This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members. Click on the header to take you to the site or page.
Bridge Base Online (BBO) |
Free and paid online bridge. Largest bridge site in the world. Duplicate, tournaments, money games, vugraph, more.
Somerset Contract Bridge Association (SCBA) |
The SCBA is a county association member of the EBU promoting duplicate bridge in Somerset (including North Somerset and North East Somerset). Details of all affiliated and many unaffiliated clubs in Somerset can be found on the SCBA website.
English Bridge Union (EBU) |
The EBU is the national bridge organisation in England promoting the game of duplicate bridge. It represents communities of bridge players at club, county and national level. 'The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017' can be found on the EBU website.
World Bridge Federation (WBF) |
The WBF is the international governing body for contract bridge and is responsible for the laws of the game. A copy of the 'The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017' can be found on the WBF website.
Andrew Robson BridgeCast |
BridgeCast is a video subscription platform that offers learning at a pace that suits you. It is for all levels of player with a channel for every level with teaching from the very well known Andrew Robson.
Bernard Magee Bridge |
Join Bernard Magee Bridge to improve your bridge with very well known tutor Bernard Magee.
No Fear Bridge |
Learn bridge! No Fear Bridge, the website for learners, is the most fun way to learn bridge.
The member's site is packed with online learning activities for bridge beginners, improvers and advancers.
Yorkshire Bridge Online |
This is run by Jack Stocken who has played a couple of times at Chew Valley Bridge Club and who comes highly recommended as a teacher.
A. L. Fleming Bridge Equipment & Stationery |
A useful source of bridge equipment and stationery.
ScoreBridge |
Excellent bridge scoring software.