Release 2.19r
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We are now able to take payment by card. Table money for members £3.50 to cover all sessions that day, £5.00 for visitors

We are not affiliated to the EBU but try to abide by their rules and conventions. 



News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results". There are more details of events on the "Events" page.

Annual Meal

The provisional date for our 2020 meal WAS Wednesday 22nd April. When the situation is clearer we will organise another date - hopefully in the autumn

Last updated : 20th Mar 2020 09:32 GMT

We now have a Facebook Page, click below

If you attend a club or venue where you think others might be interested in Briter please ask one of the Committee members for a flyer.

Last updated : 20th Dec 2019 12:30 GMT

The Bridgemates are now being used as often as possible, ie when there is a member present who is confident in their use. 

Last updated : 26th May 2015 09:50 GMT
Card dealer
Card dealer

We are now using the dealing machine for every session to prepare hands which can be viewed with the results. Members take it in turns to house the machine and prepare hands. If you would like to join the rota please contact Tim.

Last updated : 27th Oct 2015 12:06 GMT
Interesting hands

This hand was played on the afternoon of 6 November. If you were East what would you do next? There are also some interactive Vu-bridge hands available via the lessons page.

Bottom of Form

Last updated : 19th Aug 2013 16:00 GMT