, the
              Committee agreed to give further consideration to this system by
              talking to James Ward, the programme’s founder.
              ACTION:  JM to contact James Ward and endeavour to fix
                  Zoom meeting with CW+ SK JB & JM for w/c 8th July.
            The potential to populate new databases in Pianola means that we
              shall defer decisions on the need new ‘soft’ databases from our
              existing membership data.
    g)  Improved comms -  SK is already reinvigorating our Facebook page and
              will liaise with SW to ensure consistent messages across Facebook,
              our website and related message boards, particularly with regards
              to initiatives focused on attracting new members.
              ACTION:  SW to draft a newsletter format.

  3. AOB:
    a)  Club bridge tables -
              ACTION:  SR & CW to dispose [possibly sell for £5 each] of
                  the ‘wobbly’ ones and buy new so that we have 10 good

    b)  Community House Safety initiative -
              i)  Re our insurance – CW+ to forward our documentation
    ii) Re fire risk whilst we are running our teaching and Club sessions
                       Directors to ensure that someone is responsible for
                       correctly counting the number of participants, recording
                       that number  and locks both doors during and after the
                       session when Community House staff are not present.
              iii) Re Risk Assessment – JM to seek EBU advice re nature of
                  risks and method of recording compliance etc

              iv) Re Need for evacuation / fire drills etc -   JM to seek Caroline
                  Kings availability to both test our members’ ability to use
                  the fire exit and provide evacuation chair usage training
                  if required
            v)  Directors Courses in York – JB to obtain more info ref
                  whether all 3 dates are the same course or refer to
                  different levels of experience / capability.

              vi) RCBC details on the EBU website require updating – JM to
                  ascertain how and complete.
            vii) YCBA apparently maintain stats on our club but we have no
                        knowledge of them!  JB to investigate and recommend way
            viii) Quarterly SIM Pairs – CW to organise
            ix)  Possible new Club sessions – SW advised that a number of
                       initiatives at other clubs were proving to be very popular and
                       wondered whether they might benefit us.  For example,
                       social bacon butties Saturday morning sessions or Sunday
                       afternoon cream tea sessions.  Also the possible
                       establishment of regular on-line sessions over the weekend
                       could be explored, although how these would be managed
                       might prove a costly challenge
                       ACTION:  SW to investigate and report back.
    We agreed that any sessions involving food and drink should
                       be played with cards that are not required to use the
                       automated board machine. – CW to buy packs of cards as
            x)   Minutes of Committee meetings will continue to be posted on
                       our website in the interests of openness and transparency.
                       ACTION:  SW as above.
              xi)  Club locker keys – SR to retrieve Gillian’s key.
              xii) EBU Charity week is w/c 9th September – SK to investigate
                  running an RCBC event in aid of Cancer Research

    xiii) This year’s “Nihar Cup” competition will be run on 10th July


Date of next meeting:  10.00h 22nd July to be held at Chris’s.



Those present:  Chris Wright, Christine Wright, Steve Russell, Steve Knight, Andrew Murday, John Blackett, John Martin.

  1. Welcome & apologies
    Chris Wright welcomed the new Committee and accepted apologies from Christine Edwards and Sally Walker.
    The new Committee is currently formed as:-
      President –           Chris Wright (CW+)
      Treasurer –          Steve Russell
      Secretary –          John Martin
      Social Secretary – Steve Knight
      Teams Captain –    Andrew Murday
      General Member – John Blackett
                               - Christine Wright
                               - Christine Edwards
                               - Sally Walker
  2. Previous minutes & matters arising
    a)  YCBA grant £625 for teaching has been received and allocated to the
              accounts pro rata for last year and this year.
             ACTION: JB to thank YCBA and confirm future availability of
                          similar grants to us

    b)  AM confirmed that we would enter only one team in the Yorkshire
             League next season due to lack of confirmed enthusiasm of
             additional players. 
             Further, that the spirit of the League was to play games face to
             face so travel was an integral part of the competition.
             ACTION: AM to email club members and invite them to form
                          teams to play online in the Harrogate & District
                          League in the autumn

    c) The Club’s Tuesday morning session at the Claro Lounge will be added
             to the website both in the Events calendar and by a promotional
             ACTION: SK to write promotional paragraph and forward to
                          JB to add event to the calendar and keep updated

      d)  SK will introduce supervised and scored play to those attending
             Friday morning lessons on a regular basis from 3rd May.  We shall
             maintain the capability to teach those beginners not yet able to
             ACTION: SK & JB to combine to create notification on the
                           website and obtain required experienced support.

