***** Betty Hocking ***** |
It is with great sadness that we learn that Betty Hocking has passed away
Players for 17th February |
So far, we have 5 tables for bridge on Monday 17th February:-
Jilly/Sarah, David C/Sue, Diana/Jackie, Paul/Wendy, Laurie/Bob, Pam/Marita, Heather P/Owen, Betty/Nigel, Jose/Liz S & Angela/Lesley P.
If anyone else wants to play either with a partner or wanting one can they let David know please.
Saturday afternoon bridge |
We will be starting a Saturday afternoon bridge session from 1.30pm to 5.00pm; February 22nd and March 22nd have been booked as a trial to see what sort of take up we get.
The format will be similar to Falmouth, Carnon Downs and Leedstown, which is bridge and afternoon tea in the middle.
It’s going to be EBU registered with masterpoints awarded to the leading players, it will be open to non-members having a flat fee of £5 per player, if we get a reasonable turnout then we could play regularly.
Please let David know as soon as possible if you intend to play
Swiss Pairs - 9th February |
SUNDAY 9 FEBRUARY 2.00pm start
at Carnon Downs Village Hall, TR3 6GH
Director : David Stone
Scorer : Liz Perry
*** FREE ENTRY ***
A face-to-face event in which each pair plays a short match against another pair, and each board is converted to Victory Points with 20 VPs at stake for each match. Each pair is then matched with another pair with a similar VPs total.
Six 5-board matches envisaged.
Entries to Chris Bickerdike by email, text, or personally.
bickerdikechris@gmail.com 07807 009010
Blue Book - EBU Player Handbook |
The "Blue Book" - the EBU Player Handbook - referred to by David in his e-mail of 13th December - is now available on this web site - click on "EBU Information" in the menu on the left and within that there are 5 entries, one of which is "Blue Book - EBU Player Handbook"
Nine-High Corwen event |
*** The Final will be played online (2x18-board sessions) on 31st May 2025, with a choice of playing on either BBO or RealBridge ***
Hello Everyone
In an ongoing effort to encourage lower ranked players to play more competitive duplicate, in Spring 2025 the EBU is organising a new national pairs event for players with an NGS of nine or less.
It is called the Nine-High Corwen (the annual national pairs for all ranked players being called the Corwen), and Cornwall can enter a maximum of three pairs into the final which will be played online, on either BBO or RealBridge, depending on each pair's preferred platform. See the email below for details.
This email is to make all clubs aware of this proposed new event, and to gauge the interest among the nine clubs within our county who are currently affiliated to the English Bridge Union.
Because the event is locked into a final which is online, and several clubs are not playing their duplicate online, I am not expecting all clubs to be interested. But I need to know which clubs would be interested in running a qualifying heat. I envisage the heats being during one particular week as part of your normal club evening. But the detail depends entirely on the interest out there.
So please let me know whether or not your club is interested in the event. When I have all the responses in, we can then move forward with plans to organise the qualifying stage.
The CCBA will be happy to pay the entry fees (£10 per player) for the pairs that qualify for the final.
Best regards
Chris Bickerdike
CCBA Tournament Secretary
Welcome! |
Welcome to Camborne Bridge Club.
We are now playing at ... |
Trevenson Church Community Hall, Pool, Redruth TR15 3PT.
We play every Monday starting at 6.30pm.
looking forward to seeing you there!
Our partner finder is .... |
David 07765963453 or davidcoles321@hotmail.co.uk
Visitors are welcome - please confirm before arriving