Fundy Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Need a partner? Contact Marilyn Dalton at (506) 847 4363

News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

NAP District 1 finals - Saturday Nov 13 (flights A and C) and Sun Nov 14 (flight B) on BBO.

Two sessions at 10:30 and 3 PM Atlantic time. $ 20 US /person (fee includes both session). Awards gold and red masterpoints and top finishers will have the opportunity to compete in the National final in Reno in March.


Pre-registration Required by midnight on Sunday, November 7, By e-mail to , with the following information for both players:

 Flight (A, B or C) on the subject line;


 ACBL number;


NAP qualifiers: weeks of Aug 2 and 23 for Fundy; weeks of Aug 9 & 16 for Codiac

North American Pairs (NAP) Qualifying games:

1. Flight A Open to any player

2. Flight B Players with less than 2500 MPs as of the June 2021 masterpoint cycle*

3. Flight C Non-Life Masters with fewer than 500 MPs as of the June 2021 masterpoint cycle.*

Those scoring 50% or above and/or in the top half of their strat will qualify for the District finals sometime this fall. ACBL will email those who have acheived the qualifying standard.

The District winners qualify to go to the NABC NAP finals Spring 2022 in Reno NV.

Stardust Week: July 26 - August 1: Double masterpoints: 25% gold and 75% black!

The Longest Day game 1 PM Saturday June 19 had 12 tables! Thank you! All proceeds to the Alzheimer Society NB.

Fundy Swiss Teams Game Saturday April 24 1 PM. Open event - if sufficient interest (at least 4 teams) will have a limited masterpoint section.

Pre-register with Dave Fraser ( Send me the 4 names and also indicate the captain.

If you are a pair looking for teammates , let me know.


Upcoming Special events

April 12-18 Charity Week - double masterpoints

April 22-25 Stay at Home/Play at Home - online regional - gold and red masterpoints

Our next Swiss Teams is Saturday March 27 at 1 PM. Please pre-register your team of 4 with Dave Fraser ( So far we have 10 teams! Room for more! If you are a pair looking for another pair we will try to match you up.

We will also have a 0-400 limited at the same time - if we get 4 teams. Need more to have this event!

Upcoming Special Events

Stardust Week March 22 - 28 All virtual club games double masterpoints 25% GOLD 75% black

This coming Saturday afternoon, Feb. 13th, during the regular virtual game at 1 pm Fiddlehead will host a special team game. ACBL is offering double points, 1/2 red and 1/2 black for all virtual games on Valentine's weekend. When we were face-to-face at the club, Fiddlehead used to run a Flash Mob Team game one Saturday per month. Our plan is to modify the game so that it can work at our virtual club. The teams will be a mix of all player levels. As we say in bridge lingo, "8 is enough". Here are the rules for set-up. 

  • Game time is Saturday, Feb. 13th at 1:00pm at Fiddlehead Virtual site.
  • All players will self-categorize themselves using the following criteria:
    • A-Life Masters 
    • C- Less than 300mp's or less than 2 years of duplicate (so if you are not a member of ACBL but you have been playing duplicate for 3 years, you do not belong here.)
    • B- everyone else
  • Teams will have a maximum of 8 virtual points.
    • A=3 virtual points
    • B=2 virtual points
    • C=1 virtual point
  • You can pre-sign up with me as a complete team or as a pair and we will assign you with another pair.
    • If you are a team, please email with one email which will include each player's name, bbo nickname, and each players category (A, B, or C). One email with all 4 names will be great.
    • Similarly-If you are a pair, please email with one email which will include each player's name, bbo nickname, and each players category (A, B, or C). One email with both names will be great.
    • If you are a single player looking to play, send an email and we will do our best to fit you on a team. Be sure to include your bbo nickname and category.
  • We will assign a captain to each team. This way not all captain's will be A players. It will make it more fair for everyone. We will do our best to equalize the teams given that ACBL does not stratify team games as yet. 
  • You will have until Thursday night to submit your names if you are pairs. You will have until Friday evening to submit complete teams. Please do not wait until last minute.
  • On Saturday, you will sign up for the team game similar to how you did it last week. Each team will be assigned a captain and a co-captain before game time. Again try to come early to avoid any last minute problems.

Good luck everyone and let's have some fun.

Carol Airst 

Dave Halliday

This week Monday Jan 18 to Sunday Jan 24 is Silver Linings Week. All virtual club games award double SILVER masterpoints.

Nov 23-29: Stardust Week: All virtual club games are double masterpoints - 25% gold and 75% black!

Every Wednesday 0-20 mps (7:00 PM) and 21-399 mps (7:15 PM) games.

Congratulations to Marlene May - Bronze Life Master

Wednesday Nov 4 - Fundy 399er game - two sections 0-20 and 21-399

Congratulations for recent  ACBL rank achievements:

Sylvia Logan: Silver Life Master

Reid Parker: Life Master

Codiac is having a money game starting Sunday Oct 18 1 PM $  8 per person. 24 boards. Will award masterpoints and BBO$. Game will be held every two weeks.

Upcoming events:

Silver Linings Week: January 18-24, 2021. Double silver masterpoints! Fiddlehead will have a special game Saturday Jan 23 - open to non-lifemasters only.

