Spade Heart  Diamond Club

NAME  The Club shall be called Lowewood Bridge Club hereafter referred to as the Club.

2. AFFILIATION  The Club shall be affiliated to the Hertfordshire Bridge Association which is a constituent member of the English Bridge Union.

3. OBJECTS  The club shall be a non-profit making club for the playing of competitive Bridge.

4. MEMBERSHIP  Any person shall be eligible for membership. Such person will become a member on payment of the subscription for the coming year or such part as the committee may deem appropriate. Membership is subject to, or terminable at, the discretion of the Committee.

5. SUBSCRIPTION  The annual subscription for each member shall be such figure as the Committee shall determine and shall be payable on 1st April.

6. MEETINGS  Club night will be held on Tuesday evenings. No matches other than those specified on the fixture list may be played on Club evenings.

7. OFFICERS The officers of the Club shall be - Chairman - Secretary - Treasurer - Membership Secretary - Tournament Director - Master Points Secretary/Scorer.

8. MANAGEMENT  The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Club. The Committee shall consist of the Officers and two Ordinary Members appointed at the AGM. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year to deal with the business of the Club. Five members will form a quorum at a meeting of the Committee.

9. ELECTION of OFFICERS and COMMITTEE  The Officers and Other Members of the Committee shall be elected by ballot at the AGM and shall hold office until the next AGM when they shall retire. The shall be eligible for re-election. Nominations, with the names of proposers and seconders, for all Committee members may be made by any member of the Club and must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM. In the case of any office becoming vacant, an election will be held within 21 days at an Extraordinary Meeting of which 7 days notice has been given to all members.

10. AGM  The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of April to elect a chairman, Officers and Members of the Committee, to approve the accounts, to appoint an Honorary Auditor who shall not be a Committee member, to discuss any other business appropriate to the AGM and of which 7 days notice has been given to the Secretary. 14 days notice shall be given in writing to all members of the date, place and time of the AGM.

11. EXTRA-ORDINARY MEETING  An Extra-ordinary meeting of the Club may be called at any time by the Committee or by petition to the Secretary. Such petition shall be supported by at least 7 members of the Club. The Secretary shall call an EOM within 14 days of receipt of any such petition and 7 days notice shall be given to all members. The business of the EOM shall be limited to that specified in the notice calling the meeting.


12. SUB-COMMITTEES The Committee may appoint sub-committees and co-opt any willing member on to the Committee or sub-committees for the purpose of conducting the business of  The Club.




13. STANDARDS OF FAIR PLAY  Each member of the The Club shall be required in connection with the game of Duplicate Contract Bridge, to conform to the standards of fair play, courtesy and personal deportment prescribed by the Bye Laws and regulations for the time being of the EBU. The Club shall have the powers and the procedures for the enforcement of these standards. They are set out in the EBU Schedule of Disciplinary Procedures version 5.5 dated 21st February 2012 which shall be a schedule of this constitution.

14. FINANCE  The treasurer shall present a balance sheet and a trading account at the AGM, a statement of accounts at Committee meetings, a balance for the information of members within 10 days as requested. The funds shall be banked in the name of the Club at a bank designated by the Committee. The Treasurer, Secretary and Chairman shall act as signatories, 2 signatures being necessary on each cheque issued by the Club.

15. DUTY OFFICER  The Duty Officer is a member who will make him/herself available to complete the last pair. All memebrs will take their turn to be a Duty Officer and will be exempt table money for the evening. A rota will be provided by the Membership Secretary.

16. DUTY TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR  The Tournament Director is empowered to co-opt deputies and will provide a day rota as necessary.

17. VISITORS  Visitors will be welcome to make use of the facilities provided by the Club, at a fee determined by the Committee.

18. DISSOLUTION  If, at any AGM, a resolution for the dissolution of the Club, of which notice has been given, shall be passed by a majority of at least three quarters of the memebers present, the Committee shall thereupon, or at such future date as shall be specified in the resolution, realise the property of the Club. After discharging all liabilities, the Committee shall apply all proceeds to such Charitable Society as the meeting may by resolution determine. Upon completion of such application the Club shall be dissolved.

19. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION  No alteration to this Constitution shall be made except by resolution of two thirds of those present at an AGM or EOM of the Club. Notice relating to the proposed alteration of the Constitution shall be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days prior to such a meeting.

18. INTERPRETATION  Matters not provided for in the Constitution, or any interpretation thereof, shall be determined by the Committee whose decision shall be final.