SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19n
Every Thursday! All Welcome!

Our search for a new bridge director has not borne fruit and unfortunately F2F bridge remains suspended.

Please check or to see what other bridge is on offer.


Absolute Beginner

Bridge is an enjoyable game and a great social skill. If you have any experience at all, even not very much and/or a long time ago, then you are welcome to brush up your skills by joining a 'supervised play' game   The KBC Monday afternoon sessions at this level are still currently suspended but one of our bridge directors Ned Paul runs suitable games on Tuesday afternoons at Chiswick Tennis Club, W4 3EU or on Thursday mornings at Our Lady Queen of Peace church hall, TW10 5AN..  Please enquire if you would like to know more or ring Ned on 07792 715517.

If you are a true beginner Ned Paul teaches the basics in a single weekend course "Learn Bridge In A Weekend"  This 2-day course runs several times in the year in London. You get all of the basics out of the way in one go and the course has been very successful over many years. 

Next dates: 

  • Sat/Sun October 12th /13th 2024 - venue TGRs Bridge Club, W2 3BP.
  • Sat/Sun November 2nd /3rd 2024 - venue TGRs Bridge Club, W2 3BP.
    (click here for full details)

After the course you will be able to progress by joining a weekly supervised playing session.  Details of these will be given during the weekend.

Please email for more info or ring for advice.

New Thursday Ladder Soon

With the resumptionIn in Face-to-Face bridge we will shortly restart the Thursday evening Ladder competition.  Details to follow.

  • December 2019 - Joan Clancy
  • October 2019 - Ernie Baker
  • August 2019 - Claus Werner
  • June 2019 - Asad Ansari
  • April 2019 - Martin Samuel
  • Feb. 2019 - Ernie Baker

Previous Wednesday afternoon winners:

  • Decmeber 2019 - John Page
  • October 2019 - Ann Ingel
  • August 2019 - Sue Perin
  • June 2019 - Adam Emerson
  • April 2019 - Lisa Martini
  • Feb. 2019 - Ann Ingel
BriAn Electronic Scoring

Kingston BC duplicates are scored using the BriAn electronic scoring system.  The BriAn system (= "Bridge on iPhone and Android") uses mobile phone technology to replace traditional tabletop scorers.  Players can use their own smart phones or other devices, such as iPads, or use android scoring tablets supplied by the club.

We believe BriAn is a very player-friendly system that has advantages over other systems.  When results are entered for each deal, the next screen shows the full lay-out of the deal, the available tricks in each suit and a full travelling score slip in a single screen. Results of previous boards and a full table of current rankings can be accessed from any device via a menu. The bridge director can create and modify games, adjust scores if necessary and create final files suitable for posting to the web.

If you have a suitable android or iPhone you can become a scorer simply by downloading the free BriAn Bridge app.  Go to the app shop in the normal way and search for "Brian Bridge". It's free to install and easy to use,  You can read more about BriAn Bridge on the website   Using your own phone, iPad or tablet is fun but entirely optional - extra scoring tablets are always available from the club.

The Kingston BC Ladder
The Kingston BC Ladder


Everyone who plays in the main duplicate on Thursday evenings participates in the Kingston Bridge Club Ladder.  Your Ladder score is the percentage by which you beat 50% in any week's duplicate.  Accumulate Ladder points by playing and doing well regularly.  Each two months the current Ladder leader receives a £50 prize, but then gets a handicap sending the winner back down into the field.  You can win more than once but each time you win the handicap becomes greater.  Winners so far:

  • December 2018 - Pauline Finn
  • October 2018 - Sean Butler
  • August 2018 - Carol Clisby
  • June 2018 - Mary Webster
  • April 2018 - Martin Samuel
  • February 2018 - Loulou van Geuns
  • December 2017 - Joan Clancy
  • October 2017 - Asad Ansari
  • August 2017 - Pauline Finn
  • June 2017 - Martin Samuel
  • April 2017 - Asad Ansari
  • February 2017 - Rosemary Vase
  • December 2016 - Ivor McGloughlin
  • October 2016 - Carol Clisby
  • August 2016 - Loulou van Geuns
  • June 2016 - Joan Clancy
  • April 2016 - Mary Webster
  • February 2016 - Loulou van Geuns
  • December 2015 - Carol Clisby
  • October 2015 - Joan Clancy
  • August 2015 - John Turner
  • June 2015 - Les Hough
  • April 2015 - Pauline Finn
  • February 2015 - Rosemary Vase
  • December 2014 - Fauzia Ali
  • October 2014 - Judy Barrett
  • August 2014 - Ivor McGloughlin
  • June 2014 - John Turner
  • April 2014 - Loulou van Geuns
  • February 2014 - Mary Webster
  • December 2013 - Pauline Finn
  • October 2013 - Joan Clancy
  • August 2013 - John Turner
  • June 2013 - Loulou van Geuns
  • April 2013- Joan Clancy
  • February 2013 - Rosemary Vase

Click the "Competitions" link opposite for full standings.


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Welcome To Kingston-upon-Thames's Own Bridge Club
Bridge Suspended While We Find a New Director

We had a great Christmas Party Duplicate on Thursday December 14th 2023.  Thank you all for coming and contributing to the occasion.  However there was sadness too, as we said goodbye to Ned Paul, our regular tournament director.  Ned was one of our founding TDs over 11 years ago. Ned puts on a lot of bridge in many places and is needing to cut down to spend more time at home. We wish him well!