Updated schedule for virtual club games:

Monday 1 pm (Codiac)
Monday 7:15pm (Fiddlehead)
Tuesday 1:00 pm (Shediac)
Tuesday 7:15 pm (Fundy)
Wednesday 1 pm (Fiddlehead)
Wednesday 7 pm (Fundy) 0-20 game and 7:15 pm 21-399er game
Wednesday 7:15 pm (Codiac)
Thursday 1:00 pm (Shediac)

Thursday 1:00 pm Fiddlehead
Thursday 7:15pm (Fundy)
Friday 1pm (Codiac)

Codiac Money game - every Sunday 1 PM


Current on-line schedule: Games are usually 21 or 22 boards

Monday 1 PM (Codiac)

(new) Tuesday 1 PM (Bridge Shediac) 1 PM

Tuesday 7:15 PM (Fundy)

Wednesday 1 PM (Fiddlehead)

Wednesday 7 PM (Fundy) 199er game 18 boards

Wednesday 7:15 PM (Codiac)

Thursday 6:30 PM (Bridge Shediac)

Thursday 7:15 PM (Fundy)

Friday 1 PM (Codiac)

(new) Sunday 1 PM (biweekly) Codiac - next game Nov 1

All virtual club games Sep 21-27 will award double masterpoints, with 75% black and 25% GOLD!

Longest Day - play bridge online this weekend and raise money for the Alzheimer Society of Canada:

Saturday June 20 1 PM - Codiac

Saturday June 20 7:15 PM - Fundy

Sunday June 21 1 PM - Fundy

Sunday June 21 7:15 PM  - Codiac

June 9 - game was canceled due to BBO outage.

Note that Moncton Codiac Weds PM game has a new start time of 7:15 PM.

The Loyalist sectional scheduled for August 14 - 16, 2020 in Quispamsis NB is canceled for this year.

New Guest Policy: Effectively immediately, if you want to play with a guest partner, please let me know before the game. We are limited to 5% guests per week, so for a 10 table game we could have 2 guests on average. A guest is anyone who is not a member of our "virtual club".

The members of our virtual club include:

(1) anyone who played at Fundy between Jan 2019 and Feb 2020 - this includes ACBL members and non-members
(2) anyone in the virtual pool of Fundy, Codiac, and Fiddlehead clubs (plus other clubs that get added)
(3) anyone who went through the previous process of asking their home club for permission to play here

Anyone else is a guest. (If not sure if you or your partner are a guest, contact me)

Check out the results (starting from May 19) - hand records, play it again, travellers and more!


Feb 25 No bridge lesson due to Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, bridge game will proceed as normal

Special Games coming up:
STaC Week: Feb 24 - Mar 1: Silver points awarded Tuesday Feb 25 and Thursday Feb 27, and at our Swiss Teams game March 1.
STaC Team Game Sunday March 1 Assumption Centre 10 AM $ 50 per team. Bring your own lunch. Poster:  Swiss Teams March 1

Fiddlehead Bridge Club (Fredericton NB) is having a Flash Mob Swiss Teams Saturday Feb 8 - pre-register as a pair and you are matched up with another pair. Contact Carol Airst

Tuesday Feb 11 Educational Fund 63.6% sectional-rated black points

No game today (Feb 6) - due to weather. See you Tuesday!

Bridge Lesson Feb 4 5:30 PM Bergen raises and LoTT continued

Bridge Lesson Jan 28, 5:30 PM. Bergen raises (continued)

To understand Bergen Raises as a bidding tactic, we will also begin reviewing the concept of the Law of Total Tricks.  Most experienced bridge players follow LOTT in some way -- indeed, it is one of the most important matchpoints strategies players utilize.  Understanding LOTT is a key step for most duplicate bridge players.


Looking ahead - Feb 24 - Mar 1 will be another STaC week - Fundy will have a 2 session Swiss teams game on Sunday March 1 - more details later!Bridge Lesson Jan 21, 5:30 PM Bergen Raises!


Thursday Afternoon Sessio - 103.0 Tables

MPs A B C Names Score
    Robert Losier - Judy Losier; Bathurst 68.06%
  Nicole Drainville - Francine Trudel; Centre Laurier 64.41%
  Lois Blanchard - Linda Roach; Perth 63.69%
    Gunther Schutzenmeier - Sid Brownstein; RADBC 63.39%
Wayne Clowater - Colette Clowater; Bathurst 63.19%
  Donald Grant - Ivy Grant; Perth 63.10%
    Mary Sue Burns - Leona Cooper; Bathurst 62.96%
  Carolyn Forcillo - Evelyn Suderman; Pointe Claire 62.67%
    William Hanes - Rod MacDonald; RADBC 62.08%
Steve Gray - Mike Nagrodski; Arnprior 61.98%
    Lydia Prange - Ted Withers; Ken-Wo 61.67%
Lauraine Benoit - Regent Lapointe; Centre Laurier 61.01%
    Marie Duval - Andre Boucher; Centre Laurier 60.98%
  Colin Moran - Daniel Poirier; Ken-Wo 60.83%
    Marilyn Carbonneau - Doris Dollinger; Pointe Claire 60.77%
Ilona Gruda - Yvan Filion; Centre Laurier 60.24%
  Jennifer Smith - Fred Struve; Bridgewater 59.63%
Agnes Frank - Gabor Mehes; Pointe Claire 59.62%
    Georges Babkine - Murielle Brouillard; St Lambert 59.52%
Gemma Haggarty - Andrea DeBow; Fundy 59.43%
    Claude Laberge - Ronald Coulombe; St Lambert 59.23%
Jana Pogacnik - Helene Belanger; Centre Laurier 59.10%
Muriel Flood - John McCumber; Fundy 59.03%
  Elizabeth Cavalero - Dick Cavalero; Bathurst 58.80%
  Yvette Hawkins - Mary Simon; RADBC 58.33%
Thara Charland - Guillaume Douville; Centre Laurier 57.61%

STaC week Jan 13 - 19, 2020

Tuesday Jan 14 at 7 PM Assumption. STaC Open pairs (Director: David Fraser)

Thursday Jan 16 at 1 PM Assumption STaC Open pairs (Director: Ron Duplisea))

(Note - Valley will have STaC games Jan 10 and Jan 17)

Looking ahead - Feb 24 - Mar 1 will be another STaC week - Fundy will have a 2 session Swiss teams game on Sunday March 1 - more details later!


