The Monday Bridge Club, Chorley |
 The Monday Bridge Club, Chorley was formed in April 2010.
The Club is run entirely by and on behalf of its members, and is dedicated to providing relaxed, unaggressive duplicate bridge of a reasonable club standard in friendly surroundings. We are affiliated to the EBU.
We meet at 7pm on Mondays (including most Monday Bank Holidays) at Chorley Village Hall, Knutsford Road, Alderley Edge.
Our members are drawn from an area including South Manchester, Macclesfield, Congleton and Knutsford.
The membership is restricted by the capacity of the Hall. We are very happy to welcome visitors to join us at most of our sessions (but you will need a partner!).
If you require a partner for a particular evening please contact Dorothy Wroe on 01625 878674