"Where there is NO EXTRA FEE for Special Club Games"
Rank Achievements


Changes of Rank

Congratulations to the following club members for their recent rank achievements!

Steve Zimmerman

    Bronze Life Master

Maggie Ferguson

    Junior Master

Susan Westfall

    Junior Master

Release 2.19q
This Week at the Club

Please join us the week of Monday, September 23rd for ...

Unit-Wide Championship Pairs on Monday

Club Championship Pairs on Tuesday

International Fund Championship Pairs on Thursday

4422 US Highway 1 North, Palm Coast

Inside the African American Cultural Society Building

CLICK HERE for Directions

$8 members  $10 guests  (199er games $6)

No Extra Fee for STaC or any other Special Club Games!



Schedule for the week of September 23rd

Unit-Wide Championship Pairs on Monday

Club Championship Pairs on Tuesday

International Fund Championship Pairs on Thursday

$8 members  $10 guests  (199er games $6)

  Monday: Open & 499er Pairs at 1:00 PM
  Tuesday: Advanced Bridge Class in Recess
               (Tom Fletcher, Presenter.  Resumes in the Fall)
  Tuesday: CLOSED
  Thursday: Advanced Beginner Bridge at 10:00 AM
               (With Supervised Play.  Gale Ulmer, Presenter.  $5.00)
               (Gale Ulmer & Babette Brumback, Presenters - $5.00 per person)
  Thursday: Open & 499er Pairs at 1:00 PM
Club Championship Pair
Club Championship Pairs
International Fund Pairs
Unit Club Championship
Club Championship Pairs
International Fund Pairs
Club Championship Pairs
North American Pairs
Mon Sep 23, 2024
Unit-Wide Club Championship
Open 1 PM
Tue Sep 24, 2024
Club Championship Pairs
Open & 499er 1 PM
Thu Sep 26, 2024
International Fund Pairs
Open & 499er 1 PM
Mon Sep 30, 2024
Internation Fund Pairs
Open 1 PM
Tue Oct 1, 2024
Charity Club Championship Pairs
Open & 499er 1 PM
Thu Oct 3, 2024
Club Championship Pairs
Open & 499er 1 PM
Mon Oct 7, 2024
Club Appreciation Pairs
Open 1 PM