STaC week results: Results

Overall results Jan 9 afternoon

Thursday Afternoon Sessio - 62.0 Tables

MPs A B C Names Score
Marie Griffiths - Marc Griffiths; Fiddlehead 67.73%
    Ted Withers - Mark Spear; Ken-Wo 67.00%
    Mary Sue Burns - Leona Cooper; Bathurst 65.63%
  Kathy Grimm - Louis Tousignant; Bridgewater 63.10%
    Gerald Murphy - Elianor Kennie; Ken-Wo 62.81%
  Lois Sherwood - John Sherwood; Fundy 62.19%
    Robert Losier - Judy Losier; Bathurst 61.51%
    Mary MacKay - Adele Stewart; Halifax Studio 61.31%
Wayne Clowater - Colette Clowater; Bathurst 61.11%
    Alice Manzer - David Halliday; Fiddlehead 60.19%
    Rick Sheppard - Bob Chase; Bridgewater 59.52%
Verlie Wile - Joyce Pierce; Ken-Wo 58.93%
Mary Ritchie - Joan Burt; Fiddlehead 58.65%
Michael Birks - Marion Ingraham; Fiddlehead 58.48%
Gemma Haggarty - Andrea DeBow; Fundy 58.38%
Roseline Anderson - Carol Mclennan; Fundy 57.72%
  William Springer - Judy Hare; Fundy 57.65%


Updated! Overall results Jan 9 evening

Thursday Evening Session - 14.0 Tables

MPs A B C Names Score
    Norman O'Brien - Rob Kitchen; Fundy 70.83%
    Jane Filbee - Linda Tuff; Halifax BW 63.98%
    Stuart Eastwood - Virginia Giza; Halifax BW 59.69%
  William Springer - Judy Hare; Fundy 59.03%
  Marie Burchill - Clara O'Brien; Fundy 58.33%
    Scott Rappard - Marcia Shaw; Halifax BW 57.22%
  John McCumber - A Logan; Fundy 55.79%
  Robert Murray - Marilyn Dalton; Fundy 54.63%
  Donna Steeves - John Steeves; Fundy 53.70%
  David Fraser - Reid Parker; Fundy 52.78%
Helen Prowse - Kate MacIsaac; Halifax BW 49.14%
Keith Taylor - Julia Taylor; Halifax BW 48.22%
Chris Melanson - Denis Matheson; Fundy 46.76%
Gemma Haggarty - Andrea DeBow; Fundy


STaC week: Jan 6 - 12 2020

Tuesday Jan 7 at 7 PM Assumption. STaC Open pairs (Director: Edward Hynes)

Thursday Jan 9 at 1 PM Assumption STaC Open pairs followed by pizza! (Director: Ron Duplisea)

Thursday Jan 9 at 6 PM Assumption STaC Open pairs (Director: Edward Hynes)

Saturday Jan 11 at Moncton (Riverview) 2 session STaC Swiss teams game 10 AM

Dec 17 Bridge lesson 5:30 PM- For this week's lesson, we will revisit matchpoint scoring and start a discussion on etiquette at the bridge table.  (This lesson was inspired by the game last Friday evening at the Valley Duplicate Bridge Club.)  There were some very instructive hands that emphasized the importance of understanding how to score well in matchpoints; if you don't understand this scoring format and the strategies that stem from it, then you won't be able to score as well as you can which will lessen your chance of winning consistently

With respect to table etiquette, I observed several infractions that ranged from minor to VERY serious violations.  I am fully acknowledge that a club game is not the same as a game in a tournament, BUT if you're competing for Masterpoints (as we all do when we play in a sanctioned ACBL duplicate bridge game), then you need to be fully aware of (at least) some of the rules that govern bidding and play at the table so that: 1. You don't commit those errors; and 2. To protect yourself so that your side is not taken advantage of [especially by more experienced bridge players who may purposefully (VERY unethical) or inadvertently (i.e., accidental, with no ill intent) take advantage of your ignorance at the table].

New Years Eve bridge - game planned for Tuesday Dec 31 at Assumption.

No game Dec 24 or Dec 26

STaC week - Jan 6 - 12, 2020: Fundy will have 3 games at Assumption: Tuesday Jan 7, 2020: 7 PM; Thursday Jan 9, 2020 - 2 games: 1:00 PM. Pizza after the game. Evening game will start at 6 PM or shortly thereafter.
Valley - Friday, Jan 10:  7 PM
Moncton - Team game Saturday Jan 11

Picture from farewell gathering for Linda Cobham and Gerald Laflamme, who are moving to Ontario. They will be missed!

Dec 10 - Jacoby 2NT continued.

Nov 26: Major Suit Conventions -- i.e., how to evaluate and bid our hands for when our partner OPENS 5-card majors (1H/1S).  We have already talked about the strong 1NT opening and its importance in scoring (i.e., 3NT being the most common game contract).  Now, we will cover the other VERY important game-scoring contract in the form of 4H/4S.  Indeed, we have already covered some major-suit game sequences (e.g., via Stayman and Transfers when partner opens a strong 1NT; via FSF; game tries), but in this module, we will cover other more specialized conventions that pertain to the major suits.  Specifically, we will cover the following in detail:

1. Jacoby 2NT.  There are several variants out there, but I will show you the basic one that should serve you well.
2. Bergen Raises (B.R.)
3. Splinters.  I will show you a more modern and aggressive approach that will make use of your improved card sense.
4. Drury.  How to respond when your partner opens 1M in 3rd/4th seat.  We will cover the reverse, 2-way version (my favorite and, imo, the most useful)
5. Spiral raises -- i.e., how to ask for more information from opener (values and trump holding) when the auction proceeds 1m-1M-2M.  This game-try convention should add nicely to your repertoire of other game tries for the majors!

Game is on!

