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June 2024

Four promotions this month, so congratulations to:

Phillip Burley    -  2 Star Master
Shaffin Jaffer    -  Club Master
Joyce White      -  2 Star Grand Master
Gwen Wiles      -   Local Master

April 2024

Congratulations to Shaffin Jaffer on becoming a local master, Christine Whittle who is now a Club Master and  Jackie Stabler who achieved the rank of 1 Star Master.

January 2024

Only one promotion this month, so congratulations to Helen Adams on achieving the rank of Club Master

December 2023

Congratulations to John Ellwood who was promoted to Life Master during December, and to Linda White who became an Advanced Master in the same month.

November 2023

November was a bumper month for Master Point Promotions.

Congratulations to the following:
Chris Banks to 4* Master,
Russell White, Roger Preston, Catherine Preston to Advanced Master,
Helen Finch to Area Master, and
David Crowe, Jill Yates, Chris Yates to Local Master.
Well done to all.

October 2023

Congratulations to Michael Rothwell who attained the rank of Premier Life Master during October, and to Brian Smith who became a Regional Master in the same month.

September 2023

Congratulations to Sam Norman and Brenda Richardson who were promoted respectively to National Master and Club Master during September.

August 2023

Congratulations to the following who all achieved Master Point promotions in August:
Ina Gray: Premier Tournament Master;
Jean Dale and Debbie and Roger Wilkinson: County Masters
Philip Russell: Area Master,
Chris Needham and Sheila Wilson: Club Masters

July 2023

Congratulations to Helen Adams who received her first Master Point promotion in July, becoming a Local Master.

June 2023

Well done to Lesley Sellar and Brenda Richardson who were promoted respectively to District Master and Local Master during June.

May 2023

Well done Carl Penson who was promoted to Master during May.

April 2023

Congratulations to Dorothy Bayliss and Moira Williams who received promotions to County Master and Club Master respectively during April.

March 2023

Congratulations to Richard Brazier on his promotion to 3* Premier Master and to Janet Crowther on her promotion to Club Master.

Jan 2023

January saw June Taylor promoted to Area Master and Chris Needham to Local Master. Well done both.

December 2022

Congratulations to Helen Finch on her promotion to Club Master.

November 2022

Congratulations to all members of the Super Six who gained Master Point promotions during November:
Irene Gregory: 2* Premier Regional Master
Jackie Stabler: Advanced Master
Ken Orford & Bob Stow: County Master
Hilary Pickup: District Master
Sheila Wilson: Local Master

October 2022

The Famous Five receiving promotions this month were
Gillian Whyte: Life Master
Simon Robins: Regional Master
Robert Boyd: Advanced Master
Russell White: Master
Moira Williams: Local Master
Well done all.

September 2022

Congratulations to Hilary Storey, Alison Jones and Sam Rayner who have been promoted respectively to Regional Master, District Master and Club Master.

August 2022

Congratulations to the following on their promotion:

Amanda Etherington County Master
Tim Harrison 3 Star Premier Master

July 2022

Congratulations to those gaining promotions this month:
Ray Gregory: 2* Premier Regional Master
Brain Smith:2* Premier Master
Steve Douglas: County Master
Mary Sapsford: District Master
Helen Finch: Local Master

August 2021

Congratulations to the members who achieved a Master Points promotion in August

Member Promotion to:
Mike Casson Local Master     
Janet Owen District Master
Hilary Pickup Area Master
Stuart Taylor Advanced Master
Alan Wearmouth Grand Master