      e)  CW confirmed that the EBU have advised that so long as specific
             individual consent is obtained from club members, we can hold and
             publish a membership directory.  Action was deferred until we had
             progressed our thoughts on alternatives eg, Pianola.
      f)  The potential value of creating a Club Vision and Plan was discussed.
             ACTION: CW+ & JM to create a first draft for circulation to
                          the Committee.
  3. Committee role definition:
       a)  President – Leads the Club and chooses what is delegated!
       b)  Treasurer – In addition to managing all financial matters will also act
             as Membership Secretary.
       c)  Secretary – in addition to the expected tasks will become the point
             of contact for the EBU
       d)  SK will continue as lead tutor and all things social
       e)  JB will continue to manage the directing and hosting calendars.
       f)  JB will continue as the focal point of contact with YCBA
       g)  AM will continue to manage Team matters.
       h)  CW will continue to manage our bridge boards
             ACTION: CW+ to write piece for Graham to update the
                        JM to identify EBU structure and contact
                        CW+ to seek CE help managing refreshments
                        JM to talk to Graham and SW re future management
                          of the website
  4. Governance & GDPR issues
       a)  We currently operate 3 different databases of club membership
             which are not fully aligned.
             ACTION: SR to investigate and propose way forward.
       b)  We agreed that initially we would meet on a bi-monthly basis but
             continually revue.  Chez Wright is the current preferred venue. 
  5. Potential value of Pianola
        There was full agreement to the proposed next steps of discussion
             with Wetherby Bridge Club as users of over 5 years and a meeting
             with the company to address specific queries.
             ACTION: SK to fix visit to Wetherby BC
                        CW+ to collate list of questions
                        JM to arrange meeting with James Ward
  6. Equipment upgrade?
       a)  We agreed that there was no immediate need to consider
             alternatives to our bridge board dealing process or our
             Bridgemates which represent the vast majority of our assets.
       b)  As our table numbers grow, we have noticed a number of ‘unreliable’
             tables.  There is a strong preference for larger tables.
             ACTION: SR to assess and fix or bin as appropriate then
                          recommend the number of tables to be purchased if
    c)  CW will continually upgrade the cards and bidding boxes as
  7. Diary & club events
    a)  JM will endeavour to keep updated on availability of Community
       b)  JB will propose a date for the next Nihar competition
       c)  CW will propose a date for SIM pairs on a Wednesday evening
       d)  CW will propose the reintroduction of the Derek Bland competition
       e)  We had little appetite for arranging and hosting any joint team
       f)  We now unanimously recognise the need to communicate better re
             such events and our holidays via our website.  Whist it has never
             been the intention to appear exclusive it is recognised that this is
             the unfortunate impression sometimes created.
             ACTION: JM to talk to both Graham and SW about how best
                          to manage the way forward
  8. AOB – none
  9. Date of next meeting:   10.00h 10th June chez Wright


Gillian welcomed members and asked for apologies.

Apologies – Angus & Rosemary Livingstone, Sallyanne Murray, Mick Heyworth, Margaret Simpson, Kathy Duffield, Phil & Elaine Webster, Robert & Jill Baraclough, Nihar Mitra, Jack Kennerley, Sue Harmer, Sue Reynard, Susan Swiers, Margaret Stringer, Ron & Marie Appleby, Judith Hollingworth, Louise Murday.

Gillian thanked committee members for their service to the club, in particular members stepping down from their positions. A motion to accept the minutes of 2023 AGM proposed by Christine Wright 2nd by Graham Boardman was passed.

Christopher referred to the accounts to 31st March 2024 which showed a surplus of £855 giving accumulated funds of £8,389. This was due to the increases in subscriptions and table money, together with the contribution from lessons and a grant from the YCBA.  The forecasted surplus for the current year, leaving subs and table monies unchanged is £235. A motion to accept treasurer’s report was proposed by Stephen Russell 2nd by John Blackett, was carried.

Andrew mentioned the advance of the team in the Yorkshire League and thanked all members who participated.  Possibility of running two teams in the future.

Steve would like to have the Tuesday bridge at Claro Lounge formally recognised by the club.

Andrew suggested possibly using a Friday session as a ‘stepping stone’ for learners into the club playing with members.

Election of Committee Members – President – Christopher Wright, Treasurer – Stephen Russell, Secretary – John Martin, Social Secretary – Steve Knight, Team Captain – Andrew Murday, General Members – Christine Wright, Christine Edwards, Sally Walker, John Blackett. Motion to accept by Gillian Molloy 2nd Graham Boardman.

A.O.B. -  Deb de la Haye suggested telephone contacts on the website for members to contact when needing a partner.  Andrew said the club would need individual approval to publish members telephone numbers. Christine Wright said she was happy for members to email their requests to her which she would forward to the membership.

Next committee meeting 25th April 10am at the Wrights.