So far we have not been able to find a replacement for Ned but we are still looking.  We will let players know when we are able to restart.  

Meanwhile Ned's online games continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening, hosted manily by Ned's colleague Ivan Brajkovic.  All Kingston players are welcome.

Friendly Bridge Club — New Players Welcome
Friendly Bridge Club — New Players Welcome

Above:  In play on Thursday evening at  St Pius Church Hall

Welcome to Kingston's own bridge club.  The Thursday duplicate is currently suspended, pending the appointment of a new Tournament Director.

Bridge for Improvers

Our Kingston programme of informal bridge is currently suspended. However a sister game at East Sheen Bridge Club IS running live on Thursday mornings (9.30am-12.00noon).   This takes place at the Church Hall, Our Lady Queen of Peace, 222 Sheen Road, Richmond TW10 5AN.  This is located directly across Richmond Park.  Click the East Sheen link above to see details and a map. There is free parking in the Church car park. A similar game at New Chiswick BC runs on Tuesday afternoons (2.00pm-4.30pm).  This takes place at Chiswick Tennis Club, W4 3EU which is located up the A316 behind Chiswick House Gardens (and NOT in central Chiswick).

The bridge at both the above venues is supervised social bridge and is aimed at those wanting to improve and polish their game. You should know a little of the basics to join the game; absolute beginners are recommended to Ned Paul's beginner lessons including his highly successful "Learn Bridge In A Weekend" - see dates opposite. If you do know the basics, even from a long time ago or from internet play please don't be shy in coming along - support and advice from an experienced tutor will be available throughout.

Our recommended bidding system is modern Acol with a weak NT, as widely taught in England, but other bidding systems are equally welcome.  We encourage players to learn and use modern conventions such as Weak Two opening bids and Transfer Responses to 1NT and 2NT.  If you would like to upgrade your game to include these and other modern ideas come along and we will support you throughout the learning process.  The group is very sociable and welcoming. Please trust us: we have a lot of exeprience in helping new players find their 'bridge legs' and going on to enjoy the game.

There is a similar social supervised play game at East Sheen Bridge Club  on Thursday mornings 9.30am-12noon.  See the website for details.

Online Bridge Also Available

Full Programme of
Online Tournaments

When Covid restrictions came into force, Kingston Bridge Club in common with other clubs in Ned Paul's 'stable, started to meet online.  

Since live bridge resumed, the online programme has continued. All players are welcome and we provide a safe, friendly and mainly Acol-based experience for all players.

The games are hosted so everyone including single players is guaranteed a partner.  We use the bridge playing site (known as 'BBO') to run these games.

There are three evening games a week.  These games are open to all but we require your BBO username and if appropriate your EBU membership number.  Online tournaments last about two hours.

  Monday evening  - 7.30pm
............................................ Wednesday evening  - 7.30pm
  * Friday evening  - 7.30pm


For complete details, including cost, and results of past games, see Ned's other website


Molesey Summer Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Wimbledon Village Summer Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Molesey Spring Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Wimbledon Village Spring Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Teddington Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk
Scorer: Victor Lesk
Contact Us

For any enquiry please telephone Ned Paul on 07792 715517 or email 

For info on lessons, scroll down.

How To Find Us
How To Find Us

Location of St Pius X Church Hall

By Foot

The church is located in The Triangle, Norbiton. From Kingston this is at the end of Kenley Road. From New Malden it is at the end of Clarence Avenue.

By Train

St Pius X Church is about 15 minutes walk from Norbiton BR station. This has a regular service from Waterloo, Richmond, Kingston, Clapham Junction and Wimbledon. Or take the 213 bus from New Malden BR station.

By Bus

The 213 stops at The Triangle from Kingston or Sutton via Worcester Park. The 57 from Putney or Wimbledon stops at the top of Dickerage Road, about 5 minutes walk.

By Car

There is limited public parking in The Triangle and surrounding streets.  It's available without charge after 6.30pm.

'Swiss Pairs' Evening - July 25th
'Swiss Pairs' Evening  - July 25th

Thanks to all those who competed in our inaugural Swiss Pairs wine and cheese evening, especially Pauline and Rosemary who organised the food so well.

Congratulations to winners Ann and Lisa who took £100 first prize in a close finish. Full results can be accessed from the Results Calendar link int he menu opposite

Looking forward to the next one! 

Kingston Bridge Club Open Day - Nov. 4th 2017
Kingston Bridge Club Open Day - Nov. 4th 2017

Kingston Bridge Club Open Day

Thanks to everyone who particpated in Kingston Bridge Club Open Day on Saturday November 4th. We had been invited to hold the event by SieMatic by Project Kitchens of Wood Street, Kingston in their kitchen showroom in the middle of Kingston town centre.  Interested shoppers, and those attracted by our publicity, werre able to come in and try bridge between 10.00am and 3.00pm.

A big thank you to all the club members who came and helped.  We have definitely made contact with new players who will join us in the future.  Thank you to Mike Sewell of SieMatic for coming up with the idea and to enthusiastic showroom manager Sarah Goebel for hosting us, proviiding refreshments and making the day work so well.

Molesey Summer Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Wimbledon Village Summer Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Molesey Spring Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Wimbledon Village Spring Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Scorer: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
Teddington Cafe Bridge 2024
Director: Victor Lesk
Scorer: Victor Lesk