Peace Arch DBC
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2024 Masterpoint Race
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2024 Masterpoint Race
As of the 24 May 2024


Tom Satanove 10.65MP

Robert Sauve 10.64 MP

Nick Parker 9.99 MP




  Objects (Sample)

The objects of "The Club" is to provide a facilities for the playing of Contract Bridge under ACBL sanction.

We wishes to provide, not only, a competive game but in the context of a social gathering of our members.

  General Rules (Sample)

The club will have "ZERO TOLERANCE"  for any behavior that is disruptive to the enjoyment of the game and the players that participate.

The following are examples of behavior that will not be tolerated:

• Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, profanity, threats or violence.

• Negative comments concerning opponents’ or partner’s play or bidding.

• Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at the table.

• Loud and disruptive arguing with a director’s ruling.


  History of Club

The Peace Arch Duplicate Bridge Club came into being in September 2008 when a group of local bridge players took over a privately held club in White Rock.

It is run as a non-profit enterprise with the aim of providing a friendly, yet competitive duplicate game under ACBL sanction.

Being one of only two ACBL sanctioned day games in the South Surrey/White Rock area at the time, we celebrated our first anniversary on the 1st Sept 2009 with a tremendously successful game of 24 tables.


Presently our Tuesday games frequently have over 20 tables each week, as we draw on a database of over 200 regular players. The players come from different areas of the lower mainland as well as from Bellingham WA.

Everyone enjoys our friendly atmosphere; and because our games are stratified, players of all abilities feel that they have a good chance of earning masterpoints within their Stratum. In fact each year, in the masterpoint races for Unit 430, we have many of our players ranking in the Mini Mckenney as well as the Ace of Clubs within their MP categories. (see below under "Our Players" for current list)

Now entering our tweleth  year of operations, we hope to maintain our success by keeping to our philosophy of providing a well run friendly yet competitive game to players of all abilities. Our club strives to provide those features expected of an up-to-date ACBL club: scoring results on ACBL LIVE, HAND RECORDS from generated deals and WIRELESS SCORING using Bridgemate IIs. We hold many SPECIAL GAMES throughout the bridge calendar year including the multi-district WESTERN STAC as well as the two very popular SWISS TEAM events .

Since the beginning of 2015, we have been at ELGIN Hall, located at 14250 Crescent Road, Surrey. And since December 2015, we have run the Wednesday evening game (formerly called the White Rock DBC) at Cranley Place. We are most grateful for our many supporters for sustaining both our games.
