EBU Master Points Promotions |
Bridge at Oswestry Cricket Club |
The popular Bridge Drive at the Oswestry Cricket Club will restart on Saturday, 28th September 2024 at 1.30 pm. For more information contact Graham Roberts at: grahamroberts@uwclub.net
75th Anniversary Porthcawl Congress |
75th Anniversary Porthcawl Congress Incorporating Porthcawl Winter Holiday Congress will take place at SEABANK HOTEL, PORTHCAWL, CF36 3LU from 1st to 3rd Nov 2024. Green points awarded for main congress Swiss Pairs and Team Events. Click the headline to see the Congress brochure.
LLandudno Weekend |
The Popular Bridge Weekend in LLandudno will take place at the Merrion Hotel from 21st to 24th February 2025. Click the headline to see the Brochure. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Probability of Drop of |
With 2 cards missing go for the drop of the King (52%)
With 4 cards missing go for the drop of the Queen (52%), the cards may be 2-2 (41%) or she may be singleton (12%)
With 6 cards missing go for the drop of the Jack (54%), the cards may be 3-3 (35%) or he may be doubleton (18%) or singleton(2%)
With 3, 5 or 7 cards out do NOT expect to drop K, Q or J respectively
Various “Rules” of Bridge |
Rule of BOSTON. This is a little know acronym for leading. It stands for Bottom Of Something, Top Of Nothing.
Helpful (?) Partner Rule. A rule that says it’s permissible to injure a partner who overtakes your trick (as a choice) and then starts to think.
Queen Finding Rule. If you have a two-way finesse for a Queen, finesse the opponent you like the least.....or if you dislike them both play for the drop
Percentages of Card Division between two hidden hands |
Cards out:
2 cd: 1:1 52%; 2:0 48%
3 cd: 2:1 78%; 3:0 22%
4 cd: 2:2 41%; 3:1 50% 4:0 10%
5 cd: 3:2 68%; 4-1 28%; 5:0 4%
6 cd: 3:3 35%; 4:2 49%; 5:1 15%; 6:0 2%
7 cd: 4:3 62%; 5:2 30%; 6:1 7%; 7:0 0.5%
8 cd: 4:4 33%; 5:3 47% 6:2 17% 7:1 3% 8:0 0.2%
9 cd: 5:4 59%; 6:3 31%; 7:2 9%; 8:1 1%; 9:0 0.1%
Except for 2 cards the general rule is:
Even cards probably do not split evenly
Odd cards probably do split as evenly as possible
Odds against a player being dealt |
Playing 26 boards twice a week expect:
13 cards in one suit = 169,066,442 to 1 Once every 60 000 years!
8 cards in one suit = 213 to 1 Once a month
7 cards in one suit = 28 to 1 Once a session
6 cards in one suit = 6 to 1 Four times a night
at least one singleton = 2 to 1 Once a two board round
at least one void = 19 to 1 Once a session
AKQJ10 in a suit = 500 to 1 Once every three months
four Aces = 378 to 1 Once every two months
a hand with no points = 278 to 1 Once a month
a Yarborough (no10) = 1827 to 1 Twice a year
Did you know? |
43.6 percent of all slam contracts fail.
62.7 percent of all bridge players are women.
97.8 percent of all bridge statistics, including these, are made up!
EBU Membership - New Members' Guidance |
What is NGS?
How to order your EBU diary?
EBU magazine?
What is "My EBU"?
You can find the answers of the above questions and many more in the:
New Members Booklet