The Club’s constitution sets out how the Club is to be organised and how it is to operate. The Club’s members have formally approved the constitution at various general meetings.
In order to view the Club's constitution, please click on ‘Information’ and then on 'Constitution' (last of the four buttons that appear).
All of our members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the provisions of the constitution.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) require that Churchtown Bridge Club puts in place and publishes to its members a GDPR Privacy Notice which sets out what information we collect concerning our members and how this is being stored and used by us. You may view our GDPR Privacy Notice by clicking on the relevant button in the Menu column.
Welcome to Churchtown Bridge Club. We play each Wednesday evening in the De La Salle School, Churchtown Road Upper, Dublin 14 commencing at 7.15 p.m. The majority of our members are intermediate players. Our club is affiliated to the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI) and awards masterpoints in accordance with CBAI rules.
We are an active and friendly club. In addition to our normal bridge evenings, we normally run a number of special events during the year including a President's Prize competition and an Easter egg night. We also usually hold a number of social events during the year including a Christmas party. A charity night is generally held. A complete list of the special events yet to be held in the 2024/5 bridge season appears below.
Our games are played in a large well lit room at ground floor level. With the exception of evenings on which a major competition is being played, a standby partner is available. There is ample supervised parking on the grounds. Table money is €7.
We welcome enquiries re joining our club. Please click on the Information tab on the left and then on Contact Us and we will get back to you.
Please be advised that the annual membership fee (Euros 20) is now due. Please place your payment in an envelope, write your name and telephone number on the front and then hand to any committee member.
Thank you!
President: Marie McGouran
Hon. Secretary: Mary Flood
Hon. Treasurer: Pauline Diffney
Masterpoints Sec.: Teresa Flynn
Committee: Ann Breslin
Ann Meehan
Irene O'Connor
Our Club is within the South Region of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland. The Region organises various competitions and events. For details, please visit:
Please note that the buttons below give access to the last four posted results only; to access earlier results, please click on 'Results' in the Menu column.
If you click on 'Results' and then on 'Master Points 2024/5' over on the left, you will see how many master-points you have won so far in the bridge season 2024/5. Per CBAI regulations, no master-points are awarded for games played in June, July and August - the accrual of master points for the 2024/5 season began in September 2024.