Committee Meeting 21/3/24


Present:      Gillian Molloy, Chris & Christine Wright, Kay Thorpe, Stephen Russel, Steve Knight, John Martin.


Apologies:   John Blackett, Andrew Murday.


The A.G.M. was established for April 17th 2024 at 6pm.  Stephen will email this information to members including requests for volunteers for President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Also advising members to submit items for the agenda to Kay.


Gillian mentioned a charity event suggested by the E.B.U. for the Festival of Bridge to be held September 9th - 15th 2024.  It was agreed the new President to choose the charity.


Chris did not see any need to increase subscriptions or table money. He anticipates a rent bill from John Blackett for Burton Leonard village hall for the team use.  Excess money from the teams will be reallocated.  It was agreed to maintain one team under Andrew Murday.  Chris also expects the training grant to be claimed by John Blackett.  Any expenses from the committee need to be claimed.


Chris again bought up procedures.  Some members are not using Stop/Alert cards during play and all pairs should use one score card with both teams agreeing the score.  The unused wine from the Christmas party to be kept for future use.


The website needs to be updated particularly with the hosts for Friday play and notice of Tuesday morning play at Claro Lounge.  Sim pairs will be reviewed on notice from E.B.U.


Steve mentioned using scoring tablets for play and it will be an item on the A.G.M. agenda.  Steve also mentioned a possible social event to introduce people to Duplicate bridge.  He also mentioned introducing the Friday morning learning group to using bridge mates and Chris suggested experienced players helping play.


Meeting closed.


Present:      Gillian Molloy, Christopher & Christine Wright, Steve Knight, Andrew Murday, Stephen Russell, John Blackett, Kay Thorpe.

Appology:    John Martin.

  1. Sim Pairs.  John B. will arrange for a sign up sheet on the board for members who wish to participate.  John B. also proposed the club send a donation to Children in Need sim pairs event.
  2. Trophies.  Nihar won the Mitra trophy 6th. September 2023.  All other trophies to be disposed of.  Any member wishing to retain a trophy to contact Christine Wright.
  3. Christmas Party.  3rd. January 2024 was established and Gillian will confirm date with Community House and contact the caterer.  Prizes will be offered for winners and spot prizes. John B. will check on aggregate scoring.
  4. Items for a donation at Community House. John B. will provide an email to members reminding them items are for a donation.
  5. Director Training. It was decided that Steve would arrange training in house.  Steve also mentioned he is short of help with the lessons.  Steve suggested there be a sign for bridge situated at the entrance and on the pavement.
  6. Teams.  Andrew advised a team is booked for the first match against York.  Two drivers will be allocated £10 from the accounts.
  7. Y.C.B.A. Grant.  Steve will look into this pertaining to room rent and advertising.
  8. Partners.  John B. will arrange an email with a list of members looking for a regular partner.
  9. Guests.  For ease of bookkeeping guests will not be charged extra money.
  10. Start Time.  John B. will mention time in an email to members also mention keeping score cards and use of the Stop card.
  11. Cupboards.  John B. will arrange to have five keys cut for Directors to open and lock the cupboards.  It was agreed to reimburse Steve £10 for the charge by Community House of lost keys.
  12. Finance.  Chris mentioned the club is running at a loss and the possibility of increasing subs/table money at the next A.G.M. unless membership increases.
  13. The next committee meeting is set for 23rd. November 2023 at 2pm at the Wrights residence.

RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – Committee Meeting 25.5.23

Present – Gillian, Chris & Christine, Kay, John Blackett, John Martin

Apologies – Andrew, Steve Knight, Stephen Russell

John Martin has joined the committee.

Graham Boardman has agreed to prepare the card boards with a team of volunteers to carry them back and forth.  The committee will check on availability of storing the boards at the club.

John B has again mentioned the need for volunteers to host at either session.  John will also revise the club trophies with John M suggesting a fun event for one of the trophies.

John B advised YCBA are offering a £500 grant then 50% up to £5,000 for teaching.  This may cover training Sally Walker as a director as well as the new sessions of lessons starting September 2023.

The committee established visitors may attend five sessions prior to joining.  EBU numbers provided when visitors join the club.

John B will provide the club constitution to Graham to add to the website.

It was agreed for directors to mention, prior to play, at least one score card per couple to be maintained, use of stop cards during bidding and leaving bid cards out until first card played.

Chris advised two teams of 8 playing online bridge, Yorkshire Online at £32.  Chris will look into lapsed memberships regarding charging for annual subs.  Members have until end of July.

Kay will contact the Ripon Gazette and the Darlington & Stockton Times to publish scores.

Resignation/Election of officers was omitted at the AGM, to be revisited at next years AGM.