Tuesday Dec 3: Christmas Dinner and Bridge. $ 10.00 per person (Includes bridge). Dinner at 6 PM, Bridge at 7 PM.  (No lesson Dec 3)

Nov 19 - Bridge lesson 5:30 PM - we will continue our little module on counting.  Last time, we reviewed some key factors and ways on how to better count shape in a bridge deal.  This time, we cover how to determine and infer point count (HCP) in an opponent's hand in a bridge deal.  This is another skill that experienced bridge players develop to avoid "guessing" on a play when they don't have to.  Congrats to special game winners:

Erin Berry Rookie-Master (Oct 29): North-South Nanci Ruthen - Carolyn Ferguson East-West David Robertson - Greg Russell

ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game (Oct 31): North-South  Ed Kaine - Grant Godfrey East-West Reid Parker - Greg Russell . Each of them receive 1 gold point.

NAP B final winners (Nov 2) - Howie Huynh and Matthew Morse, who will now represent District 1 at the NABC in Columbus OH in March 2020.

Nov 12 - no bridge lesson. Regular pairs game at 7 PM.

Erin Berry Rookie - Master Game: Tuesday afternoon October 29 1 PM at Assumption (large room).

We will also have the regular game Tuesday night at 7 PM. (No bridge lesson Oct 29)

October 31: ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game: One GOLD point to section tops in each direction in each club, remaining points red/black at 81.8% sectional rating

Barry Rigal prepared the hand analysis for the Canada Olympiad Fund game on Oct 10 - see more at this link: Hand analysis


NAP District 1 Eastern final dates:

Flight B (less than 2500 masterpoints) Saturday November 2 (2 sessions) 10 AM and TBA (in the afternoon): Halifax Bridge World, Halifax NS.
All of these events award gold and red masterpoints. The winners in each flight will be invited to participate in the ACBL NAP final at the Spring NABC in Columbis Ohio. The winners will receive a partial subsidy from ACBL for trip expenses. The runners-up will also be invited to participate in the ACBL NAP final.
Refer to Ron's email to see for which flight(s) you qualify.

Barry Rigal prepared the hand analysis for the Canada Olympiad Fund game on Oct 10 - see more at this link: Hand analysis

This Thursday Oct 24 - Club Appreciation Open Pairs 1 PM

Bridge Lesson - October 22 5:30 COUNTING.  Expert bridge players say that the end-all and be-all of competitive bridge is learning how to count -- i.e., shape, distribution, and points.  As I've stated before, if you think of a bridge deal as a puzzle to be solved, then counting (properly) SIGNIFICANTLY increases your chances in successfully solving that puzzle (again, for me, that's the challenge and FUN part of bridge!).  The result: you score better and increase your chances of winning.  The better and more consistent you are at counting, the better and more consistent you will be at winning.  Admittedly, this is one of the HARDEST skills for I/N bridge players to develop (heck, I'm STILL trying to get better at it!), but I promise you, if you work at it consistently, your results will improve.  Hence, in this lesson, I will show you some tricks to make learning how to count easier.

N.B.  If you have the book, Coundown To Winning Bridge (by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith) that I recommended to you at the start of these bridge lessons (can you believe it's been a year already????!!!!), then I highly recommend reading over (at least) the first two chapters.  To reiterate, this book changed the way I view and play duplicate bridge (as I know it did for several others when I first started playing), so if you haven't incorporated it into your bridge library, I can't recommend this title enough!    


Bridge Lesson - Oct 15 5:30 "H" in Arching: promoting and establishing tricks in long suits.

Special Games in October:

Erin Berry Rookie - Master Game: Tuesday afternoon October 29 1 PM at Assumption (large room). If you are a Master ( over 50 mps) and would like to play and do not have a Rookie partner, or if you are a Rookie(under 50 points) and do not have a partner, please let Ron Duplisea know asap and he will try to arrange a partner for you. We will also have the regular game Tuesday night at 7 PM. (No bridge lesson Oct 29)

October 31: ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game: One GOLD point to section tops in each direction in each club, remaining points red/black at 81.8% sectional rating

Correction to NAP District 1 Eastern final dates:

Flight C (less than 500 masterpoints and non-life master) Sunday Oct 27 (2 sessions) 10 AM and TBA (in the afternoon): Moncton Duplicate Bridge Club, Riverview NB
Flight A (open) Saturday October 26 (2 sessions) 10 AM and TBA (in the afternoon): Moncton Duplicate Bridge Club, Riverview NB


Flight B (less than 2500 masterpoints) Saturday November 2 (2 sessions) 10 AM and TBA (in the afternoon): Halifax Bridge World, Halifax NS.
All of these events award gold and red masterpoints. The winners in each flight will be invited to participate in the ACBL NAP final at the Spring NABC in Columbis Ohio. The winners will receive a partial subsidy from ACBL for trip expenses. The runners-up will also be invited to participate in the ACBL NAP final.
Refer to Ron's email to see for which flight(s) you qualify.


Bridge Lesson - Oct 8 5:30 The basics of the crossruff -- i.e., how to spot the pattern and properly set up the crossruff matrix. 

October 10: Canada Olympiad Fund (81.8% sectional rated black points).
Oct 1 - we are in the small room for both the lesson and the game.
Bridge Lesson - Oct 1 5:30  "H" -- i.e., how to make the contract -- the backward finesse and the ruffing finesse
Bridge Lesson - Sep 24 5:30  "H" -- i.e., how to make the contract -- in our ARCHing series. 
For this week, we will cover other types of finesses -- i.e., the double, the deep, the backwards, and the ruffing.
The last several weeks we covered:
- finessing, and worked through examples on how/when to integrate into your chosen line of play (recall that finessing should NOT necessarily always be your first chosen tactic...);
- avoiding the "danger" hand vs. finessing/playing into the "safe" hand
Bridge Lesson - Sep 17 5:30: Further discussions on finessing and concepts of "dangerous" and "safe" hands.
Congratulations to:
David Robertson on achieving Ruby Life Master
Lloyd May on achieving Bronze Life Master
Bridge Lesson - Sep 10 5:30: we will be reviewing "C" and "H" in ARCHING with some example deals/hands from the Moncton Sectional (tournament) this past weekend. 

