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Planning a new clubhouse
Club Refurbishment: members' views sought on the interior finish

Following the presentation by our architects at the Christmas party on 13th December, we are seeking your views on which of two possible interior finishes you would prefer.

A description and a picture of each option is below.  You can click on each picture to see a higher resolution image which you could also print if you wish (or click here to see both higher resolution images.

We are asking members to show their preference by completing an on-line survey which you can get to by clicking the survey button.
The closing date for the survey is Friday 5 January 2018.

Finish Option 1

This option employs the use of timber effect vinyl throughout the space. In the new main play room the wood effect sheeting is shown in a simplified parquet flooring pattern which has an acoustic backing to it. From the wood colouring we have chosen a neutral taupe feature colour to be placed on the small section of wall which has the entrance doors to the room. Following on from this space we have used a sheet natural oak effect vinyl which is anti-slip, this flooring runs throughout the social space, WC’s and corridor. In the social space we have gone for a neutral grey coloured kitchen unit which comes in a gloss effect which can be seen in the image, from this we have picked a feature wall colour to run in the kitchen which is a lighter tone of grey to contrast with the units.

Finish Option 2

This option to the new main play room replaces the vinyl employed in option 1 with carpet. Colour is introduced though the use of a hem around the perimeter of the room, which contrast with a neutral grey that sits in the centre. Taken from the hem colour we have used a lighter tone as a feature colour to the room entrance wall. Beyond and through into the social space we again use a natural wood effect vinyl, which then flows through into the WC’s and corridor/ circulation spaces. The kitchen is the same as option 1, with the simplistic grey gloss unit the lighter contrasting feature wall colour.

Update on the Extension to the Bridge Club - November 2017
Update on the Extension to the Bridge Club - November 2017

In 2018 Oxford Bridge Club will carry out a major upgrade to the building that it owns.  After a long period of planning and false starts we have taken on new architects who will take the project forward not only from a design and build perspective, but also as project managers. The picture shows the chairman signing the new agreement with architects Gray Baynes and Shew.

Between 13th December and Christmas, members will be able to view and comment on some ‘mood’ options prepared by the architects. The extent of the works means that the club will operate out of temporary premises from the beginning of April 2018 until the end of that year. More news on these details later.

This is a very exciting time for the club. From 2019 we will have the benefit of 3 separate spaces providing an improved and more flexible environment for the playing and teaching of bridge. We will provide regular updates to members on progress as the project develops.

Building start

The club finally made a start to building by constructing some foundations for the new part of the building near the rear boundary in November 2014. This preserves the planning permission in perpetuity. However going further requires agreements with third parties to allow sufficient access to the site for the practical process of building. It is taking a long period to reach agreements with the various parties concerned.  We hope to provide a further update by the AGM in June 2016.

Club ownership

With the formation of OBC as a charity, the formal ownership of the premises was transferred to Oxford Bridge Club CIO on 30th June 2014.

The application was approved by Oxford City Council.  The decision documents which were published on 14th March 2012 can be read here:


Agreeing a plan and submitting a planning application

A survey about future options for the club was conducted during December 2010 and January 2011.  A further consultation process related to the future of the club premises was started with the AGM in May concluded at the end of June 2011.  

An EGM was held on 20th July 2011 to seek members' agreement on the best way forward on the premises issues. Member selected one of the options presented and the committee developed a detailed plan in conjunction with our architect. 

The formal submission for planning approval was made to Oxford City Council on 16th January 2012 and was given the planning reference 12/00091/FUL.