Release 2.19q
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24th Jul 2024 09:27 BST
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Please arrive by 6:45 so we can ensure a prompt start. If you arrive later than this then you may not be allowed to play. Thank you for your cooperation.


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Orton Trophy
Orton Trophy Winners

2024 G. Tenneson

2023 G. Tenneson

2022 G. Tenneson

2021 Cancelled

2020 R. Tugwell

2019 P. Fountain

2018 P. Fountain

2017 M. Bowthorpe

2016 D. Tisbury

2015 A. Coker

2014 S. Martin

2013 M. Keogh

2012 D. Tisbury

2011 M. Keogh

2010 M. Keogh

2009 M. Keogh

2008 P. Newman

2007 P. Newman

2006 P. Newman

2005 D. Tisbury

2004 A. Harbour & D.Tisbury

2003 K. Wise

2002 D. Tisbury

2001 D. Tisbury

2000 D. Tisbury

1999 D. Eden

1998 D. Eden & P. Newman