Carbis Bay Bridge Club
Release 2.19p

Next month's duplicate will be on 28th Feb in THE MEMORIAL HALL, Carbis Bay. Contact Graham if you wish to play 


Bridge Teaching at Carbis Bay

The club is very fortunate to have Jim Barker as our Bridge Tutor. Jim is a Professional member of the EBTA (English Bridge Teachers Association) and is also a Cornwall County Bridge Director and Secretary of St Ives Bridge Club.

Penwith Pairs at Leedstown

Carbis Bay and Penzance Improvers  are  jointly running Saturday afternoon duplicate sessions once a month on the second Saturday of each month.  These are open to all levels of duplicate players and include afternoon tea.

They are held at Leedstown Village Hall, situated near the middle of Leedstown on the B3302. Parking is available beside the hall.

The Hall is open from 1.30 pm  for a 2pm start. Table money is £5 per person including afternoon tea (cash only).  You need to register as a pair.   If you would like to play. then please contact Jane Ritchie either by email  or by phone 01736 711818

  Objects (Sample)

The objects of "The Club" shall be to provide facilities for the playing of Contract Bridge.