Branford-Shoreline Bridge Clubs
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Your Directors

Don Brueggemann - Branford Bridge Club - - 203-415-6600

Rick Seaburg - Branford and Old Saybrook Bridge Clubs - - 203-915-5987

Margaret Macilvain - Branford and Shoreline Bridge Clubs - - 203-376-2752

Jennifer Marks - Shoreline Bridge Club - - 203-204-6146


Document Library

Documents Listed:

  • Convention Chart for Our Club - ACBL Basic Convention Chart
  • ACBL Alert Procedure
  • Psychic Bids
  • Zero Tolerance
  • The "Smart Dummy"
  • How to Find a Partner

"Zero Tolerance" - Players at the Branford and Shoreline Bridge Clubs are supposed to practice "Zero Tolerance" in their actions during play. Your directors encourage everyone to "play nice". It is important that you value your partner (your partner is the only one in the room on your side) - save your analysis and lessons for the postmortem. Behavior which should not be tolerated in Branford is badgering, rudeness, intimidation, profanity, negative comments concerning opponents' or partner's play or bidding, constant and gratuitous lessons, and analysis at the table. Call the director if you encounter any of this behavior.

Play Nice!

Say hello to everyone – You might make someone's day.

Introduce yourself to people you don't know – They may be your next good friends.

Be Punctual – If you're late, you make others late too.

Acknowledge good play by the opponents – An appreciative nod lets them know that their skill has not gone unnoticed.

Smile often – You will brighten the room considerably.

Be understanding – Everybody makes mistakes.

Be kind – You will never like everybody, but you can be cordial to all.

Nobody likes to lose – Practice grace under fire.

Respect the directors – They are here for you.

Help those with less experience – We all were beginners at some point.

Look forward to the next deal – Dwelling on the last hand wastes time.

Value your partner – They are the only one on your side.

Keep your priorities straight – Diamonds are great, but hearts are more valuable.

Grace is good – Nobody likes a boastful winner.

Save your analysis and lessons for the postmortem – It would be a shame to have nothing to talk about after the game.

Enjoy! You can't win all the time, but you can always have fun.

Save your analysis and lessons for the postmortem – It would be a shame to have nothing to talk about after the game.

Enjoy! You can't win all the time, but you can always have fun.




Effective November 22, 2018 there are 4 new convention charts – Basic, Basic+, Open and Open+. The new convention charts are available for download at On Basic and Basic+ convention charts bidding agreements are disallowed unless they are specifically allowed. The Basic and Basic+ convention charts list allowed bids, while the Open and Open+ convention charts list what is disallowed. Lead and carding agreements are the same on all 4 convention charts.

Clubs are free to use whatever rules they want. Traditionally the Branford Bridge Club has utilized the General Convention Chart (GCC) as the rule governing bidding and play in this club. The new convention chart most like the GCC is the Basic Convention Chart. Because our club has a number of “novice” and non-LM players, and beginning players are encouraged to come and play, the authorized chart will be the Basic Convention Chart. Please note that all the conventions and systems permitted on the “Basic” chart are all the systems and conventions that are used by almost all players that play in Branford. If your conventions are not authorized on the Basic Convention Chart, please discuss your bids with the director.

Basic Chart – Legal opening bids:

  • At least 10 HCP or meets the “Rule of 19” (HCP + length of the 2 longest suits must be 19 or more)
  • Short Club
  • Precision Club
  • Flannery
  • Mini-Roman
  • Weak and standard No Trump (10+ HCP, range not greater than 5 HCP)
  • 4 card majors (or 5 card majors)
  • Weak 2 bids (at least 4 HCP, range not greater than 7 HCP)
  • Namyats
  • Gambling 3 No Trump



  • Any natural response
  • Forcing 1 No Trump
  • 2/1 game force
  • Stayman and transfers
  • Jacoby 2 NT
  • Bergen raises.
  • Drury (an artificial 2C or 2D by a passed hand showing a raise of Opener).
  • Any artificial negative response to a strong opening bid.

Overcalls and Competitive Bids:

  • All natural overcalls
  • All doubles and redoubles, and all calls by both sides after a double or redouble.
  • All artificial cuebids (by either pair), except a cuebid that could be weak must show at least one known suit. All responses to a cuebid are allowed.
  • A 2NT overcall showing at least 5/4 distribution in the minors or in the two lowest unbid suits.
  • After partner’s natural 1NT overcall, and artificial advance.
  • After an opponent’s natural NT opening bid or overcall:
    • An artificial 2C having any meaning.
    • An artificial bid showing 2 known suits with 4/4 length or better.
    • An artificial bid showing a known 5+ card suit.
    • A natural bid showing 4+ cards in the suit bid and another known or unknown suit of 4+ cards.
  • In response to partner’s overcall showing an unknown suit or suits, any call asking for partner’s longest or cheapest unknown suit (e.g., “pass or correct” calls).
  • An artificial NT overcall at any level for 2-suited or 3-suited takeout. A 1NT bid in this category must show at least Near-Average strength (at least 8 HCP).
  • After opponent’s Artificial opening bid, any Artificial defense.

