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Folkestone bridge club welcomes players of all abilities from beginners to advanced players.
Message from the Chairman.

To members and friends of Folkestone Duplicate Bridge Club 

At our AGM to be held at 1.00 pm on Monday 17 February, I will be stepping down as Chairman of the club after 10 exciting and interesting years in the role. 

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you - members of the club and many outside the club - whose help, support and encouragement I have valued so much throughout my time as Chairman.

I have had the support of very strong committees throughout the 10 years and I am delighted that Jan Stanyon, our excellent Vice Chairman, has agreed to take over the role of Chairman, subject to confirmation at the AGM. With her experience of chairmanship and her enormous levels of energy, dedication and common sense, she is very well equipped to take our club forward into the future. 

The last 10 years have brought forth some interesting challenges, especially the covid pandemic and, prior to that, in 2015 and with very little notice, the need to find and settle into a new venue. The latter has been an unqualified success, thanks in no small part to the excellent relationship that we have developed with Folkestone Baptist Church. As regards our post-covid recovery, our decisions to return to face to face bridge as soon as it was allowed and to move to playing on Monday afternoons instead of the evenings, have paid off handsomely.

With over 125 members, with our very large face to face table numbers ( including the really important Gentle Duplicate tables ) and with a Thursday evening online session each week for our members, we are an extremely busy and successful club with healthy finances, with  a bright future and with a very long-standing commitment to teaching. It is always worth remembering that recruiting new members is made more of a challenge for a coastal club like ours, simply because one half of our natural " circle of recruitment " is the sea and, so far, there is no evidence of fish and dolphins having any natural talent for or interest in bridge. That is why our teaching classes and a warm and welcoming atmosphere for new members and visitors have been and will continue to be vital for the club. 

In conclusion, I am so proud that over the 10 years we have raised in excess of £6500 for charity, including Children in Need and also the Rainbow Centre, a  local charity that does great things to help those in need in our community. My objective as Chairman has always been that our club should not just be a bridge club. Rather, and much more ambitiously, I have wanted us to be a community of friends who play bridge together, who enjoy one another's company  and who play a part in our local community. Thank you all for joining in the endeavour to strive for that objective. 

With best wishes

David Ellerby 

FDBC Chairman 

Welcome to Folkestone Duplicate Bridge Club Website

We play face-to-face on Mondays, and online on Thursdays.

Our Monday session starts at 2:00 Folkestone Baptist ChurchPlease be there by 1:50 p.m. so that the session can be set up.Our Thursday evening sessions alternate monthly between BBO (even numbered months) and RealBridge (odd numbered months) Both Realbridge and BBO sessions start at 7pm.Table money will be £3 for face-to-face and Realbridge and $4 for BBO.

Visitors are welcome on Mondays (Table money £4) and guests of members are welcome online.

We welcome new members to the club including beginners.

You can find details of our BRIDGE CLASSES below.


Do you need a partner?

The club operates a partner finding service.

If you are looking for a partner please email Ruth ( or phone her on  07538 426180 at least 24 hours in advance, that is by 2.00 pm on Sunday for face-to-face or by 7.00 pm on Wednesday for our online games. The earlier you let Ruth know, the more likely it is that a partner will be found for you. You will be notified by Ruth either by noon on Monday or by 3.00 pm on Thursday with your partner's details. In the case of online on a Thursday, please ensure that you enter the competition on the website by 4.00 pm in the normal way.

Please note that the electronic partner finding system that we trialled  on this website is no longer available.


Bridge Classes and Gentle Duplicate

Our Professional EBU Teacher, Chris Lohan, runs the following classes in her home:


Thursdays  10.00 am to 12.00 noon IMPROVERS

Fridays       10.00 am to 12.00 noon INTERMEDIATES

Tel: 01303 891162,  Email:


Our EBU Associate Teacher, Shirley Goldwin, runs classes in her home in Mersham.

Please contact Shirley for further details on 01233 501871 or


Our EBU Associate Teacher, Mark Rixon, runs  BEGINNERS classes.

Please contact Mark for further details on 07753 201859 or


Gentle Duplicate for less experienced players runs alongside

the main movement on Monday afternoons. 

Anyone wishing to join in should contact Chris in advance.


Competition winners 2023
Competition winners 2023
Master Point Promotions

Congratulations on the latest Master Point promotions.

Pauline Lacki  Advanced Master
Richard Wilkinson  3 Star Premier Master
Paul Fox  3 Star Master
Lynn Suddards  County Master
Veronica Cook  Area Master
Robert Mathers  District Master
Bridget Thomas  County Master
Lee Guy  Premier Master



Director: Sharon Bayne
Scorer: Sharon Bayne
Director: David Ellerby
Scorer: Andy Whte
Director: Chris Lohan
Scorer: Andy Whte
17th Feb 2025
Director: David Ellerby
Scorer: Andy White
17th Feb 2025
20th Feb 2025
Director: Sharon Bayne
Scorer: Sharon Bayne
24th Feb 2025
Director: David Ellerby
Scorer: Andy White