Steve Knight to provide Graham with information pertaining to bridge holidays to include in the website.  Stephen Russell to provide Graham with information pertaining to bridge played at Claro Lounge Tuesday mornings to be included in the website.

Management of Community House to provide notice of holiday closures.

It was suggested Steve Knight arrange a session for learners to play with the members for  experience.

Next committee meeting to be held 24th. August, 2pm at Gillian’s.

Meeting adjourned.


May 1st. 2023

Apologies – Jenny & Brian Graham,Sue Needham, Margaret Simpson, John Blackett, Mike Fieldhouse, Shirley Wagner.

President – Gillian thanked the committee with special mention to The Wrights for the accounts and boards as well as the scoring; Steve Knight for the on going lessons; Andrew for directing and running the team in the YCBA league during the winter; Sally for scoring.  Gillian requested volunteers to take over ‘making’ the boards and it was decided to leave the computer at the club with the lockable cupboard.  Gillian mentioned the poor attendance Wednesday evenings and Christine offered to host, also members to please clear away at end of play.  Gillian mentioned the death of member Diane Burton.  Graham Boardman accepted  A.G.M. 2022 minutes and Rosemary Livingston seconded.

Treasurer – Chris pointed out that the club had a loss of £737.62 for the year.  Team members had been overcharged and were due £5/match played.  Mike Hayworth questioned the amount of money on hand.  Ron Appleby accepted treasurers report, seconded by Steve Russell.  John Martin questioned how much the Club needed to raise in subs/table money to wash.  Brian De la Haye suggested lower fees may be helpful.  Graham Boardman was concerned higher fees would drive people away.  It was agreed subs would be £15 with lower charge for people joining mid year, table money to be £3; accepted by Steve Knight seconded by Deb De la Haye.

Social Secretary – Steve mentioned the lessons charged at £3/lesson and thanked Sally Walker, Christine Wright, John Martin, Steve Russell for their assistance and requested volunteers.  Steve mentioned Social Bridge which is held at the Claro Lounge each Tuesday 10am- 12pm and would like this added to the club calendar.  There are plans to occasionally run duplicate bridge via the Brian Bridge app.  Steve feels ideas need to be generated to advertise the club such as the Claro Lounge.  Steve considers bridge holidays taken by members could be advertised or promoted.

Teams – Andrew mentioned the one team of eight playing in the YCBA league came third and wants to encourage other members to join the league playing seven matches during the season on Sundays at 2pm.

A.O.B. – John Blackett would like volunteers to host on Fridays, please contact him.

             John Martin offered to create a five year plan for the club.

            Sally Walker will attend a Director of Play course during the summer.

Meeting adjourned.

RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – Committee Meeting 23.3.23

Present – Gillian, Chris & Christine, Kay, John, Steve Russell

Apologies – Andrew, Steve Knight

Gillian asked for feed back on the club party in January.  It was reported that it was well attended and enjoyed by all.  The organisers did explain that they were exhausted running the event.

It was agreed that post AGM John would organise the trophies with some change of use.

The committee were very supportive of Steve Knights teaching and happy to authorise expenses for advertising.  It was agreed to ask for volunteers to help Steve run lessons on a rota basis.   Meeting Tuesday mornings at Claro lounge was open to all members and will be advertised on the website.  Local EBU Congress events also to be added to the club website.  It was put forward that Steve Knight be designated as the clubs Social Secretary.  A search instigated to find a banner previously used at the Ripon Library advertising the club.

Andrew had given notice that the Yorkshire League Team were third from bottom but with one more match they expected to end higher and continue next year.  There is a possibility of running teams of 4 online.  Ron Appleby runs a team of 8 in the Harrogate League.

John has hosts through to end of May.  The club is to ask for volunteers to learn the scoring and Steve R has offered. Steve R will take over managing the boards and will act as partner finder.

Gillian is to check with Caroline regarding using the dishwasher.  Paper cups to be stored at the club premises.

Club closed on Good Friday 7th April also Wednesday 19th April due to majority of regular players away.  Chris & Christine expressed their disappointment at hearing of the closure as this was not put forward to the committee.  It was agreed that more frequent committee meetings be held.

Chris stated the club has lost approximately £1000 this year due to increased rent, subs down and equipment expenses.  Steve R proposed increase subs to £15 and table money to £3 to be put forward at the AGM.  Gillian will send an email notifying members that Chris will take subs out of members accounts after the AGM unless they notify him otherwise.

Steve R wondered if it was possible to change member’s club numbers but John informed him it would be difficult and the member would have to cancel membership then re apply.

The next committee meeting to be held 25th. May 2pm at Gillian’s residence.

Meeting adjourned.



