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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Warwickshire (home) 11/12/11
NOTTS v WARKS 15/12/2011

Match report by Lloyd Eagling

The teams:

Dawes, Mark Goddard and David Hodge; William Crook and Sandy Fulton; Graham Lee and Graham Brindley; David Burgess and Frank Ball

Porter, Martin Mellor and Carol Fisher; Steve Mulligan and Gerry Franklin; Andrew Scott and Geoff Topol; Daphne and Mike Coggles

Markham, Sylvia Goodlud and Nick Clarke; Ray Furlonger and Phil Dale;Frank Turton and David Landon; Lloyd Eagling and Daniel Crook

Board 4 was a good one for Daniel and me. We both fancied our hands for no particular reason and finished in 4S. Although the King of Hearts was wrong for us the fortuitous distribution of the clubs and a 2-2 trump break meant that the contract came home.

By tea we were 23 imps up in the Dawes, 43 down in the Porter and 17 down in the Markham.

After tea board 29 proved interesting.

At our table East opened 2S being a Lucas bid showing 5 spades, 4 of a minor and 5 to 10 points. After I doubled as South and had a positive response from partner, I finished in 3NT.

Jack of S was led and ducked and the ten continued. I won and ran 5 diamonds. East signalled for club interest but then discarded all his three hearts, and West crucially one club. I now exited with a low heart to West who switched to a club, East`s ten winning. He knocked out the other top spade. I now had a count of the hand and went over to the Ace of clubs to remove Wests exit card before playing the  9 of hearts.With only A6 of hearts remaining West had to win and give me the King for my ninth trick.

At Willie`s table East West did not enter the bidding but the contract was the same as was the opening lead Jack of spades. Declarer now ran the 9 of clubs to East`s ten. Now East led a small spade (the queen is better as he retains the lead). Declarer ducked-perforce West won and returned another club. Declarer ducked again. East now lead Q of hearts, covered, won with the Ace, then four more hearts taken for 4 down!

The final scores were +2 in the Dawes for a winning 10-10 draw, -31 in the Porter for a 5-15 loss and -13 in the Markham for an 8-12 defeat.