Lead and Carding Agreements (the same on all 4 convention charts).

  • Encrypted signals are never allowed when leading, following suit, or discarding.
  • Opening lead – any method can be used on opening lead (leading low from doubletons must be pre-alerted).
  • First discard – Any method may be used on the first discard.
  • Except for the first discard, only high-to-low or low-to-high ordering strategies are allowed when following suit or discarding.


Any opening bid, response, or overcall in a suit at the 1 level is “natural” if it shows 4 or more cards in the suit bid, except for 1 Club and 1 Diamond, which can be based on a 3-card holding (in a 4-4-3-2 pattern, 1 Club can be “natural” with only 2 cards). Methods are generally allowed unless they are expressly prohibited within the chart.

Whether intentional or not, the definition for a No Trump opening bid has been changed in the new chart definitions. The new definition states, “A NT opening bid or overcall that contains no voids, no more than one singleton, which must be an Ace, King or Queen, and that does not contain 10 or more cards in two suits combined.”

If you have questions about the new convention charts send an email to (don’t ask me).


The ACBL Board of Directors unanimously approved a comprehensive update to the ACBL Alert Procedure at their November meeting, the first major overhaul in 20 years. The new procedures go into effect Jan. 1, 2021. The full document is available here.

Bridge has never been a game of secret agreements. Your opponents are entitled to know just as much about what your bids mean as you do. Alerts have always been about making that process easier. Whether or not a call requires an Alert, you have an obligation to explain all of your partnership understandings related to that call upon the request of an opponent.


The first changes are at the beginning of the round. As before, you must pre-Alert the opponents if you play canape methods or different systems depending on seat or vulnerability (but not just because you play different ranges for opening 1NT). Additionally you now are required to pre-Alert if you play a system that includes at least one one-level opening bid that is not natural or that is forcing. This can be as simple as saying, “We play a strong club” or “We play 1♣ could be short.” You are no longer required to pre-Alert if you lead low from small doubletons. However, if you play this, it must be included in your answer when a declarer asks about your leads and carding.

Alert changes

The new Alert procedure starts from the principle that natural calls are not Alerted, and that artificial calls are Alerted. It then gives the deviations from that principle, spelling out the natural calls that must be Alerted (for example, a response to a one-level opening bid that is not forcing), and the artificial calls that do not require Alerts (for example, Stayman). The most common calls that have had their Alertability changed are as follows:

  • In an uncontested auction, no natural jumpshift (whether weak, intermediate or strong) requires an Alert.
  • A direct cuebid that is not Michaels (showing both majors over a minor, or a major and an unspecified minor over a major) requires an Alert.
  • Support doubles and redoubles no longer require an Alert.
  • An opening 2♣ bid that does not meet the definition of Very Strong requires an Alert. (This tends to apply to partnerships who agree to open 2♣ on hands with good playing strength, but many fewer high cards than normal. See the Convention Chart for the exact definition to see if it applies to you.)

Announcement changes

There were also a few changes to Announcements, with the biggest change for transfers. Instead of saying the word “transfer,” the Announcement is now the name of the suit being transferred to. For example, in the auction 1NT–2♥, where partner’s 2♥ showed spades, instead of Announcing “transfer,” you will now Announce “spades.”

This Announcement is used in any situation where your partner is showing length in a specific other suit, as well as for doubles or redoubles that show the next suit up. For example, if you play that 2♠ shows clubs in the auction 1NT–2♠, then you would announce “clubs.” However, if you play that 2♠ shows either minor in the auction 1NT–2♠, then you must say “Alert,” even if the 1NT opener is expected to always bid clubs.

An example of the rule for doubles is if you play that after a 1♣ opening is overcalled with 1♦, that a double shows hearts (and says nothing about spades as a traditional negative double would), then you would announce “hearts” when your partner doubled. Traditional negative doubles are never Alerted or Announced.

Instead of saying “could be short” for a non-forcing minor-suit opening that might contain fewer than three cards, you must say the minimum number of cards in the suit, as in “Could be one.”

If you have the agreement to routinely bypass a four-card spade suit to bid a forcing or semi-forcing 1NT over 1♥, then you add “could have four spades” to the “forcing” or “semiforcing” Announcement. This is most likely applicable to pairs playing Flannery.