Present:      Gillian Molloy, Chris & Christine Wright, Kay Thorpe, John Blackett, Steve Knight.

Apologies:  Andrew Murday, Steve Russell.

The last day of play 2022 will be 16th. December.   Gillian will provide mince pies for both the training session and members play.

Mugs and teaspoons will be encouraged to be used for tea/coffee and use paper cups for water.  Discard plastic holders for paper cups.  Mugs and teaspoons to be taken to the kitchen and rinsed after use then left in the kitchen, these will be taken to the dishwasher later.

Christmas party 4th. January 2023 at 6:15pm for 6:30pm start.  John will contact the caterer, Louise Bumby with final numbers.  Swiss pairs will be the format of play.  Steve will check with trainees from the lessons and has offered to be a stand-in if anyone confirmed is unable to attend.  John will organise the wine and vouchers for prizes.  Graham Boardman has the glasses.

John attended a meeting at the Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association and some members will follow online training for their scoring system.  YCBA will also offer online training for Directors of play in the Spring.

Ripon’s Team in the YCBA proudly announced their win at their previous match.

Christine will manage emails sent to the club’s email address.

John will continue to manage the rota for hosts on Fridays.

John Martin will send an email to members regarding play at The Lounge on 21/12/22.


RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – Committee Meeting 03/11/22

Present :  Gillian Molloy, Chris & Christine Wright, John Blackett, Kay Thorpe

Apologies : Andrew Murday, Steve Knight

VENUE :  The club has been moved by Community House to the ground floor in the room we previously used.  We are offered the use of the kitchen to include the dishwasher enabling tea/coffee making and use of club mugs. The committee are trying to find alternate premises which proves difficult as we need to confirm  Fridays and Wednesday evenings plus adequate storage with amble parking.  Kay will contact the Ripon Rugby Club and Gillian will contact the Cathedral hall.

The BBO are starting their online team league which Andrew will lead.  Christine will send the information to the members.  Andrew also leads the team for the Yorkshire League. £10 will be charged to members account per match and £10/match will be donated to drivers accounts with three passengers.

Christine will point out to members the importance of arriving 15mins prior to start of play as late comers interrupt the plan for the computer which causes technical problems and delays start of play.  Christine will also point out to players the importance of each pair keeping a legible score card as a backup for computer problems.  Also important the need to correctly orientate the board in the centre of play and not being rough with the boards not in play.

The cost for Children in Need sim pairs will be £5.50 charged to members accounts.

Guests need to join the club after two visits.

Chris advised a loss of £745 for the past six months of which £556 was for equipment.  YCBA are reinstating fees which were stopped during Covid.

Wednesday evening sessions are losing approximately £40/session.

Records will be held for three years.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: January 4th £15/person.  John will put up a notice for members to sign up to attend by 30/11/22 and any dietary requirements to be added, members accounts will be charged. John will be grateful for volunteers to help set up and he will organise the drinks.

John will continue to organise scorers, directors and hosts.

Christine will source new storage boxes for equipment.

Steve Russell has been invited to join the committee.

Next meeting December 8th. 2022 10am at the Wrights Hospitality Suite.

Meeting adjourned.


RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – Committee Meeting 8th. August 2022

Present: Gillian Molloy, Graham Boardman, Kay Thorpe, Chris & Christine Wright, Andrew Murday, John Blackett

Apologies: Steve Knight

Regarding the upcoming lessons it was agreed that the name of the club should be included with the information on the posters along with a charge of £2.50/person/lesson. An initial four weeks was booked with Community House.

As Community House management is concerned with using electrical kettles new kettles have been purchased for use as they do not require testing for the first year after purchase,

As members have complained at the lack of fresh milk for tea/coffee it is agreed to advise members to bring their own milk if they so wish.  It is also agreed members should be encouraged to set up refreshments amongst themselves not leave it to committee members.  It was agreed that members would be invited to do so prior to play on Wednesday and Friday.

Christopher advised that Wednesday evenings show an overall loss of £268 for room hire but Friday’s show a profit of £47 for the past four months.  There was a net loss of £344 after expenses prior to the cost of replacement computer.  The club has approximately £8,000 on deposit in a bank account and approximately £1,500 in a current account.

Christine confirmed that new members are included in the gmail list.

Andrew advised there are twelve members to cover one team of eight in the YCBA league.  Home matches will be played at Burton Leonard village hall and refreshments provided by Morrisons.  Team members pay £8 and drivers for away matches to receive £10.  Graham suggested play using Real Bridge format for long distance matches.

A Christmas Party was discussed to cover approximately thirty two members.  The Golden Lion was suggested with bridge play to follow at Community House, also South Lodge was mentioned for a meal and play.  John will look into the Golden Lion and Gillian will investigate South Lodge facilities.  It will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Next meeting 31st. October at the Wrights residence 10am.

