This notice describes how Bromley North Bridge Club (BNBC) processes personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1. The legal basis for collecting personal data
Bromley North Bridge Club collects only the personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a member organisation and organiser of bridge games. If a prospective member does not consent to providing the minimum personal data that the club requires and for the data to be used in the ways described in this notice, the club would be unable to accept the membership application.
2. The personal data that BNBC collects
We collect members’ names, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and English Bridge Union (EBU) numbers. We collect this data directly from our members when they complete an application form to join the club.
We collect verbally the names and EBU numbers (where available) of visitors to the club.
For some members, we may hold additional information such as committee memberships, teaching qualifications, or tournament director qualifications and roles. We also keep information relating to disciplinary matters and sanctions.
We collect scores from all the bridge games you play at the club.
We may take photographs of members and visitors at social events, prize givings and normal club evenings, unless you withhold consent for photographs of you to be taken.
We keep records of the annual membership fees paid by club members and financial records of payments made to individuals and to other organisations on behalf of members.
3. The collection of ‘special’ data
BNBC does not collect any sensitive personal data designated as ‘special’ under the GDPR.
4. How the club uses personal data
We use members’ data for the administration of membership, the communication of information and the organisation, administration and scoring of normal bridge evenings and bridge-related special events.
We send occasional emails to members about club business and with partner requests on behalf of members, unless you have opted not to receive such emails. We maintain a website where some personal data relating to the results of games is displayed. We use the scoring programme ScoreBridge, and players’ names and EBU numbers are stored in its player database.
5. Who personal data is shared with
Your basic membership data is passed on to the EBU, of which you become a member when you join BNBC. The EBU shares data with its associated charity, English Bridge Education and Development, and also with Kent or any other county that you may have nominated as your county of allegiance.
The results of all games played at the club are displayed on the club website. We may highlight the names of competition winners and prize winners. We may post photographs of competition winners on our website, and photographs of members and visitors at social events and club evenings.
Information from your results is passed on to the EBU for use in its Master Point and National Grading Schemes (NGS), and may also be used for stratification and handicap purposes. You may choose to have your NGS grade and Master Point rank kept private, by contacting the EBU direct. Information from results is also passed on to organisers of special events, such as SIM pairs, and may be displayed on the website of the organiser.
Some of your data will be available to Bridgewebs (our website provider) and its associated organisations acting as Data Processors on our behalf, for the purposes of hosting our website and uploading results to the EBU and other event organisers. They are not free to pass your data on to other organisations or companies that are not connected with BNBC and must abide by data protection laws and their own privacy policies.
We share financial information with the club’s auditor, including records of subscriptions paid by members.
We may share your personal data with organisations offering bridge training courses, where the club has agreed to pay the cost of the training and is booking places on your behalf. We may also share your data with other organisations when entering teams for competitions where members are representing the club.
Your personal data is not passed on by the club to organisations or individuals other than those indicated above, unless we are required to do so by law or we have asked you for permission to do so. We will not pass your contact details on to other club members unless you have given your permission.
6. How your data is stored
Your paper membership application form and any subsequent forms confirming personal information are stored securely by the Club Secretary until you leave the club, and then shredded. The Club Treasurer keeps paper copies of invoices and paper records of payments made by the club.
Other records are stored digitally on the club website, on Bridgewebs, on the club laptop and by the Club Secretary and the Club Treasurer. The administration area of the club website, the club laptop and other computers used to store personal data are password protected. Passwords are only made available to authorised users, and are changed regularly.
7. Access to your data
Members of the BNBC Committee and other club members nominated by the Committee to carry out specific legitimate tasks, for example the scoring of games and compiling the host rota, have access to your data.
If you have given permission or have created a Member account, your contact details can be seen by other members in the Member Only area of the club website.
8. How we keep your data up to date
We ask members to notify the club of any changes to their personal details, either by making the change in the Member Only area of the club website or by notifying the Club Secretary. The club will also periodically ask members to check the details of stored personal data and to update data and permissions if appropriate.
9. How to check what data the club holds about you
You can log in to the Member Only area of the club website to see what data is held, and amend the data or change the permissions that you have given.
You can also ask the Club Secretary to give you a copy of the data we hold about you.
10. How to ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected
You may choose to withhold some of your contact details when applying for membership, but the club must have as a minimum your name, either an email address or a postal address in order to send information required by the club’s constitution, and your EBU number if you have one.
You may choose not to receive information emails from the club about club business and partner requests.
You can amend, update and remove your data by logging in to the Member Only area of the club website. You can also change the permissions that you have previously given.
You can contact the Club Secretary in person at the club or by email to ask for your data to be amended or removed, or for permissions to be changed.
You may withhold consent to photographs of you being taken at the club, or ask that any photograph of you that appears on the club website is removed.
11. How long we keep your data for
We keep your membership application form and personal data until you cease to be a member of the club. A record is then kept only of your name and the dates you joined and left the club, and your name and EBU number are retained on the ScoreBridge database. If you re-apply for membership, you will be asked to provide your contact details on a new form.
The names and EBU numbers of visitors to the club are kept on the ScoreBridge database.
The results of all games played at the club are retained permanently in the ScoreBridge programme on the club laptop and displayed permanently on the club website.
Financial records are retained by the Club Treasurer at least six years. Records of annual subscription payments are anonymised two years after the relevant membership year.
We will delete entirely a former member’s or visitor’s details from the club records on request to the Club Secretary, with the exception of historical results of games played at the club.
12. What happens if a member dies
We will delete entirely a member’s or visitor’s information from the club records and from ScoreBridge on death, when informed. However, results of games played by deceased members will continue to appear on the results’ pages of the club website.
13. The club’s responsibility for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations
The Committee of BNBC is responsible for ensuring that the club discharges its obligations under the GDPR.