Delayed Alerts

The rules for delayed Alerts have slightly changed, with the main difference being that at the end of the auction, the declaring side should explain any delayed Alerts and point out any control bids that were made during the auction without a requirement for the defense to ask about them. By having the declaring side explain these calls without prompting, there should be fewer cases of the person not on lead asking about calls before they should.

Learning curve

In any time of change, there will be people who make honest mistakes trying to apply the new rules, and there are no automatic penalties for making a mistake. As with the old rules, be guided by the principle that the goal of the Alert procedure is to let the opponents know what you play.

"Psychic" Bids

"Psyche" Bids - I was asked about a policy for Branford Bridge Club concerning "psyche" bids. The definition of a "psyche" bid is an intentionally misleading call which departs from accepted partnership agreements and is designed to confuse the opponents. The ACBL policy on psychic bidding is that if a player makes more than 2 psychic calls per session he will have the burden of proving that he is not using frivolous or unsportsmanlike bidding and can be barred from making any future "psyche" bid. Note that the partner of the "psyche" bidder must also be as "psyched" by the bid as the opponents, if the partner is not "psyched", then there will be a score adjustment. If there is an UNintentional misleading call, even if the opponents are confused by the bid, it is NOT a "psyche" bid and there will be no score adjustment. This policy was previously published by me in a handout to the Branford Bridge Club in 2017. 

The "Smart Dummy"


“Smart Dummy” is an apparent oxymoron.

The “Dummy” is essentially Declarer’s silent partner that follows Declarer’s instructions, but also has a few rights, duties, and obligations.

What are my duties and obligations to become a “Smart Dummy?”

Here are the principal Dos and Don’ts of the Dummy:

1. Tabling your Hand

a) After a legal opening lead, the Dummy tables his hand. The faced-up cards are placed in columns, sorted in suits, the highest to lowest ranking cards are directed towards the Declarer. The trump suit, if applicable, is placed at the side of the Dummy’s right hand.

b) When placing the cards in columns, be sure to know your Partner’s preference (by suit or color combination). Don’t waste Declarer’s time by having to inform you. Declarer should better spend the time looking at your hand and developing a winning line of play.

c) In a suit contract, table your trump suit cards LAST. The Declarer needs to concentrate his initial thoughts on the other suits where there may be a problem or two to resolve. Initially, place your short suit, a singleton or doubleton, to the left side. This visual reminder may help the Declarer to consider ruffing any losers in the Dummy before drawing trump.

d) In a No-Trump Contract and Declarer has bid a suit, make sure not to place his bid suit on the left-hand side of the Dummy. It is too easy for the Declarer to forget he is in a No- Trump contract rather than a trump contract in his suit, which he might have contemplated earlier in the auction.

e) Be careful to ensure you do not start tabling your hand in response to an opening lead. When there is an opening lead infraction, and the Declarer mistakenly tables even one card, this signifies acceptance of the opening lead. The Declarer must continue to table his hand and becomes the Dummy. The presumed Dummy for the contract becomes the new Declarer, and the play proceeds as usual without any procedural penalty to either side. Under these circumstances, it is probably wise to make a Director call and be informed of the proper procedure to follow.

2. Dummy Deportment (Dummy’s Limitations – Law 43)

The Dummy’s behavior and conduct are specifically defined and limited. Any violation is subject to penalty.

a) Dummy may not exchange hands with Declarer.

b) Dummy may not leave his seat to watch Declarer.

c) Dummy may not, on his initiative, look at the face of a card in the hand of either Defender.

d) Dummy must reject any offer by a Defender to show his hand.

Further, whereas the Dummy must be attentive to follow legal instructions during the play of the hand, he must always be mindful his duties are limited, and the following conduct is strictly forbidden;

e) Dummy should not initiate a call for the Director during the play unless attention has been drawn to an irregularity by another player.

f) Dummy may not call attention to an irregularity during play.

g) Dummy may not participate in the play or make any comment or ask any questions concerning the bidding or play.

Implied other dummy restrictions

From other sections of the Laws of Duplicate Bridge book, the following other implied Dummy restrictions may bring procedural penalties in addition to the explicit limitations identified above:

a) asking for a review of the auction,

b) requesting an explanation of a specific bid,

c) requesting an explanation of the Defender’s carding agreements,

d) adding to Declarer’s request for any of a) to c),

e) asking or state the contract on your initiative,

f) asking a defender about a possible revoke during play.