Committee Minutes 13.6.22


Present: John Blackett, Graham Boardman, Chris & Christine Wright, Kay Thorpe, Gillian Molloy, Steve Knight.
Apology: Andrew Murday.

John Martin advised an impromptu meeting was held at the pub to discuss poor attendance Wednesday evenings.  Fiona offered her shop premises and John Blackett was looking at the feasibility of parking, financial and other issues.  It was suggested that the club share premises with other Ripon based clubs to share costs.

Christine pointed out that as John had resigned as President it was imperative to appoint a new President.  After discussion Gillian volunteered to stand, Chris proposed and Steve seconded.  It will be put to the members at the next AGM.

Steve introduced his Tuesday morning group which meets at the Lemon Tree restaurant for play/learning.  Steve also felt the club would benefit by holding complimentary lessons possibly Friday mornings prior to play.

Gillian proposed reinstating tea, coffee and biscuits using disposable cups.  It was suggested a formal, written request be sent to Community House management. 

John will continue to circle emails to the members with Gillian taking over when he is absent with the clubs old computer once the new computer is purchased.  John will also maintain the ‘Host’ schedule,
Graham will direct, score and maintain the clubs website.
Christine will maintain the boards.

Next committee meeting August 22nd. 10:00am.

29-04-22 A.G.M. Minutes

     A.G.M. APRIL 29nd. 2022

Apologies: Margaret Simpson, Kathy Duffield, Kathy Gill, Jenny Gleason, John Martin, Steve Knight, Mike Heyworth, Mike Fieldhouse, Brian De La Haye, Andrew & Louise Murday, Brian & Jenny Graham, Susan Swiers, Norma Swiers, Tony Swiers, Sallyanne Murray.

President: John Blackett apologised that the required two weeks notice was not given to announce the AGM.  Graham Boardman accepted and Christine Wright seconded the motion to suspend the two week notice for this year.
John then mentioned the death of a founding member Alan Johnson also Vice President John Digby and the husband of Norma Swiers and advised there would be a minutes silence prior to play.
John said the Friday afternoon sessions were well attend however the Wednesday evening sessions were poorly attended.  Most Yorkshire clubs experienced the same as members were less inclined to drive distances especially during the winter.  Unfortunately the learners that John hoped would continue at play did not return after lockdown.  John Martin had sent in a proposal that the club form a committee to look into improving Wednesday attendance which was accepted by Gillian Molloy and seconded by Stephen Russell.
Minutes for 2021 were accepted as true by Gillian Molloy and seconded by Graham Boardman.

Treasurer: Chris Wright said the previous year had been extraordinary giving the club a surplus of £1,800+ due to the lessons run by John Blackett and grants from both the E.B.U. and YCBA with reduced costs from BBO.  The club maintains a balance of £10,000+ in the bank and recommends the subs and table money remain the same.  The club bank, H.S.B.C. has instigated a monthly charge of £5 on all charity etc., accounts.  The bank is now charging 0.40/cheque and Chris suggested the club charge 0.50/member who choses to pay by cheque.  Graham Boardman offered to be a proxy for members to pay him by cash or suggested members make similar arrangements with their partners.
Chris advised a possible deficit this year of £500+ due to increase in rent and the club to purchase a new computer to keep up with technology.  Accepted by Dennis Watson seconded by Susan Bromley.

Teams: Ripon B team remain in their division in the YCBA league.  Ron Appleby advised the Ripon Team in the Harrogate league moved up a division.  Members interested in playing for Ripon in team bridge to contact Ron Appleby.  John felt members preferred to play teams online and Graham mentioned Real Bridge.

John Blackett resigned as President and asked members to volunteer possibly as Treasurer then Chris Wright would volunteer as President, Michael Fieldhouse was suggested as a possibility for Tresurer.  Remaining committee members to hold their positions.

Volunteers to act as Host for sessions please contact Gillian Molloy.  This position means that players without partners are able to play.

Meeting adjourned followed by one minute silence.


21-4-22 Committee Meeting

RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – Committee Meeting April 21st 2022

Present – John Blackett, Graham Boardman, Chris & Christine Wright, Kay Thorpe, Andrew Murday, Gillian Molloy.
Apology – Steve Knight

It is agreed to hold the AGM on 29/04/22 at 1230hrs and request the room from noon.

