Penzance Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Please pass on any items or suggestions for the website.

Latest EBU Promotions

November 2023

John Couser - 1 Star Master

Jim Buckland - 2 Star Master

Jack Jeffrey - Master

Geoff Plowman - Master

Jane Ritchie - County Master

Annette McAvoy - District Master

Sally Denham-Vaughan - Club Master

January 2024

Sarah Bell - Area Master

Heather Rogers - Club Master

Janet Meredith - District Master

March 2024

Colin Lee - Local Master

David Batchelor - Local Master

April 2024

Sue John - 13 Star Regional Master

May 2024

Olive Foss - District Master

August 2024

Colin Lee - Area Master

David Batchelor - Club Master







Welcome to Penzance Bridge Club
Penzance Bridge Club - Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas lunch will be held at 12:15 on Wednesday 4th December 2024 at the Queen's Hotel in Penzance.

Lunch will be followed by bridge at the hotel in the afternoon.

The menu for lunch will be available at the end of October.

Andrew Robson articles ....

The latest Andrew Robson article on "More take-out doubles…" can be viewed here

The earlier articles are now at the bottom of this page.

EBU Online Magazine Discovery

The EBU Online Magazine Discovery Issue 4: July 2024 is now available; click here to view it

EBU Newsletter

Every month, the EBU issues a newsletter; you can see the September 2024 newsletter by clicking here

Bridge Sessions

Please contact Ann Ampleford to register to play as a pair or if looking for a partner. 

​​​Her number is 01736 361104


Welcome to Penzance Bridge Club website. The club meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6.15 for 6.30pm at Westholme, the historic clubhouse of the Penzance and Newlyn Rugby Club.

There is ample parking. Tea and coffee are available mid-evening and the bar is open from 7p.m.

We welcome visitors. It would be helpful if you contacted the partner-finder beforehand. We always try and find partners if required.

For partners please contact Ann Ampleford on 01736 361104 or by e-mail 

Five sessions must have been attended as a member to qualify for club competitions. Others are welcome to play but non members and partners play without standing.

We have ArcScorer and results can be obtained at the end of play.

Andrew Robson articles

Did you know that there are a substantial number of articles by Andrew Robson that are available on-line?

They are listed under a number of headings

a)  For "articles", press here

b)  For "Beginner Corner", press here

c)  For "Tips for Intermediates", press here

d)  For "The more experienced...", press here

e)  For "If you remember just one thing ....", press here

Previous articles:-

"How many points do I need to overcall?" can be viewed here

"SQOT - The Suit Quality Overcall Test" can be viewed here

"What are the main reasons for overcalling?" can be viewed here

"An introduction to Overcall…" can be viewed here

"Sophisticated responding to take out double…" can be viewed here

"More Stayman…" can be viewed here

"Stayman…What does opener reply if he has both four-card majors?" can be viewed here

"Responding to a take-out double" can be viewed here

"DO keep equal length with dummy" - is available here

"DO be happy to let declarer trump in his hand" - is available here

"DO switch to a high (spot) card if you don’t want the suit led back" - is available here

"DO lead top of a sequence of three touching or near-touching high cards in your longest suit in" - is available here

"DO lead from the opposite hand when finessing" - is available here

"DO delay drawing trumps when you can trump in dummy" - is available here

"DO be happy to open 1 NT with a five-card major" - is available here


Bridge Course for Beginners

For the time being, Wendy Miller is unable to undertake bridge lessons.

If you are keen to learn all about bridge, have a look at 

the Carbis Bay Bridge Club's web site - click here

Forthcoming Events










Duplicate pairs
Director: Jim Buckland
Scorer: Betty Rawlings
Duplicate pairs
Director: Jim Buckland
Scorer: Betty Rawlings
Duplicate pairs
Director: Jim Buckland
Scorer: Graham Kidson
25th Sep 2024
Duplicate pairs
2nd Oct 2024
Duplicate pairs
9th Oct 2024
Duplicate pairs