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Bude Bridge Club Committee


The Club Committee for 2024/25

 Chairman: Steve Clifton

Vice Chairman: Chris Nichols

Secretary:  Val Ridding

Treasurer:    Tom Salt

Committee Members:,  Mary Hicks, Rosemary Kemble, Tertia Salt, Ian Curtis, 


The Directors' rota for this year:

Tuesdays:  Chris and  Steve 

Mondays: Chris, Alan, Robert and Neil

EBU Royalty 2024
EBU Royalty 2024

The Club has several regular members in the 'Royalty and Honours' of the current EBU National Grading Scheme as of 1st July 2024.

King:  Nick Newell

Jack:  Steve Clifton

10:  Chris Nichols, Rob Irish, Robert Waterhouse,  Bob Bennett, David Clarke.




Congratulations to Robert Waterhouse promoted to the rank of County Master by the EBU.



All sessions (Mondays and Tuesdays)   £3

EBU and Ecats Events (Members Only)   £5

Visitors £4

Annual subscription: £5

Contact Us
Contact Us

To contact us, please contact the Club Secretary 

Val Ridding on       07760284097

Mr. Bridge Quiz
Mr. Bridge Quiz

Try the 'Mr. Bridge' quiz!

Updated every Tuesday.

North Cornwall Bridge Clubs
North Cornwall Bridge Clubs

As well as Bude, there is also an EBU affiliated club at Wadebridge.

Their  website is

Chair's Report 2015

Bude Bridge Club AGM 8.4.2014

Chair’s Report



The membership of the club has remained constant this year, although there has been a slight reduction in numbers attending, due mainly to illness and posh holidays!

We are very grateful for the efficient ‘partner’ service run by Kathleen. Thanks, Kathleen.

We have also welcomed new members and visitors, often as a result of Neil’s excellent reports in the local paper.

The standard of play is improving, thanks partly to the Wednesday lessons given by Neil and Chris with help from Stephen and because some of our more experienced players are happy to play with improvers. It is good to see that some of the Wednesday players are beginning to come to regular club evenings.

Our club Team of Eight – Jane and Chris, Steven and Charles, Neil and Sarah and Bob and Ann – were the 3rd-placed club in the County Team of Eight Championship – and this will give the incentive, we hope, to other players to enter County events.

We are fortunate in having members who bring their experience from playing in County and wider events. Alan and Ian have represented the County B team, turning round its fortunes and winning the Western Counties’ League – a huge achievement. Jane and Chris have represented the County C Team.

Ian and Chris again qualified for the National Pairs regional finals in Bristol.

Several of our members also play at other clubs (Barnstaple, Taw Vale, Wadebridge) and gain experience from further afield.

The club web-site continues to develop and is well-visited – nearly 1,000 ‘visitors’ every week.

As well as the twice-weekly update of club results, there is also a monthly news report from Neil; updates from the National Grading Scheme and Masterpoint promotions; and a ‘Problem of the Month’ – this month a double-dummy problem aimed at intermediate players.

I would like to pay tribute to your committee who have given a strategic steer to the club. To Jane, our long-suffering and efficient secretary, to Neil our Vice-Chairman, to Stephen in his first year as Treasurer and to committee members Kathleen, Linda, Maureen and Steven, all of whom take on other roles in the club organization.

We are also grateful to all those members who turn up early to set up, to those who help supply refreshments, and to that gallant band who stay behind to ensure everything is packed away at the end of the evening.

The club could not function without our team of experienced and calm Directors. We are delighted that Neil has gained his EBU Club Director’s qualification this year. Please show your appreciation to Linda, Neil, Steven and Chris

Finally, a huge thank you to ALL the club members who have played with grace, humour, dignity and some competitive edge to make Bude Bridge what it is. If any member ever has any comment or problem – well, that is what the committee is for, so please don't ever hold back on speaking to one of us about it.

Chair's Report 2016

Bude Bridge Club AGM 12.4.2016

Chair’s Report

The membership of the club has remained fairly constant this year, although there has been another reduction in numbers attending on Tuesday evenings. It is sad that we are beginning to lose regular attendance by some of our longest-serving members through frailty.

We are very grateful for the efficient ‘partner’ service run by Ann. Thanks, Ann.

We have also welcomed new members and visitors, often as a result of Neil’s excellent reports in the local paper.

Our Wednesday afternoon sessions have proved a huge success, with 5 tables on average, playing 15-17 boards in a convivial and relaxed atmosphere.

We shall be asking members what the way forward is – do we want 3 sessions a week or should we swap an evening session for an afternoon?

The Cornwall Congress came to Bude last September and looks to becoming a regular feature in the county. Several members played,  with Bob and Ann winning the Friday afternoon event. There were also creditable performances from Linda, Alan and Neil and Sarah.

We are fortunate in having members who bring their experience from playing in County and wider events. Alan has regularly represented the County B team and Jane and Chris the County C Team.

Alan and Chris have both had success in County events.

Several of our members also play at other clubs (Barnstaple, Taw Vale, Wadebridge) and gain experience from further afield.

The club web-site continues to develop and is well-visited – nearly 1,000 ‘visitors’ every week.

As well as the twice-weekly update of club results, there is also a monthly news report from Neil; updates from the National Grading Scheme and Masterpoint promotions; and a ‘Problem of the Month’.

I would like to pay tribute to your committee who have given a strategic steer to the club. To Jane, our long-suffering and efficient secretary, to Neil our Vice-Chairman who will be taking over as Chairman, to Stephen as Treasurer and to committee members Ann, Linda, Maureen, Christine and Steven, all of whom take on other roles in the club organization.

We are also grateful to all those members who turn up early to set up, to those who help supply refreshments, and to that gallant band who stay behind to ensure everything is packed away at the end of the evening.

The club could not function without our team of experienced and calm Directors. It is pleasing that Bob and Stephen have agreed to help direct and score, initially on Wednesdays. Please show your appreciation to Linda, Neil, Steven and Chris.

Finally, a huge thank you to ALL the club members who have played with grace, humour, dignity and some competitive edge to make Bude Bridge what it is. If any member ever has any comment or problem – well, that is what the committee is for, so please don't ever hold back on speaking to one of us about it.