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Tip No. 6

This week I would like to look at converting a Take Out Double into a Penalty.

                                      ♠    Q 9 5 4                              Dealer West

            ♡   Q J 8 4 3                            No-one vulnerable

            ♢   Q 9                                 

♠  A 8 7 6                     ♣   8 2                       ♠    10 3 2

  2                                                                   K 10 9 7 6 5

  K 4 3 2                                                         A 6

♣  J 10 5 3                   ♠    K J                       ♣   7 6

            ♡   A

            ♢    J 10 8 7 5

            ♣   A K Q 9 4

West dealt and No Bid, as did I as North.  East opened a pre-emptive 2H showing 6-10 points and six hearts.  My partner, John, wanted to show his clubs and diamonds with an overcall, and over a 2-level pre-emptive opening my chosen method is to double first and if partner does not choose one of the two suits to bid again.  This double is a “take out” which asks me to bid something and hence negate the double or “take it out”.  John thought it was most likely I would bid spades and he intended then, instead of passing which is usual after making a take out double, to bid 3C to show both clubs and diamonds.  West passed and I considered bidding 2S but, because I had such a strong heart holding,  decided instead to No Bid which converts John’s take out double into a ‘penalty’ double.  East had nowhere to run to so No Bid and 2Hx was the final contract.  John led ♣A and the contract went two down giving us a score of 300.  So, in this instance it was correct not to take out my partner’s take out double.

Contact June Booty on 07846 397875 or for information about Bridge classes.