Chris informed the committee the club was in the black by approximately £1800.  This was primarily due to John’s lessons, grants from EBU and YCBA and reduced BBO charges.  Chris estimated this year the club will lose approximately £500 primarily due to increased rent.  The BBO balance of £279.59 from non members will remain on the books for another year.  Members will continue to be charged to their accounts, £10 subs May 1st and £2.50 table money.  Meanwhile the club has a healthy bank balance approximately £10,000.  John advised the club needs an updated computer which the committee approved.  The bank has instigated a £5/month charge for accounts and a 0.40/cheque. It was agreed members who choose to pay by cheque would be charged an additional 0.50/cheque.

John advised he will definitely step down as President at the AGM but will remain on the committee.  It was suggested we approach members to volunteer for this and other positions on the committee.

Wednesday evening sessions continue to decline which questions the viability of these sessions.  Steve had suggested a system whereby members email their intention to play by 4pm Tuesdays.  This was considered not to be a solution as the club would still be charged for the room if the session was cancelled.  John suggested the committee contact members to return to Wednesday evening sessions.  Alternatively moving to Wednesday afternoons..  Friday players should be aware they are welcome to play Wednesday evenings.

Cake on Fridays, suggested by Gillian was voted down but the availability of a hot drink and biscuits is to be requested to Community House.

HostIng Rota is to be established with members requested to volunteer.  This is to provide a player for single members to attend.

One person/team is required to maintain a score card and keep it in the event of computer failure after play is completed.

Christine is to send an email to members covering several of these items.

Meeting adjourned.

6-8-21 Committee Meeting

                                        RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB

                                         Committee Meeting 6/8/2021


Present : John Blackett, Graham Boardman, Christopher & Christine Wright, Kay Thorpe, Andrew Murday, Gillian Molloy, Stephen Knight.


The discussion was to determine the future position of the club regarding face to face play and/or online play.


Taking into account the results of the questionnaire circulated to the members, it was decided to start face to face play September the First and discontinue online play.  A risk assessment is to be carried out according to EBU requirements.  Covid secure measures such as hand sanitizers, adequate ventilation, bidding boxes and boards allowed to rest between use will be in place.  Wearing masks during movement is recommended and members to be double vaccinated if able.  A grant from YCBA will be utilised for these measures.  No refreshments will be provided by the club but members are welcome to bring their own.


It was agreed to start play on Wednesdays at 6 :45pm to take into account members returning home and play on Fridays to start at 1 :00pm.  John will check with Community House to see if available.


A possible loss of monies at the start is to be expected as members gradually return and non-members who played online are encouraged to join the club.  Subscriptions for half a year of £5 will be due in October and table money to remain the same at £2.50.  Monies are to continue being paid via bank transfer or cheque.


We look forward to an active, friendly club continuing face to face.


21-4 21 A.G.M. Minutes


Apologies: Margaret Simpson, Maureen Tebb, Jill & Robert Barraclough, Michael Fieldhouse.

  1. President’s Address.  John commented on the difficult year but was pleased to say that our club was one of the first in England to play online.  It was a learning curve for us all but members are improving in navigating the B.B.O. site.  A provisional date to start play at the club would be September with Wednesday and Friday face to face play and a possible online event to continue.  John thanked Ron & Marie Appleby, Andrew Murday, Christine & Christopher Wright, and Graham Boardman, for their work with teams, Andrew Murday, Chris & Christine Wright, Steve Knight for directing play, and Graham Boardman, Liz Boddy, Steve Knight for their efforts in the Team League matches.  John thanked Allan Blackett, Andrew Murday, Graham Boardman, Steve Knight, Christine Edwards, Jenny Gleeson for their help with the lessons for 30 people of which he hoped 19 would become members of the club.  John also thanked Chris Wright for managing the accounts of which a print out was shown.  John mentioned how members were observing ‘bridge etiquette’ at the tables which added to the friendly, courteous atmosphere of the club.

  1. Gillian Molloy accepted the minutes for the 2019 A.G.M.

  1. Treasurer Christopher Wright accepted John’s thanks and felt John deserved recognition for the continuation of the club, “Hear, hears” were heard.  Chris stated that the club had a net profit for the last two years and membership should remain at £10 also table money to remain the same.  Chris felt that payment to the club remain as bank transfers when face to face play starts up.  Of the 103 people playing online only 46 were members of Ripon City Bridge Club and non members should be encouraged to join.  John Digby proposed to accept the treasurers statement, seconded by Ron Appleby.

  1. Team Captain Ron Appleby mentioned how well his team did in the Yorkshire league coming top of division 8 and wining an event in division 10.  Ron thanked the players for their efforts.  Andrew Murday mentioned two teams in division 14 with team B narrowly relegated but were third in a cup competition.  Both captains welcomed more players to join the league as there is a summer league in which to participate.

  1. John told of an update to clause six of the club’s constitution to avoid the entire committee retiring at the same time.