Bridge Lesson - Sep 3 5:30: Continuing the discussion and studies on Counting Winners/Losers in ARCHing.  All of you did a FANTASTIC job last week on handling this aspect of ARCH for Notrump contracts.  This week, we will focus on examples for SUIT contracts.  

Bridge Lesson - August 27 5:30 PM: we will be reviewing the "C" in ARCHing -- i.e., counting winners (no trump contracts) or losers (suit contracts).  We'll also see how this blends into H (how to make the contract). 

The results for today (August 22), including the hand records, are now uploaded to the website. I'd be interested in any feedback about recording the opening lead and if it has helped you in the post-game analysis of your results.

Today was the last NAP qualifier for this year. The NAP District 1 (east) finals will be in late October (A and C) in Moncton and early November (B) in Halifax. More info when the district provides it.

Bridge lesson August 20 5:30 PM. Continuing our discussion on the "R" in ARCHing.  I will show you some example hands whereby reviewing the auction helped declarer make contracts and record the best possible score. 
Bridge lesson August 13 5:30 PM. The "R' in ARCHing -- i.e., REVIEWING the auction.  We will review common scenarios where information given in the auction can dictate how you plan and play a contract. 
Bridge lesson August 6 5:30 PM. we will continue to go over some hands from the Sectional tournament.  PLEASE bring your SATURDAY hand records with you to this lesson; I will again have some photocopies with me for those of you who don't have any. 


Looking for a partner: For the week of August 12 (i.e. for the games on August 13 and 15) - if you are looking for a partner contact Darlene Fraser 849 7922 or (Marilyn will be away)

Bridge Lesson July 30 5:30 PM: We will go over some hands from this past weekend's Sectional tournament.  PLEASE bring your hand records with you to this lesson (I will have some photocopies with me for those of you who don't have any...).  The hands I will focus on will illustrate/highlight some key aspects of competitive bidding -- I will show you some very cool tricks to incorporate into your bidding repertoire to convey KEY information to your partner.  Some others will focus on ARCHing, our current module of study.  PMAs (post-mortem analyses) are always a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to going over these hands (and others, time permitting) with you.  See you Tuesday!

Loyalist Sectional results: Results!

July 23 - special event! Olive's 100th birthday celebration at Assumption!
Bridge Lesson - July 16 5:30 The"A" in ARCHing -- i.e., analyzing the lead.  We will discuss some common lead strategies and agreements and see how you can integrate that information into the plan and play of the hand.  

Bridge Lesson - July 9 5:30 Assumption ARCH = Analyzing the lead, Reviewing the Auction; Counting Winners/Losers, and How to Make the Hand

Hospitality: Daily, Free Tea and Coffee

Cost: $ 12.50 per session (ACBL members), add $ 4.00 per session for former ACBL members. Non-members - need to buy one month membership.


Loyalist Sectional July 26 - 28, 2019 Quispamsis Civic Centre 12 Civic Dr Quispamsis NB

Directions to Civic Center: Directions!

Friday, July 26

1:00 pm: Stratified Open Pairs

7:00 pm: Stratified Open Pairs

Saturday, July 27

10:00 am: Stratiflighted Open Pairs (1st session)

3:00 pm: Stratiflighted Open Pairs (2nd session)

Sunday, July 28 10:00 am Stratiflighted Swiss Teams (Pizza Lunch Provided) 2 session play-through with a short break after 3rd round

Stratified: A = 1000+, B = 300-1000, C = 0-300 Stratiflighted: A = unlimited, AX = 0 1750 B = 300-1000, C = 100 300, D = 0 100 Strats determined by average of pair or team. In stratiflighted events,a player with 1000+ must play in AX.

Partnerships: Marilyn Dalton: (506)847-4363 or


CAN-AT 2019 was held in Moncton June 25-30. There were 748 tables this year, compared to 671 two years ago (and 565 in Fredericton in 2015). Halifax, which hosts CAN-AT in even numbered years, had 978 tables in 2016 and 1015 tables in 2018.

Many of our local players competed in one or more events.

Some  local  results:

Tuesday June 25. Go for Gold Pairs. Afternoon session - Reid Parker and John McCumber - 1st (61.61%)

Evening session - Dave and Darlene Fraser - 1st (72.62%) and also first overall.

Janet Purdy - Elaine O'Leary - 1st section D

Friday June 27 Go for Gold Pairs Afternoon session - Carol Craig - Joanne McGillivray - 1st section C (53.81%)

Morning Side Pairs - Reid Parker - Dave Fraser - 1st Section B (55.45%)

Saturday A/X Pairs Evening session: Bette Doherty - Mike Reinhart - 1st section X (57.58%)

Sunday Bracketed Swiss Teams - Lois Sherwood - Marilyn Dalton (with Eddie Cormier and Paul Dumas from PEI) 1st - Bracket 4.

Top Masterpoint winners from our area:

Norm O'Brien 26.35 masterpoints

David Fraser 16.42

Darlene Fraser 13.17

Lois Sherwood 11.83

Donna Steeves 9.92

John Steeves 9.92

Marilyn Dalton 9.36

Reid Parker 8.12

Grant Godfrey 7.98

Ron Duplisea 7.76

Congratulations to all!

No bridge lessons June 25 or July 2. Lessons resume July 9.

June 20 The Longest Day - supporting the Alzheimers Association.

Two games 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM. 63.6% sectional-rated black points.
Donations $ 20.00 or more will receive a tax receipt.

