2023-24 TERM DATES |
The dates for next term are:
YEAR 1 - two preliminary sessions (for those who have never played before) - 18 and 25 September in The Lounge Room at the Rothley Centre
YEAR 1 - course of ten lessons from 2 October to 4 December in the Lounge Room at the Rothley Centre
YEAR 2 - course of ten lessons from 2 October to 4 December at the Village Hall, Woodhouse Eaves
YEAR 3 - course of ten lessons from 9 October to 11 December in the Templar Room at the Rothley Centre [note the different start date for year 3]
All lessons will be from 10.00 until 12.30 on these Mondays.
The dates for the January to March 10-week term have not yet been fixed; they will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Mondays, starting either on 8 or 15 or 22 Jan.
We look forward to meeting the new joiners and welcoming back the old hands!
Brian, Gail, Jim, Richard, Ruth, Stuart - Charnwood Bridge Teachers
Congratulations to the following former student, who has achieved masterpoint promotions through good results in duplicate sessions at CBT or local clubs:
Annette Love Club Master
Congratulations to the following former students, who have achieved masterpoint promotions through good results in duplicate sessions at CBT or local clubs:
Mair Mitchell County Master
Sarah Braithwaite Club Master
Congratulations to the following current or former students, who have achieved masterpoint promotions through good results in duplicate sessions at CBT or local clubs:
Judith Simpson County Master
Sheelagh Bolt Local Master
We are sad to have to report that Lynne Morgan, a Year 1 student, passed away last week after a long period of ill health. Our thoughts are with her partner Richard and their families.