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Release 2.19q
LMBA Leagues


General Information about Leagues

London League 2024-25
LMBA would prefer matches in the league to be played face-to-face in players’ homes or bridge
clubs, both to promote the social side of our game and to support those London clubs that host
matches. Teams are encouraged to play this way when possible. We recognise that there may
be many reasons why people are unable to meet face-to-face, and so online matches will be
permitted. If one of the two teams due to meet asks for an online match, the opposing captain
is asked to acquiesce to this request.
These league competitions are for teams-of-four, although up to 8 people may play for any one
team during the season. Entry fee: £20 per team.
Entries for 2024/25 will open on August 1st 2024 and close on 12th September s0 that matches
can start in early October this year
Any enquiries to

London League 2023/24, Winning Teams
Congratulations to this years winners.
Division 1
Winner Dhondy captained by Heather Dhondy
Runner Up August Red captained by Mark Davies

Division 2
Winner CMS Alumni captained by Mark Nichols
Runner Up YC4 captained by Chris Goodchild

Division 3
Winner Coolhurst1 captained by jeff Lewis
Runner Up KT Diamonds captained by Vivienne McNaughton

Results 2023-24   

Division 1   

Division 2   

Division 3

Results 2022-23

Division 1 

Division 2  

Division 3 

Results 2021-22

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Results 2020/21

London League Div 1 results

London League Div 2 results

London League Div 3 results


London League Div1 - Div2 - Div3 North - Div3 South

Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3 North - Div 3 South
Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3 North - Div 3 South
Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3
Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3
Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3 - Newcomers
Home Counties League

London League Div 1 - Div 2 - Div 3
Home Counties League