June 18 - Dinner & Annual General Meeting 5:30. Bridge to follow. $ 10.00 per person (meal and bridge)

NAP qualifier June 18. 50/50 red/black at 81.8% sectional rating. Qualify for District 1 finals in Oct/Nov for a chance to go to the NAP finals in Columbus OH March 2020.


Bridge Lesson June 11: Continue review/discussion on quantitative bids (4NT) and Gerber (4C = Roman and 1430). 

Bridge Lesson June 4 5:30 PM Quantitative raise -- i.e., responder bidding 4NT over opener's strong 1NT opener (good 14 to 17 HCP).  We'll review when and how to use this bid for ALL notrump bids.

Bridge Lesson May 28 5:30 PM

1430 continues:
1.  The bidding ladder (i.e., responses) for the Queen Ask for H and S. 
2.  The King Ask and how to respond

Bridge Lesson May 21 5:30 PM

1430 continues: review of queen ask; showing a working void etc






Newcomer section at Valley Club May 17 - if interested e-mail name and phone no. to Barry Budge at asap

FUNDY DBC is hosting a Unit Championship Swiss team event

            WHERE:  Belleisle Community Centre

            WHEN: Sunday, May 19, 2019

            $ 50.00 per Team

            Bring your own lunch

Over a dozen local players made the trek to the Gatlinburg Regional.

Gerry Laflamme and Linda Cobham (with Valentin Kovachev and David Schouweiler) won the Stratiflighted Swiss Teams on Friday April 26

Lois and John Sherwood, Bill Springer and Cecil Henry won the Strati-flighted B/C/D Swiss on April 22

Howard Huynh won the Two-session bracketed Swiss Teams with his team on April 27.

Full results here:

Gatlinburg Results

Codiac 299er -  some of our local players had good results:

Sat morning pairs - Overall 1. Margaret Crothers and Lucy Creighton 2. Pat and Pat Kiely and then 1st in B: Ruth Pearn and Sherril Minns

Sat afternnon pairs - Overall 5th Margaret Crothers and Lucy Creighton, then 2nd in B: Janet Purdy and Judy Braman

Sunday Swiss - 1st - Ann Leggett and her Fredericton teammates Judy Wood, Sharon Nussey, Ann Marie Griffiths. 2nd : Margaret Crothers, Lucy Creighton, Carmel Anderson, Eleanor Grana. 5th Pat and Pat Kiely along with Ray Malone and Kenny Mallard.

April 9 bridge lessons - Jacoby Transfers (super accepts) 5:30 PM at Assumption.
299er tournament April 13-14 in Riverview at Moncton Golf Club.  Limited to those with less than 300 masterpoints.
Stratified Pairs: A 200-299; B 100-199; C 0-99Saturday,
13 April: Open pairs (single sessions) 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.Sunday,
14 April: Swiss teams (two sessions) starting at 10:00 a.m.
COST: $12.50 per session for ACBL members $4.00 additional per session for lapsed ACBL members

April 2 bridge lessons - Jacoby Transfers (continued) 5:30 PM at Assumption.

Two great events for newer players coming up:
Rookie-Master game at Assumption on Wednesday April 10 1 PM. let Ron know if you plan to play. (Rookie: less than 50 masterpoints)


Tuesday March 5 is Shrove Tuesday - Bridge game is on, but no bridge lesson as Assumption will be hosting a pancake supper.

February 26 5:30 Bridge Lessons - More practise hands
Tuesday February 19: Bridge lessons - practise hands focused on what we have covered thus far (i.e., 2/1 basics, 1NT Forcing, Fourth-Suit Forcing). 
February 19 and 21 - STaC games
(also Feb 22 - STaC at Valley; Feb 23: STaC team game in Moncton)

Tuesday February 12 - Bridge Lesson: Fourth-Suit Forcing -- more about this useful convention

February 12 and 14 - Club Championships
Tuesday February 5 -Bridge Lesson: Fourth-Suit Forcing -- creating a GAME-FORCE when the auction proceeds 1X - 1Y - 1Z/2Z, whereby X, Y, and Z are suit bids (NOT notrump).

Tuesday January 29 - bridge lessons - Standard Leads - continued 5:30 PM. Open Pairs at 7 PM.

Valley Bridge is having a Newcomers/novice section February 1: contact Barry Budge ( or 849 2371) to register for the Newcomers/novice section.


Thursday (Jan 24) game is cancelled due to impending nasty weather.

Lesson and Game are on tonight - Tuesday (Jan. 22nd) bridge class:
1.  Bring your review handout from last week.  We will discuss 1-2 more hands from that handout before proceeding to the lesson. 
2. Lesson standard opening leads and tactics associated with leads and carding when defending a bridge hand. 


Units 230 & 194  STaC week:  Jan  7th -13th :

  1. Tues. Jan 8th , Lesson at 5:30  STaC  game at 7
  2. Thurs. Jan 10th ,  STaC  game at 1
  3. Sat. Jan 12th ,   2 session Swiss Teams at 10  to  5. Bring your own lunch.

     All games at the Assumption Centre


STAC Friday Jan 11 at Valley club, St. Davids


No game Jan 1st


New Year’s Eve Bridge Party at Assumption Dec. 31st  at 7. Game will be sanctioned.

Talk to Dianne about bringing refreshments.

No game Dec 25. Merry Christmas!


Dec 18 - bridge CANCELLED due to weather conditions.


Tuesday, Dec 18th : Howie’s lesson at 5:30 - review of previous lessons plus more forcing 1 NT examples. Followed by regular bridge @ 7


Thurs. Dec 13th : Pizza Party at 12 noon & Bridge at 1.   Bridge, Pizza and drinks (tea, coffee, regular and diet pop) on Ron.

Charity Club Championship Voluntary entry fee: all  $$$$  in excess of rent and ACBL fees will be donated to Harbour Lights.


