Buckingham Bridge Club
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Welcome to Buckingham Bridge Club

Between September 9th  and 15th this year, there will be a national Festival of Bridge: "Bridge: it's a Big Deal".  This will be run in conjunction with Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and aims to raise awareness of the game and attract new players, as well as to raise funds for CRUK.

General Information
General Information

Buckingham Bridge Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU) and meets weekly on Monday evenings to play duplicate bridge at The Centre in Verney Close (opposite the library). There is limited parking in Verney Close and ample parking in the car park at the back of Waitrose (which is free in the evenings). We pride ourselves on providing our members and their guests with competitive bridge in a very friendly environment.

Play starts at 7.00 p.m. so players should aim to arrive and be seated by 6.50 p.m. Play is normally concluded by 10.00 p.m.

If you are in any doubt about the club opening due to inclement weather or any other reason, please check the web site before leaving home. A notice will be posted on this web site  as soon as any decision is made.

Membership & Charges

Annual subscription £15 - Joining Fee £15

Table charge per player: £2.50 members, £4 guests

Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March

Looking for a Partner?

If you are looking for a partner for a Monday club night, contact Avril Bates by email or by text:


mobile:    07702 814213      

Alternatively use the WhatsApp group and put the request on there.

Please Note

It takes a few minutes after everyone has arrived to decide on the movement and finalise setting up the system for scoring.

Please try to arrive and be seated 10 minutes before play starts at 7.00 pm.



When its your turn to bid please try to avoid a long delay or  fingering the bidding cards - and then PASSING. It conveys illicit information to your partner who will know that you can almost make a bid.

Andrew Robson Day Feb 2024
Andrew Robson Day Feb 2024

Fiona Hilsdon held an Andrew Robson Day on 19th February 2024 at Huntsmill Farm, in aid of the local church.

Many of our members attended (there were 21 full tables).  It was an enjoyable day had by all.

The day raised in the region of £3,400. 

Thank you to Andrew Robson for running the session and thank you to those who attended.



Director: Gina
Scorer: Don
Director: Fiona Hilsdon
Scorer: Martin McClean
Director: Alan Leach
Scorer: Martin McClean
29th Jul 2024
Director: Mick
Scorer: Avril
5th Aug 2024
Director: Alan
Scorer: Martin
12th Aug 2024
Director: Fiona
Scorer: Avril
Challenge Cup

This year's inter-club teams’ event was held at Kings Sutton on 24th October.  We entered 3 teams - our highest placed team came 4th, consisting of the pairs of Don and Mike, Andrew and Bill.  It was very competitive, with 5 different clubs in the top 5.