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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
June 2020

20 June 2020 Events Subcommittee meeting zoom hosted P Tailor

Present. Keith Spencer KT  Pravin Tailor PT Mark Goddard MG Sue Macintosh SM Sue Wright SW Toni Smith TS

  1. Minutes previous meeting agreed
  2. Matters arising  KS confirmed various BBO training has occurred- Louise Scull has had 3  sessions- more lined up for others. Some other Notts clubs have asked such as East Bridgford.  Sue Wright for Mansfield has asked but not organised yet. Notts BC has 11 trained directors. Ian to sort paying for zoom licence.
  3. Feedback from 2nd NCBA drive: 8.5 tables made up with reserves JE&PM. No issues.  Policy issues arising:
    1. We continue with weekly drives.
    2. No kibutsing allowed as previous kibutzers have made comments to players during play
    3. Robots to be allowed for now as substitutes and for drop outs. But this to be kept under review as many people don’t like robots.
    4. KS to be point of contact for any NCBA drive. And noted so on website etc
    5. We can do various events with the BBO licence such as Danish.
    6. Agreed to extend the weekly NCBA club to once a month for ALL English clubs. Agreed 1st Wed in every month. Accepted that this may not be particularly well advertised but we can contact all county secretaries to get advertising as they do to us. As a point it can be reviewed if it makes any difference. KS to action.
    7. Agreed timing to be reduced to 7 mins from future drives bar first round at 8mins whilst people settle.
    8. Noted that the cost we charge is only just more expensive than a normal drive as whilst the EBU minimum is $3 it is for more boards than 12 boards for $1.5.

  1. The friendly matches progressed satisfactorily with Sandy and John coming second in the plate ie 10/16 teams. Slight confusion over the admin but captain needs to be appraised and pass information to the team. Some suggestion play was too slow and lack of knowledge as to what was the ongoing current scores.  Suggestion from MCWG that the target group is Q/J. No confirmed date for the next match. Lincoln didn’t offer a team last event.
  2. Presidents Cup. Noted that out of the 16 people who expressed interest in playing NO ONE was prepared to put the effort in to captain the team. Therefore Notts did not put a team forward. The group disagreed on balance with Derbys view of ‘nominating’  a captain. Derbs are putting forward 2 teams- Notts may not have the critical mass for online play to provide 1/2/3 teams. We prefer at any event volunteers to manage the events.
  3. MCWG feedback:
    1. Continues weekly but may reduce to fortnightly
    2. The inter county leagues issue re 19/20 and 20/21 will not be resolved until a July meeting
    3. Main issue around teaching; it takes a long time but there are resources out there if people want to use them.  videos on EBU site to use training info. Videos ‘the game you love’.. are just to introduce people to bridge and Kiat hopes everyone can do their bit in trying to attract more new players.
    4. There is a bit of tension between EBU and EBED but they are getting more in synch. Also EBU has agreed that they should be the national body for all UK bridge. There will be pilot to contact unaffiliated clubs soon so try to collate all UA clubs.
    5. There is a training and also technology sub group if people are interested. Kiat announced software modules to help folk get on BBO. Tim Anderson has helpf sheets for working on the
  4. JP from Derby still thinking of a joint GP event.. to be worked up. We agreed not to be live. On the backburner right now.
  5. Little interest for TO4 or To8 at the moment. We could do a To4 if 6 teams- Jane to contact captains and decision to go forward then.  Agreed no To8 NBA event until there is better software- KS has asked about this.. pending.
  6. AOB:
    1. Agreed next meeting when there is enough to talk about
    2. Leagues may be a good attraction for people once a month for the NCBA Wednesday drive
    3. AGM needs working up with a game after?
    4. We codul still do PRiday or Mixed pairs via BBO but not those events that lead to a qualifier.  Need to discuss the calendar on the next meeting and get a plan for these events we can do and get them advertised in plenty of time.
    5. Sue and Keith and Louise are updating the NCBA website
    6. Agenda item for next meeting- sort out captains for the TO8 inter county league as we know the dates and it is expected that this will go ahead in some format so need to be ready for it. 

TTSmith 29 June 2020