Link to the latest edition of Maritime Bridge Line: Maritime Bridge Line October 2018.pdf

November 27 : 2/1 lessons begin at 5:30. Club championship game at 7

Nov 20 - cancelled due to snow storm.

2/1 Bridge Lessons presented by Howie Huynh - start Nov 27 5:30 PM at Assumption.

Christmas Dinner and Bridge. Tuesday Dec. 4 6:00 PM. $ 10.00 per person.

Karl Hicks, long-time Maritime Tournament director passed away November 2. Link to his obituary: Karl Hicks


Wednesday October 31 1:00 PM at Assumption. ACBL-Wide Instant Matchpoint Game (One gold point to section tops in each direction, remaining points red/black at 81.8% sectional rating.)

(Note - Nov 1 - Open Pairs at Assumption is on)

District 1 East NAP finals:

A (open - unlimited) final: Saturday Nov 3: MCG Bridge Studio Suite 160, 6960 Mumford Road Halifax NS 10:30 AM and TBD (two sessions)

C ( less than 500 mps - non-life masters) final: Sunday Nov 4: MCG Bridge Studio Suite 160, 6960 Mumford Road Halifax NS 10:30 AM and TBD (two sessions)

3 More Rookies needed - contact Ron Duplisea.

Special Games planned for October:

Thursday October 25 - Rookie-Master game (Rookie is defined as someone with less than 50 masterpoints.)

If you are looking for a rookie or master to pair up with, let Ron Duplisea know. If you have already paired up with someone, also let Ron know so he can plan for it.

Moncton Sectional: Congrats to Lynne Dunn and Ron Duplisea winners of  X in the Swiss Teams event.

Cape Breton Sectional  August 24 - 26 2018. Our intrepid director Ron Duplisea braved the wilds of Cape Breton and finished 3rd in B Sunday Swiss with his teammates!


Congratulations to Ed Kaine and Grant Godfrey, winners of the Gold Medal at the Canada 55+ Games being held in Saint John!

Happy Birthday to Olive Cochrane who turned 99 on July 27. The club celebrated her birthday on July 31 with cake!

Then Olive and partner Elaine O'Leary celebrated with a 71.67% game on August 2!

Congratulations to Bette Doherty on achieving Silver Life Master (1000 mps) at the Saint John Loyalist Sectional 2018!

Fundy players had some good results at the Sectional:

Friday Afternoon Open Pairs:

1st overall: Norm O'Brien and Bruce Perry

2nd overall and first in B: Ed Kaine and Grant Godfrey

1st in C: John McCumber and Carmel Anderson

Sunday Swiss Teams:

1st overall in BCD & first in B: Bette Doherty and Mike Reinhart with teammates Connor and Cindy Havens.

1st in C: Darlene  and Dave Fraser with teammates Ray Malone and Kenny Mallard

A wonderful event, thanks to Tournament Chair Lois Sherwood, Club President John Sherwood, Partnership Chair Sue Steeves, and Director Charles Murray; and all the members of the Tournament Committee. Special thanks to all the people that brought food!

Link to all the results:

Link to Directions: Directions to Civic Centre.pdf

Directions to Civic Centre:

From Saint John/Fredericton - take Route 1 east from Saint John.

At exit 141 (Quispamsis/Kingston - Hwy 119), take exit then proceed through first set of lights and go about 2 km to Hampton Road (Rte 100).

Turn right at lights onto Hampton Road, and proceed 200 m to Civic Dr, (which is the next street after Daly's Irving.)

Turn left onto Civic Dr. You will see the fire station straight ahead.

The Civic centre is upstairs over Fire Station # 2. Parking is to the left. The entrance is to the left of the fire station garage doors. There are stairs or an elevator to go to the second floor.


From Moncton/PEI/NS - take Route 2 (TCH) west then bear left (exit 423) onto Route 1 west.

At exit 141 (Quispamsis/Kingston - Hwy 119), take exit, turn right at lights onto Rte 119 then proceed about 2 km to Hampton Road (Rte 100).

Turn right at lights onto Hampton Road, and proceed 200 m to Civic Dr, (which is the next street after Daly's Irving.)

Turn left onto Civic Dr. You will see the fire station straight ahead.

The Civic centre is upstairs over Fire Station # 2. Parking is to the left. The entrance is to the left of the fire station garage doors. There are stairs or an elevator to go to the second floor.


From Hampton/Sussex - take Route 1 west.

At exit 141 (Quispamsis/Kingston - Hwy 119), take exit, turn right at lights onto Rte 119 then proceed about 2 km to Hampton Road (Rte 100).

Turn right at lights onto Hampton Road, and proceed 200 m to Civic Dr, (which is the next street after Daly's Irving.)

Turn left onto Civic Dr. You will see the fire station straight ahead.

The Civic centre is upstairs over Fire Station # 2. Parking is to the left. The entrance is to the left of the fire station garage doors. There are stairs or an elevator to go to the second floor.


From Quispamsis/Rothesay. Take Hampton Road (Rte 100) east

Turn left at Civic Dr. You will see the fire station straight ahead.

The Civic centre is upstairs over Fire Station # 2. Parking is to the left. The entrance is to the left of the fire station garage doors. There are stairs or an elevator to go to the second floor.


From Kingston Peninsula.

Take Gondola Point ferry then continue on Rte 119 to Hampton Road. Turn left at Hampton Road. Turn left at Civic Dr. You will see the fire station straight ahead.

The Civic centre is upstairs over Fire Station # 2. Parking is to the left. The entrance is to the left of the fire station garage doors. There are stairs or an elevator to go to the second floor.

Congratulations to Mike Reinhart who achieved Life Master rank by winning the BC Swiss Teams  (with teammates Bette Doherty, Connor Havens and Cindy Havens) at Can-AT Halifax on July 7.


