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Please be polite

♥  Be on time
♣  Value your partner/s
  Be polite to other competitors
    and our volunteers
♣  Greet your opponents as
    they arrive at the table
  Introduce yourself to people
    you don't know
♣  Be understanding of newer
♥  Explain your system clearly
    and simply, if asked
♣  Acknowledge good play by
    your opponents
♥  Thank your opponents at
    the end of the round
♣  Try to keep noise to a 
  Report poor behaviour to
    your Director
♣  RESPECT our Directors

Bookings for members and visitors

PMH Bridge Club is happy to welcome visitors.

To make our Directors job a little easier, bookings are preferred for all players and can be made online until 8.00a.m. on the day of play. However, we will always accommodate walk-ins who arrive by 12.30.
If you are unable to book online, or you wish to make a late entry, call Carolyn on 0404 98 98 95. 

To make a booking, click on the appropriate date, enter your name and then confirm your entry. You are then offered the option of adding your partner or requesting one.


Library - a resource for all levels of player.
Library - a resource for all levels of player.

Just a reminder that our club offers a wide range of bridge titles in our library. For anyone who is looking to improve certain areas of their play, whether bidding, defence or strategies there will be something to assist all levels of player. Books and several CD's suitable for Novice / Intermediate can be easily found in a separate, marked section. The majority of titles will suit Intermediate / Advanced players. Please feel free to utilise this facility following the instructions posted on the bookshelf door.
ALSO available to borrow is the latest issue of the Australian Bridge magazine - find it in the red folder on lower shelf of bookcase.

Web Site


This website is now the only way to book for games at the club, apart from phoning Carolyn on 0404 98 98 95 or emailing



The Membership Database is available online and Members are able to login to the Members Area.


Please read the Website Help article 'Set Up Member Login' FIRST.

When you do get access to the Members Area, click on the 'Account Tab' and please check that all your details are correct. If not, make change and click 'Save'.

Please complete the Emergency Contact Details so we know who to contact in the event of a medical episode at the club.

If you have a small portrait you can upload it to appear with your results (head and shoulders) - passport photo or similar.

There is also a Website Help Page for 'Bookings' and 'Find a Partner' if you are having problems.

NSW Bridge Newsletter

Located in the Members area - below all the Minutes and directly above Gallery is a link to the latest NSW Bridge newsletter. Included in this edition is a competition, for those creative souls among us, to suggest a name for the new publication. Put your thinking caps on and, who knows, you may just have a winning idea. This issue also has lots of other interesting snippets.

Cold, 'flu & Covid symptoms
Cold, 'flu & Covid symptoms

As cold and 'flu season is here again,
 Covid and a range of viruses continue to circulate in the community.
We ask all members to be aware of any symptoms
- especially fever, coughing and sneezing.

Given that we would all like to remain well and,
bearing in mind the age and compromised health of some players,
it is only courteous that you refrain from visiting the club
if you are at all unwell.


Welcome to Port Macquarie Hastings Bridge Club

Important information regarding events

On the 29th October, there will be an Australia Wide event for players with fewer than 300 points. This has been changed on the calendar but not here. Sorry about the confusion. This means that the regular Thursday Open game will be offered on the 31st October

The 22nd and 25th October are the dates for the Under 100 MP championship. This means each team member must have under 100. You do not need to play both days - only one counts. The scoring is broken up into 4 divisions so 0 - 9.99 players have as much chance as those on 99.99. The top 50% in each group will receive some red masterpoints.

Anyone can play on these days but only the pairs who meet the criteria can have their results entered for the competitions.

AGM & Summer Pairs
AGM & Summer Pairs

PMHBC will be holding our AGM on Saturday November 9, at 11:00. 
We would like to see as many people as possible in attendance to offer their thoughts and suggestions for the future of our club. There are many opinions out there and this is the place in which to express them. 
Also, please consider nominating for a position on the committee as there will be a vacancy or two. The club cannot run without the efforts of its' members.
If you aren't able to stay and play in the event following the meeting, show your support and come along.

