Release 2.19r
Club Details

Brierfield Bridge Club

2 Clitheroe Rd



Telephone 01282 694175


web address

webmaster Angela Scott


Brierfield Bridge Club is affiliated to the EBU - number 205268

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Pages viewed in 2024
Information for Members
New Member Approved August 2024

The Club welcomes Gaye Wade.  Her membership was proposed by John Spencer and seconded by Marjorie Owen

New member approved July 2024

The Club welcomes Donna Lafrari, whose membership was approved at the July 2024 committee meeting 

(Proposed by John Spencer and seconded by Marjorie Owen)

New member application

We have accepted one new member's application for membership at the committee meeting on 8th January 2024

Judith Finney (proposed by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Shirley Saunders)

And Ruby Dey has rejoined the Club after playing as a guest last year

New Member Applications

We have received the following membership applications as detailed below:

Jim Sumner

Anthony Edwards

Christine Sanderson

These applications were approved at the committee meeting on Monday 13th November 2023


2022 AGM Voting Results for Motions 1 to 4

Motion 1proposed by David Spencer and seconded by Norman Cope – to accept Alan Crabtree as the Accounts Examiner for 2022.

After discussion the motion was voted on and 93 agreed and 1 disagreed therefore the motion was carried.

Motion 2 - proposed by Trevor Mayes and seconded by Brenda Begley – I propose the Club continues to be members of the BWS Group whilst it remains in operation.

After discussion the motion was voted on and 34 agreed and 66 disagreed therefore the motion was not carried.

Motion 3 - proposed by Brian Irlam that - The increase in both the subscription and table money which were increased at the 1st January 2022 be reduced to the 2021 level and that any overpayments made by members since the increase in either be computed and the amount involved be returned to members within a 21 day period.

After discussion the motion was voted on and 24 agreed and 75 disagreed therefore the motion was not carried.

Motion 4 - proposed by Trevor Mayes that - Any Capital expenditure over £5,000+ and any refurb
ishment that affects the layout of the playing must seek the approval of the membership by ballot paper. Members should be able to comment and state their view on the said ballot paper. This must be passed by a majority.

After discussion the motion was voted on and 30 agreed and 58 disagreed therefore the motion was not carried.

Hosting and the NGS

Hosting and the National Grading System (NGS)

Some members have asked to be exempt from grading when they are acting as host.
The EBU does allow this exemption once a year BUT you must register your request before the
session and tell the director and scorer that you have done so.
To register your request you need to go to the Members’ area of the EBU website and sign in with
your EBU number and password (you can get a new password if you have forgotten your old one).
Go to the Utilities section.
Please note:
1. You may not simply be anonymous.
2. You should not expect the scorer to register for you as there may not be time before the
3. Without this exemption, the grade you receive will take into account the grade of the person
you play with.
4. If you play with a beginner you will not be graded anyway until they have played 150 boards
(7 or 8 sessions).

Are You Missing Out

You can find a partner, update your address, phone number or e-mail address, read the minutes of our committee meetings on the Members' Pages.  

You can also see your NGS grade.

All you need to do to access this information is a membership password which you create yourself.

Instructions on how to do this simple procedure can be found on the club notice board in the small downstairs bridge room.   

Have we got your e-mail address?  If so it will appear on the members' page, if not please send an e-mail to

Change to seating arrangements.

The club operates an open seating policy - players may sit North-South or East-West as they choose.  If they need to sit in a direction not available, they should ask the director for help.  Except for our newest Beginners all members should be willing to use Bridgemates - it's not difficult and there is nearly always someone else at the table to help!

New membership applications approved June2024

The following students from our beginners classes have been proposed for membership by John Spencer and seconded  by Sheila Casson or Majorie Owen

Derek Haslam

Stella Grimes

Maggie Lishman

Pauline Oldham

Giordano Filippone

Helen Thornber

Kaye Womack

These membership applications were approved at the June committee meeting