Special Games planned for July:

Tuesday  July 24 Charity Club Championship
Thursday July 26  Regular game

(Fri. Sat. Sun. July 27, 28, 29  Loyalist Sectional)

Tuesday July 31 Regular game

Special Games planned for August:   
Tuesday August 14 NAP Qualifier
Thursday August 16 NAP Qualifier
Tuesday August 21 Club Championship
Thursday August 30 Charity Club Championship
(August 2, 9, 23, 28 are regular games)

Special Games planned for September:

Special Games planned for October:

(Note - no game Nov 1)

Celebration at AGM: Linda Cobham (Diamond Life Master), John Steeves (Ruby Life Master), Bill Springer (Ruby Life Master), Lois Sherwood (Silver Life Master):


New Executive elected at AGM:

John Sherwood - President

Patrick Kiely - Vice-President

Bert Steeves - Treasurer

Andrea DeBow - Secretary

Special games coming up:

June 28 (Thursday): NAP (North American Pairs) qualifier. Upgraded masterpoints – 50/50 red and black at 81.8% sectional rating. What is the NAP? - see this link:

Special games coming up:

June 21: The Longest Day - in support of the Alzheimers Society. Upgraded masterpoints – 63.6% sectional-rated black

Tournament Results:

Lobster Sectional: May 18-20 2018.

Bridgewater Sectional.   May 25-27 2018.

June 12, 2018: Annual Meeting: Dinner 6 PM followed by Annual Meeting and Bridge. All for $ 10.00 per person!

This game will also be a NAP (North American Pairs) qualifier. 50% red/black points.

Congratulations to Ron Duplisea who teamed up with Connie Bartlett to win the Saturday AX Pairs at the Bridgewater Sectional. Then Ron's team won the Swiss Team event on Saturday evening!

Congratulations to Lois Sherwood who achieved her Silver Life Master (1000 MPs) and Bill Springer who achieved his Ruby Life Master (1500 MPs).

Results for Don Cox Sectional in Truro:

Maritime Bridge Line - April 2018 edition - can be found at this link: Maritime Bridge Line - April 2018.pdf. Note that dates for Loyalist Sectional in Quispamsis are July 27-29, not the incorrect August dates in the Bridge Line.

Helen Shields Rookie-Master Game - Tuesday April 17 2018: This event was a great success - 17 tables! Congratulations to Marie Burchill - Brenda O'Leary - 2nd in District 1, and Margaret Crothers - Elva MacLean - 4th in District 1. Barry and Madeleine Budge were 3rd at the club level.

Results for the Codiac 299er tournament in Riverview can be found at the link:

Congrats to John McCumber and Carmel Anderson who were first overall in the Saturday afternoon Pairs, Mike Reinhart teamed up with Dougall Grange to finish 4th overall, and to Ann Barbour and Brenda O'Leary, first in Section C (N/S ) in the same event. In the evening game, Chris Melanson and Denis Matheson were 4th overall, and Dave and Darlene Fraser were 5th overall; with Elaine O'Leary and Janet Purdy finishing 1st in C and Ann Barbour and Brenda O'Leary finishing third in C. Then in the team game, Mike Reinhart, Dougall Grange, Frank Henderson and Ann Leggett were second overall, just edging out Dave and Darlene Fraser and Linda Sorel and Teresa MacEachern who were third.

Helen Shields Rookie-Master Game - Tuesday April 17 2018: This event is designed to introduce newer players to duplicate bridge. Each pair must have at least one person (aka the "Rookie") with less than 50 ACBL masterpoints. Contact Ron Duplisea if you want to be paired up with a Rookie, or if you are a Rookie that wants to be paired with a Master (someone with greater than 50 masterpoints, or equivalent experience.) Note - use of conventions limited to ACBL Yellow Card. Two years ago we had 17 tables in this event - can we beat that record ???

Congratulations to John Steeves on acheiving Ruby Life Master status (1500+ points)!

Congrats to Burt and Sue Steeves and Ron Duplisea and Lane Bishop who competed in the Joe Currie Memorial Sectional this past weekend.

Burt and Sue finished 4th in the BCD Swiss teams and also placed 6th in the Strati-flighted BCD pairs on Saturday. Ron and Lane were first E/W in their section on Friday.

Link to results:

St. Paddy's Day Team Game - Moncton NB results - go to items will first appear here and then after a few days will be moved to the News Page (see link on left hand side of this page) or select this link:

Success in the South: Congratulations to Linda Cobham on achieving Diamond Life Master (5000 masterpoints). She reached the milestone at the Saratoga Manatee Regional, where she and Gerry Laflamme won two Swiss Teams events and were second in another!

For complete results and hand records for STAC week, go to this link:

STAC results Feb 20-26 2018

STAC week: Feb 20, 2018 7:00 PM STAC Open Pairs Assumption.

Feb 22, 2018 Two games: 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM STAC Open Pairs. LBR.

Feb 24, 2018. STAC Swiss Teams 10:00 AM Assumption. (bring your own lunch)

Ron Duplisea was honoured with a cake at our game on Tuesday night (Feb 6).

Recent accomplishments:

- Sapphire Life Master (3500 points)

- First with Lynne Dunn in District 1 - ACBL Wide Charity Game

- Tied for first at Swiss Teams in Moncton NB on Jan 21 (teammates were Bob Murray and Donna and John Steeves.)

and of course for being our Club Manager and Director for many years.

Ace of Clubs Unit Results for 2017 have been distributed by email and also are at this link: Unit 230 Ace of Clubs Results.pdf

Maritime Bridge Line - January 2018 can be found at this link: Maritime Bridge Line - January 2018.

Front Page News! Congratulations to Ron Duplisea, honoured for his 17 years of service transporting and maintaining bridge tables and supplies for the tournaments in Units 194 and 230.

Maritime Bridge Line  The September 2017 issue is available at this link: Maritime Bridge Line - Sept 2017.pdf


Last updated : 25th Nov 2021 21:53 AST