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Competition Rules
This page contains details on the club competititions and the rules.
  Pairs Championship
  • The RBC pairs championship is held annually over two Monday nights in September. 
  • Pairs wishing to enter must play on both nights of the competition.
  • Only pairs playing in the competition can play on those two nights.
  • Both players in a pair must be members of the club in order to enter the competion.
  • Scoring is normal pairs scoring with the winner being the pair with the highest combined score  (match points) from the two nights.
  • The play will be arranged so that, over the two nights of the competition, each pair will play all the others (unless the numbers entering are too many for this to be easily arranged).
  • The winning pair(s) are normally invited to the DCBA invitation pair’s competition, for which we pay any entry fee.
  Jack Flynn Mixed pairs
  • A one evening event open to mixed pairs who are members of the club. 
  • Only those pairs competing in this competition may attend. 
  • Mixed Pairs only.
  QED Event


A competition sponsored by Richard Horsley, which first ran in July 2008


  • This event will run on 4 Mondays in July within the Club's normal Monday Session.
  • Each competitor plays with their chosen partner on 2 nights (1st and 4th Mondays) & takes part in a draw  for partners on 2 nights (2nd and 3rd Mondays).
  • The best THREE results to count.
  • Total of positions achieved will decide the winner ( eg. 3rd + 5th + 1st = 9pts) -  lowest number of points wins.
  • If there is a tie the person with the best average % will win.
  • Players not taking part in the competition can play on the night, but there will be no host





  Louisa Trowbridge

  For excellence at Riddings.   

  • This competition applies to the pairs evenings held at Riddings on a Thursday. 
  • It is an annual competition.
  • The winner is the individual with the highest average percentage over the year (January - December). 
  • All duplicate results at Riddings are included.
  • The entry requirement is that the individual should have played in  60% or more of the possible competition nights in the year (rounded to the nearest whole number). 
  • Results with a non-member as partner are included. 
  Alice Smedley Award

            For excellence at Ripley

  • This competition applies to the pairs evenings held at Ripley on a Monday. 
  • It is an annual competition.
  • The winner is the individual with the highest average percentage over the year (January - December). 
  • All duplicate results at Ripley are included, except the pairs championship (in September). So QED and the mixed pairs results are included, as well as ordinary duplcate nights.
  • The entry requirement is that the individual should have played in  60% or more of the possible competition nights in the year (rounded to the nearest whole number). 
  • Results with a non-member as partner are included. 
  George Burton award

            For progress at Ripley

  • This competition applies to the pairs evenings held at Ripley on a Monday.  (Where previously it was a monthly award, it is now an annual competition.)
  • The winner is the individual with the mosti mproved average position over the year compared with the previous year's average position.  The positions are averaged over the period of January - December each year . 
  • All duplicate results at Ripley are included, except the pairs championship (in September). So QED and the mixed pairs results are included, as well as ordinary duplcate nights.
  • The entry requirement is that the individual should have played in at least 60% of the possible competition nights in each year.
  • Results with a non-member as partner are included.
  John Cavie Trophy

            For progress at Riddings

  • This competition applies to the pairs evenings held at Riddings on a Thursday.  This is an annual competition
  • The winner is the individual with the mosti mproved average position over the year compared with the previous year's avearge position.  The positions are averaged over the period of January - December each year. 
  • All duplicate results at Riddings are included..
  • The entry requirement is that the individual should have played in at least 60% of the possible competition nights in each year.
  • Results with a non-member as partner are included.
  Jean Hough and The Andrew Parkin Handicap Pairs Competitions

The Jean Hough and The Andrew Parkin Handicap Pairs Competitions

  • The competitions will be held annually on one evening and is open to all club members.

  • The Jean Hough competition will be held on a Thursday evening

  • The Andrew Parkin competition will be held on a Monday evening..

  • The trophy for each event will be awarded to the top scoring pair at the subsequent AGM.

  • Pairs must sign up for the competition in advance to enable a handicap for every pair to be determined.

    The handicap will be a positive or negative percentage added to each pair’s current playing score. It will be calculated based on each player’s NGS level, with a maximum adjustment of +/- 10%

  • If a player does not normally attend on a Monday or Thursday session, the handicap will be based on other available data or as otherwise determined by the event organiser in consultation with other TDs.

  • There will be no normal duplicate nor host for these sessions.

  •  The competition will begin at 6.45pm.

  • The handicapped scores will not be uploaded to the EBU ie. the NGS level will not be affected.


  Teams of 4 Competition


Teams of 4 Competition


Unplayed matches

  2019 Spring Cup Rules


The 2019 Spring Cup is a team of four competition to be played on a MULTIPLE TEAMS basis over three evenings.

Teams will self-select BUT, in order to try to achieve more equality amongst the competing teams, they cannot contain more than two players ranked NGS Queen (or higher).  NGS rankings will be taken at the point of the entry deadline and will then not be adjusted throughout the competition. Thus, if a player subsequently achieves a Queen or higher ranking this will be ignored for the purposes of the competition. The scoring will be undertaken on an IMP basis and will provide a cumulative score at the end of the competition. The highest score will of course determine the winner.

Each night, teams will against all the other teams competing on that evening. This is what is known as a multiple teams format so that, in simple terms, each E/W pair from every team will move around the room playing each N/S pair from the other teams. The number of boards to be played in each round will be determined by the tournament director depending on the number of teams involved.

A team can be made up of four to six principal members but there is no restriction on bringing in a substitute in an emergency, providing the Queen or higher ranking limitation is observed.

If any team cannot attend on one evening, they will be awarded an average minus score based on their cumulative performance on other evenings. If the same team then has to miss a second week, their score will be recorded as zero.

  Harold Westhead Monthly Competition
  • The competition is held at Ripley on 10 nights throughout the year.
  •  Originally running from May to April, the competition now runs over the calendar year,.  Starting in January, it is held once per month, except in August and December.
  •  The winning pair is determined by the average of the 6 best scores.
  • Anybody can play on a Harold Westhead competition night, whether competing for the trophy or not.