Diana Tribute Night |
 Every year there is an evening where we remember "absent friends".
The first competition for a trophy in memory of Diana Woolston was held on 18th October 2013 and was won by Pam Hurn and Pat Shaw.
In 2014 it was won by Jan and Luke Titcombe, in 2015 by Kate Wilcox and Meenal Godbole, in 2016 and 2018 by Magaret Scott and Paul Atu and in 2017 by Julie Daly and June Wismayer.
Swiss Teams June 2014 |
There was a Swiss Teams event on 21st June 2014. Good food, plenty of bridge and team spirit made it worth missing the sunshine outside.
Swiss Teams 20 July 2013 |
The teams event on 20 July 2013 was great fun with ten teams taking part.
Vic's 70th Birthday Party |

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Thank You to all those who helped and all those who came and joined in the festivities.