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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Two Counties 2010 Event (1)

The two counties event pits multiple teams from Notts against their peers in Derbyshire on three Thursdays through the summer. Unfathomable rules applying to the original three counties event have not become simpler with Leicestershire`s withdrawal.

There are three divisions drawn from the three county teams of 8 leagues: this gives three individual team winners on each Thursday and overall division winners across the three Thursdays.

Moreover there is (most importantly) an overall county winner based on total imps which also can be expressed in each divisions results.

July 2010

On 22nd July Rob Sharpe made one of his rare appearances helping Gambit to victory in Division one. On hand 17  partner`s enthusiasm propelled him to 6H as East. After a club lead and two rounds of trumps many declarers threw the King of diamonds on a spade but to no avail; eleven winners remained at eleven. By contrast Rob lost his diamond at the earliest opportunity. Now he could ruff two diamonds to leave North in sole control of spades and diamonds and inexorably squeezed as Rob took his winners.

July 2010

On board 11 Lloyd Eagling sitting West for Mansfield gave further proof that the art of the squeeze is not dead. His partners double took them beyond 3NT and theoretically one trick too high. Lloyd ducked the spade lead and took the continuation.. Now he drew trumps and ducked a diamond to South. The key moment had arrived; South must return a diamond to break up the impending squeeze. On his actual heart return Lloyd cashed the top hearts and ran clubs. North could hold spades but not diamonds; South could hold hearts but not diamonds. A nice double squeeze.

July 2010