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General Information
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Ringwood Bridge Club Online Legal Statements


The following disclaimer applies to all information held on this website:

Ringwood Bridge Club is committed to providing information of the highest standard and every attempt has been made to ensure that this website is up to date and accurate. This includes taking reasonable measures to check the accuracy and content of information provided from third parties.

However, Ringwood Bridge Club cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on material contained on or accessed via these pages, nor can it guarantee that links to external sites will always be available. Users should note that material from external providers may express views that are not necessarily attributable to the Ringwood Bridge Club.

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, we have a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you.

  • We will only use personal information you supply to us for the reason that you provided it for.

  • We will only hold your information for as long as necessary to fulfil that purpose.

  • We will not pass your information to any other parties unless this is made clear to you at the time you supplied it.

  • All persons who have access to your personal data or are associated with the handling of that data are obliged to respect your confidentiality.

If you have any comments or questions about the accuracy of information on this site please contact the Club Secretary.

General Information about the club

Ringwood Bridge Club was originally the Bridge section of the Ringwood Club.  This organisation was open to employees of Staveley Chemicals and associated companies.  The first session took place on 6 January 1982 and two of the original members are still playing.

Eventually the Ringwood Club closed and the Bridge Section, now known as Ringwood Bridge Club, has since relocated several times and is now based at the Community Centre in Grassmoor just a few minutes drive from Chesterfield town centre.

For the first 10 years we only played on Wednesday evenings and then we also started to play on Monday afternoons and these sessions are extremely popular. We now also play Tuesday evenings.