Tip No.5
This week I would like to look at converting a Take Out Double into a Penalty.
♠ Q 9 5 4 Dealer West
♡ Q J 8 4 3 No-one vulnerable
♢ Q 9
♠ A 8 7 6 ♣ 8 2 ♠ 10 3 2
♡ 2 ♡ K 10 9 7 6 5
♢ K 4 3 2 ♢ A 6
♣ J 10 5 3 ♠ K J ♣ 7 6
♡ A
♢ J 10 8 7 5
♣ A K Q 9 4
West dealt and No Bid, as did I as North. East opened a pre-emptive 2H showing 6-10 points and six hearts. My partner, John, wanted to show his clubs and diamonds with an overcall, and over a 2-level pre-emptive opening my chosen method is to double first and if partner does not choose one of the two suits to bid again. This double is a “take out” which asks me to bid something and hence negate the double or “take it out”. John thought it was most likely I would bid spades and he intended then, instead of passing which is usual after making a take out double, to bid 3C to show both clubs and diamonds. West passed and I considered bidding 2S but, because I had such a strong heart holding, decided instead to No Bid which converts John’s take out double into a ‘penalty’ double. East had nowhere to run to so No Bid and 2Hx was the final contract. John led ♣A and the contract went two down giving us a score of 300. So, in this instance it was correct not to take out my partner’s take out double.
Contact June Booty on 07846 397875 or junetaplin@live.co.uk for information about Bridge classes and gentle duplicate. A beginners’ class will be starting soon on Thursday mornings. Website www.leisurelandbridge.co.uk.