Penzance Bridge Club
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Latest EBU Promotions

November 2023

John Couser - 1 Star Master

Jim Buckland - 2 Star Master

Jack Jeffrey - Master

Geoff Plowman - Master

Jane Ritchie - County Master

Annette McAvoy - District Master

Sally Denham-Vaughan - Club Master

January 2024

Sarah Bell - Area Master

Heather Rogers - Club Master

Janet Meredith - District Master

March 2024

Colin Lee - Local Master

David Batchelor - Local Master

April 2024

Sue John - 13 Star Regional Master

May 2024

Olive Foss - District Master

August 2024

Colin Lee - Area Master

David Batchelor - Club Master







Latest Winners
Club Trophy Page

Winners of Club Events 2019

Bobbie Greenman Cup  

Mario Rocius and Sue John        


Bobbie Greenman Shield    

Sue Zolkiewicz and Pam Dodge


Gordon Swift Memorial Cup

Maureen Brinton and Judith Williams


Kay Smith Salver

Nick Burt and Jennifer Chambers


C.A.Norris Trophy

Pam Dodge and David Coles


Last updated : 5th Jan 2020 12:29 GMT