Brunton Bridge Club
Wednesday Afternoons

Wednesday Afternoon Sessions

For club players and students. No partner needed.

2.30 pm - 4.45 pm

St Aidan's Community Centre.
Members will pay £2.50 per session, non-members £3.00.

Contact: Guy Herzmark 07967194107 or Peter Avery 07887428042

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Improver's Section

2NT - 20-22 (alerted)

4NT - Quantitative. Telling partner to bid 6 with maximum.

Lead - J 

Ok we see dummy and say 'Thank you partner' and make C.A.M.P.

C - Count your TOP tricks.

A - Add tricks from other sources.

M - Manage the hand.

P -  Play - or as one of our students said PRAY!

Counting we have two ♠ , three  , three  and one ♣  TOTAL 9 top tricks

Add tricks  from other sources. We have two slow tricks by power in ♣ and a possible trick by position in that suit if the finesse works; if it fails we need to fins the ♠ Q. Notice we can finesse spades in either direction. Is it a guess can we do better?

Manage we need to play ♣ from the table (West). We play the ♠ Q, if it is not covered take the finesse.

This hand is quite complex so will proceed to that point and make one plan if the finesse works and a different one if it fails.

Manage again  When this finesse fails we cash all our winners and count the South hand. We note that South has 6 diamonds, 3 or 4 hearts and 3 clubs. Therefore he has 1 spade at the most. So we play a spade to the king and a spade to East and take the finesse.

Last updated : 25th Aug 2021 19:39 BST