Upcoming Red Point & other events

Tuesday 22nd - NSWBA <100 MP Championships
Friday 25th - NSWBA <100 MP Championships 

Tuesday  29th - Australia wide restricted pairs <300MP's

Saturday 2nd - Anniversary Pairs
Tuesday 5th - Cards & Canape's - Melbourne Cup Day

Saturday 9th - AGM & Summer Pairs
Tuesday 12th - NSWBA <100 MP Championships
Friday 15th - NSWBA <100 MP Championships
Friday 29th - NSWBA <100 MP Final

Melbourne Cup Day
Melbourne Cup Day

Tuesday 5th November

Sweeps on sale from 10:30

Play from 11:00 – 12:30

Lunch – bring your own

Play 1:00 – 2:30

(while we watch the race)

Open to all players – visitors welcome.

For catering purposes, if possible, please book by
Saturday 2nd November.

Partner/s required

Noreen Taylor is looking for a regular game on Thursday and/or Saturday. Please call her directly if you are available.

Things to bear in mind

Just a few things to keep in mind at the bridge table.

Firstly, please give the Director your attention and DON'T remove cards from the holder until you are given the go ahead.

Please leave bidding cards on the table until the first lead is made.

Don't argue with your opposition - call the Director - they need to keep in practice.

If the Director is called and makes a ruling with which you disagree, don't argue. Please remember they are volunteers and human so can make a mistake - and you have the right to appeal. This must be done via the Director who will refer it to the Appeals Committee.

Bridge Sessions every afternoon at 1:00pm except for Wednesday and Sunday.
Bridge Sessions every afternoon at 1:00pm except for Wednesday and Sunday.

Port Macquarie Hastings Bridge Club is an ABF accredited teaching club.

Bridge sessions every afternoon at 1:00 p.m. except for Wednesday and Sunday.

Hastings Bridge Club is at Hamilton Green, 176 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie.

Tel: 6583 3767 or 0404 98 98 95.

It is preferable that you pre-register to play. See details on left of home page re booking.

Mixed pairs - every Monday (Open), Tuesday (<75MP's and mentors), Thursday (Open), Friday (<75MP's and mentors) and Saturday (Open).

For enquiries phone: Carolyn 0404 98 98 95

September 2024 congress
  • A lovely spread
  • Annie Deb
  • Congratulations
  • Kathy Val well done
  • Laurieton winners
  • More happy winners
  • Pairs winners Alison Rex
  • Ron Sarah visitors
  • Tasty treats
  • Team winners
NSWBA <100 MP Championships
Monday Open Pairs
Saturday Open Pairs
Thu 24th October 2024
Thursday Open Pairs
Fri 25th October 2024
NSWBA <100 MP Championships
Sat 26th October 2024
Saturday Open Pairs
October Birthdays
October Birthdays

03        Annette Barnard

03        Val Dawson

03        Nicholas Goldstein

08         Lyn Redgate

09         Trish Roche

14         Deb Scott

15         Deb Carmichael

16         Jan McKenna

20         Barry Thomas

22         Susanne Hollis

26         Bill Ryan

27         Lynn Edwards



Emergency Contact Register

Port Macquarie Hastings Bridge Club keeps a members Emergency Contact Register for use in the event of a medical episode or other emergency at the club. This will allow Directors or Committee Members to quickly identify an emergency contact for the player. Please log in to the Members Area and complete these details on your Profile. (These details are Emergency Contact Name; Relationship to yourself; Phone and/or Mobile number of the Contact Person). If you are having trouble, please contact us.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO: Check your information and update any details which may have changed.

Club Membership Fees

At this stage your membership fee is $50.00 per year. 
$30 of this is monies paid by us, on your behalf, to the NSWBA and the ABF making you a full member of these organisations and allowing you to accrue masterpoints. You will only pay this amount annually through whichever is your “Home” club.

The remaining $20 is an annual membership fee to our club, assisting us to pay council rates, electricity, insurance, maintenance, security, cleaning, fire inspection compliance certificate, gardening, supplies for kitchen and bathroom as well as costs all clubs incur for purchase of cards, boards, stationery, dealing machines etc.