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Events - LMBA and elsewhere
Event Date Further Information
London Chiswick Cafe Bridge September 10, 2024 Details  Enter Here
London Mixed Pairs September 15, 2024 Poster EntryForm
LMBA AGM September 17, 2024, online Details
West of England Congress 6-8 October 2024 Poster
B&BCBA Green pointed Congress 2-3 November 2024 Details
London Congress Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 London Congress:   Teams: Gordon Clark, Niall Igoe, Jonathan Clark and Kripa Panchagnula; Also well done to the runners-up: Gad Chadha, Steve Lee, Jon Cooke and Cameron Small (Steve and Cameron not in picture) and 3rd placed Tony Verran, Liz Clery, Andrew Clery and Paul Huggins. Pairs: Steve Raine and Matt Brown.

Ireland Win Lederer 2024


Full details HERE   The team led the field from the third match onward. There was a very exciting last set where de Botton came back to within 1VP of the leaders but in the end Ireland prevailed to win the 2024 title. The Irish team are great supporters of the Lederer and have four previous wins, most recently in 2009. This is the fourth time John Carroll has won the event – the most victories of any of the Irish team. 

Ireland: l-r Frederic Volcker, Adam Mesbur, John Carroll, Grainne Barton (NPC), Tom Hanlon, Mark Moran, Nick Fitzgibbon








London Teams of Four 2024 - Winners

The winners of the London Teams of Four heat for the Ian Gardiner Trophy: Left to  Right Sebastian Atisen, Phil King, Stefano Tommasini, Kevin Castner. They also won the play off against the 3rd placed team (David Muller Trevor Mathews, Brian McGuire and Gordon Rainsford) and will represent London in the Pachabo.


Cafe Bridge Tonsleys

Winners (Shirley Pritchard & Julie Gardiner) and Runners up (Chantal Girardin and Francis Loughridge)
With the LMBA Chairman - James Smith

London Congress Swiss Teams Session 1
Director: Jonathan Lillycrop
London Congress Swiss Teams Session 2
Director: Jonathan Lillycrop
Green pointed Swiss Teams
Director: Jonathan Lillycrop