6.3. Each of the Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, and shall retire bi-annually at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election. The President and Treasurer and Executive Officer on odd years; and the Vice-President and Secretary on even years.

To 6.3. Each of the Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, and shall retire bi-annually at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election. The President and Treasurer and Executive Officer on even years; and the Vice-President and Secretary on odd years.

The motion was passed en masse.

  1. Proposed by Tony and Norma Swiers that directors of play not pay table money when they play and direct as they have added pressure and distraction.  Gillian Molloy and Mike Heyworth agreed and felt this might also encourage more players to direct.  Crediting the directors accounts was a possibility of administrating it.

  1. Committee members to retire were John Digby as Vice President who was succeeded by Graham Boardman, proposed by Mike Hayworth, seconded by Susan Swiers.  Kay Thorpe as Secretary was persuaded to remain!

  1. A.O.B.  Susan Swiers wondered why players no longer received B.B.O. points.  John explained the system for payment had been changed which saved the club £50/month but he hadn’t realised it would stop the points.  It would be revisited at the next committee meeting.  John hoped the monies saved would help fund a celebratory event to be held when face to face play resumed.

Meeting closed.

13-4-21 Committee Meeting

RIPON CITY BRIDGE CLUB – ZOOM Committee Meeting Tuesday 13th. April 2021

Present – John Blackett, John Digby, Christopher Wright, Gillian Malloy, Andrew Murray, Christine Wright, Graham Boardman, Steve Knight.

Apology – Kay Thorpe

John B. said that at the AGM  he would like to  propose to change clause 6.3 of the Bridge Club regs to allow the president, the treasurer and executive officer to resign their posts in the even years as opposed to the odd years, as it is now, to allow for the fact the club has essentially been closed this year.

We discussed whether we could continue to ask members to pay into the club’s bank account when normal service is resumed, rather than handling cash on the night. No resolution

John has reduced the amount we pay both the EBU and BBO on a 
Wednesday evening so we only pay to play at EBU which means a further £100 pm for the club.

We then talked about  re-opening the club and whether we would continue to offer online events.
Steve suggested BBO competitions perhaps at the weekend so as not to compete with our regular sessions Wednesday and Friday.
We pencilled in 
3 September as a possible date for relaunching the club live with a party. Various ideas were considered but no final decision was reached.


Chris told us we have a surplus of £805 this year compared to £791 this year.
It was decided that for now the annual subscription will remain at £10.00.

The treasurer also said 102 people play online, of which 46 are members of Ripon club.
29 members have never played online. Therefore 56 people who currently play with the club online are not members. It was agreed that all those present at the AGM could vote this year as there are no contentious issues up for discussion.


John with the help of others has completed 10 free online sessions with 28 students.
When the next 10 lessons commence it will be at a cost of £50 per head, he estimates he will lose 9 students for various reasons.  He will also run tournaments for beginners at a cost of £15.00 ph which will be open to other clubs. He believes he has 12 potential Ripon club members in this group.


To discuss whether we revise the starting times when we re-open the club.

6 pm on Wednesday 21 April followed by bridge around 7.15pm.

18-2-21 Committee Meeting

Ripon City Bridge Club - Zoom Committee Meeting February 18th 2021

Present: John Blackett, John Digby, Chris Wright, Kay Thorpe, Andrew Murday, Gillian Malloy, Graham Boardman, Christine Wright, Steve Knight.

  1. Changes in the Constitution
  1. Chairman and Treasurer to resign in even numbered years.

       John D. stepping down as Vice Chairman.

  1. Membership is open to local people playing online.
  2. No subscription charge for membership.

  1.  After much discussion it was agreed to increase Friday sessions to £1/session.

  1. There is a mixed reaction from players participating in the Ripon League to the rules for scoring.  John D stated that the league is for enjoyment and it was agreed to maintain the rules as they are.  Andrew pointed out the difficulties of all interested players in the Y.C.B.A. league having a chance to play.

  1. It was agreed Bridge lessons given by John B are complementary for the first ten then a fee of £2/week to help offset expenses for zoom and teacher, etc.

  1. Graham raised the possibility of playing Real Bridge offered by the E.B.U. and used by several clubs. Andrew experienced a lot of chatting ensuing when he played and John B pointed out that poor broadband connection caused some players problems. Christine advised difficulty maintaining accounts for two separate systems. Steve suggested a free one off trial tournament.  It was agreed to wait for future events to determine action.

  1. The club will offer a re-launch celebration when play resumes live. Community House representative, Caroline, has stated she will advise the club if another enterprise wishes to hire the rooms.

  1. Next committee meeting April 13th 2021 at 10:30am.  Zoom A.G.M. planned for April 14th 2021 at 6pm moving bridge session to 7:30 pm.

The meeting was closed