Chew Valley Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Bridge takes place each week until Thursday 19th December 2024.

Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for Personal Data
  1. The club holds the following data: title, first name, surname, address, e-mail address, and telephone number. By becoming a member of the club you automatically become a member of the English Bridge Union. If you wish to restrict the information the club passes on to the EBU (as listed above) please inform the Secretary in writing.
  2. This data is used for the administration of your membership, communication of information, and the organisation of events.
  3. Your data will be available for use by BridgeWebs, who host the club website. They may only use it for the specific purposes for which they act as our data processors and they are not free to pass data on to other organisations that are not connected with Chew Valley Bridge Club. They are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Names are used by ScoreBridge for the purpose of scoring and scoring data comes directly from the results of the games you play. Results are uploaded to the club website and the EBU. Your personal data is not passed on by the club to any other third parties whether or not connected with bridge.
  4. Personal data held is provided by members when they join.
  5. The data is stored mainly in digital form on computers and in the form of written documents. Some data is stored on BridgeWebs which is GDPR compliant.
  6. Under GDPR the club does not have a statutory requirement to have a Data Protection Officer. The club committee is responsible for ensuring Chew Valley Bridge Club discharges its GDPR obligations.
  7. The data is accessible by members of the club committee in order to carry out their legitimate tasks. Club members have access to a list of those members who have consented to have their contact details (telephone number and e-mail address) circulated.
  8. Chew Valley Bridge Club collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation. To maintain your club membership your name and at least one method of contact, an e-mail address for example, is required.
  9. To check the information the club holds about you please contact the Chair. You can always ask for data to be removed, limited, or corrected. However historical ranking lists and prize lists are required for archiving purposes and cannot be deleted.
  10. The club normally keeps members' data after they resign or if their membership lapses in case they later wish to rejoin. However we will delete any former members' contact details entirely on their request.
  11. To play at the club as a visitor your name and EBU number (if known) are required. Your name will be used for the purpose of scoring the event and results are uploaded to the club website and EBU.

(11th March 2018 , updated 23rd March 2023)