Hatfield Heath Bridge Club
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Welcome to Hatfield Heath Bridge Club
About the Club
About the Club

Hatfield Heath Bridge Club has been in existence for over 50 years. It originated in the homes of a group of friends in the neighbouring village of Little Hallingbury and expanded into the Institute Hall and then again into the well appointed village hall at Hatfield Heath.

The objective of the club is to play competitive bridge in a friendly atmosphere.  We cater for different levels of skill, with all assured of a friendly welcome.

We have been operating our own version of the EBU’s Better Behaviour at Bridge since opening and the emphasis being upon friendliness, our Directors are instructed to interpret the rules (where possible) in the most lenient of ways.

Michael Shine (Chairman)

End of winter season 2024

The AGM was held on Wednesday 15th May.  The winners of the 4 competitions - Pairs League, Handicapped Pairs League, Individual League and Handicapped Individual League - are as follows:

Pairs League:  1st Micahel and Roy, 2nd Mark and Adrienne, 3rd Alan and Fred.

Individual:  1st Roy, 2nd Michael, 3rd Alan, 4th Bob

Handicap:  1st Gill and Jules, 2nd Tim and M, 3rd David and Fiona

Individual Handicap:  1st Eddie, 2nd Adrienne, 3rd David, 4th Tim

Well done everyone!!

The summer season will begin on 22nd May.

Annual Social Event

Following on from the very enjoyable summer social events for the past 2 years, we will be holding another one on Sunday 25th August. ,

CONGRATULATIONS Michael and Adrienne

Michael and Adrienne were members of the team that won the Eastern Counties League again!  Well done both of you.

HHBC Quiz night


Another enjoyable night was had by all.  Well done Eddie and Michael for a varied and challenging set of questions and table quizzes.  A good profit was made and shared between the club and the village hall.


CONGRATULATIONS  to the following members on their EBU ranking promotions;


Alan Deeley - Life Master

Gill Little - 2 Star Master

Dave Langridge - County Master

There have been some recent changes to the BLUE BOOK which is the handbook of EBU Permitted Understandings.  These changes are outlined in the Ask Robin section on pages 34/35 of the September edition of the EBU magazine that all members received recently.

The changes involve what bids are announced or alerted and what defines a strong opening bid.  The article explains these changes in detail.

There is a summary chart on the EBU website that details what bids need alerting or announcing.  


The following links might help:

EBU magazine - September 22

Announcements Summary table

Or if you would like to peruse the whole Blue Book it is here.


The two summer individual competitions (main and handicap) are now completed and placings can be seen in the Competitions tab on the left hand menu bar.  Well done to all who took part.

As these two competitions require players to play, and score, with at least two other players the eligible players that came in the first four in both competitions are shown in the Final Summer Results tab.

Congratulations to the prize winner of the main event - Michael Shine and to the winner of the Handicap - Tim Potter.




Bridge lessons are available from our qualified bridge teacher.  See Education for details.



Getting the most from the Results

The results section of our new web site has lots of additional information on your personal performance on the night. It is obvious speaking to some of the members that they do not realise that this exists. So to help you get the most from the new results service, please click below to open the instructions on how to access this extra information.  You can also find what we used to call the 'Butler Rankings' for the teams' sessions.  These are now calculated using Cross-IMPs which Eddie assures us is a better way of doing it!

Pairs ranking in teams.pdf

summer 10
Scorer: Adrienne Tinn
summer 9
Scorer: Adrienne Tinn
summer 8
Scorer: Adrienne Tinn