Nelson Bay Diggers Social Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

  Upcoming Social Events

Sunday 20 October:  all day; Bridge and Lunch at Hawks Nest Bridge Club. Details of transport and lunch to be advised.

Saturday 14 December: Christmas Party.

Further details for these events will be announced closer to the time.

  Marie Hancock's 99th Birthday Celebration
  • 01 At the Bridge Table Teresa and Julie and Marie and Christine B
  • 02 Marie
  • 03 Marie
  • 04 99th BDay Cakes
  • 05 99th BDay Cakes
  • 06 99th BDay Cakes
  • 07 Marie and Bridget
  • 08 The Birthday Girl
  • 09 Happy Birthday Marie
  • 10 Flowers for the Birthday Girl
  • 11 Flowers for the Birthday Girl
  • 12 Happy Birthday Marie
  • 13 Happy Birthday Marie
  • 14 Marie
  • 15 Marie and Tricia
  • 16 Marie with Maggie and Tricia
  • 17 Marie with Daphne and Brian
  • 18 Marie with Peta and Helen
  • 19 Jann and Marie

After our Bridge session on Thursday 15th August we celebrated the 99th Birthday of Marie Hancock with cake and champagne.

There was a great turnout for this special occasion (8 ½ tables) and everybody enjoyed the cakes provided by Tricia Burningham.  Marie was presented with flowers and a card that had been signed by the Members of both Diggers and Tomaree Bridge Clubs.  You couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

99 is a great achievement and we congratulate Marie on reaching this marvellous milestone.

We look forward to celebrating her 100th


Bridge Sessions are operating as follows:

Normal schedule:
Monday evening at 6.30 pm for 7 pm start,
 in the Remembrance Room, to the left of Reception.
hursday, at 12.30 pm for 1 pm start:   in the Remembrance Room, to the left of Reception.
Saturday at 12.30 pm for 1 pm start;  in the Remembrance Room, to the left of Reception.

For enquiries email: or text Helen Legge (Secretary) 0401 675 805.

  Seeking partner???

Partner finding on the website:  If you need a partner for a particular session, FIRST please attempt to find one yourself using the member contact list. A copy is sent out annually by e-mail, and printed copies are available in the Bridge Room. If you are unable to find a partner, please preferably text, or phone, Helen Legge 0401 675 805.  Back-up is Debi Webber 0407 262 690.  Please note this website is a public forum, so your consent is needed to use your phone number.  Unless you advise otherwise, your consent will be assumed to use the phone numbers given on the members' contact list. Your feedback to this process is welcomed.


  Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer is Committee Member Julie Shaw.  If you know of any member who is experiencing illness, hospitalisation or family bereavement, for example, please inform
Julie (PH: 0408 965 494) so the appropriate action may be taken.