3. Follow Declarer’s Instructions

One of Dummy’s Absolute rights is the Dummy plays his cards as the Declarer’s Agent and ensures the Dummy follows suit.

a) The Dummy must precisely follow Declarer’s instructions to each trick and play the specified card in a prompt manner and in tempo. Suppose the Declarer calls for an unspecified card in a suit, for example, “Heart” or “A low Heart.” In this case, Dummy must immediately play the lowest card in the suit without delay, remark or facial or other gestures or pause as if asking Declarer to reconsider his call. It is inappropriate and a breach of bridge etiquette to question the Declarer’s card call by saying something like, “Which one” or ”How high?” If the Declarer says, ”Win,” Dummy plays the lowest appropriate card to win the trick. If the Declarer says, “Run the suit,” Dummy plays all the cards in the suit, starting from the top to the bottom-ranking cards. The Defenders can easily have a nightmare or an anxiety attack deciding on the appropriate discards.

b) Be patient and wait for Declarer’s instruction to play, even if the play may be obvious, such as a singleton of the opening lead on board, or the Declarer is stuck on the board and has equal ranked cards left in a single suit. The Declarer will instruct which card to play in due course.

c) Be cautious not to touch or indicate for a play of a card to a trick. Such conduct would mandate a Director call and result in an adjusted score if the Director believes the Dummy’s action suggests a play that damaged the Defenders. No need to keep one’s hand in one’s pocket, but putting and keeping your hands in one’s lap during the play of the hand should arrest the habit.

d) Occasionally, the Declarer may become too cavalier about making a call; without designating either a suit or a rank (as by saying “Play anything” or words of the like meaning). In this case, either Defender may designate the play from the Dummy. The Dummy must remain silent and not participate in the play, or he will violate proper Dummy conduct.

Items a, b, c, and d follow the overriding law that “Dummy must not participate in the play, nor may he (Dummy) communicate anything about the play to Declarer.” (refer to 2g).

4. Trick Arrangement, Inspection, and Count:

Another of Dummy’s Absolute Rights permits the Dummy to keep count of tricks won and lost.

a) The Dummy is allowed to keep track of the number of tricks won and lost. To do so, the Defenders must play their cards in a visible manner to the Dummy. If the Defenders do not, Dummy has the right to ask to see or for the Defender to play in a manner that enables Dummy to see their cards. The Defenders must comply with the request.

b) The Dummy must be diligent in keeping a correct arrangement of tricks won and lost as also required by the other three players. The Dummy must be watchful of the Declarer’s trick arrangement. He must notify the Declarer immediately of an incorrectly orientated card BEFORE the lead to the next trick has been made, which is permissible conduct in attempting to prevent an irregularity. Alternatively, the Dummy can wait until the completion of the play before advising the Declarer.

c) The Law stipulates Dummy may not notify the Declarer AFTER the lead to the next trick of the improperly orientated card. The Dummy may not call attention to any irregularity and take part in or communicate about the play of the hand. The Dummy’s improper action warrants the Director’s intervention. This unauthorized information is subject to possible penalty at the Director’s discretion.

d) The Dummy can also advise a Defender if the card to a completed trick is orientation in the wrong direction but again only BEFORE the lead to the next trick. The Dummy is not allowed to inform the players of how many tricks have been won or lost by each side during the play.

e) It is of paramount importance for Dummy to leave his trick line intact until there is an agreement between all four players on the exact number of tricks taken by each side. If you collapse your trick line, you jeopardize your rights to ownership of doubtful tricks. If the Director can no longer ascertain the facts after a claim (of a Revoke or the number tricks won or lost) has been made, and only one side has mixed its cards, the Director will favor the other side.

5. Lead out of Turn

a) Regardless of the Declarer’s experience, his most common infraction is a lead from the wrong hand. The Dummy should be exceptionally watchful of this possible infraction. Most Dummies are actively interested in the play of the hand. While the Declarer is pondering his next move, it is commonplace to hear Dummy saying, “You’re in your hand” or “You’re on the board,” tapping the table or giving hand signals to remind the Declarer where the lead is.

Furthermore, when the Declarer has tabled a card or called a card from Dummy, the Dummy  often blurts out, “You’re in your hand” to signal a possible lead out of turn infraction. All these actions are in direct violation of bridge law. Once Declarer incorrectly completes the call from the Dummy or leads from their hand, the infraction has occurred. It is too late for the Dummy to prevent the infraction.

b) The Dummy has the Qualified right to try to prevent any irregularity by Declarer. When the Declarer detaches a card from their hand, but the lead is in the Dummy or starts to call or points to a card when the lead is in their hand, the Dummy can immediately say something. However, that’s it. The Dummy must remain silent otherwise until after the play is over.

c) Be Quiet! Many Dummies (Newcomers and seasoned Players) have difficulty keeping quiet and, unfortunately, want to participate in the play, which is unlawful and subject to penalty.

The Dummy is not permitted to participate in the play or communicate anything about the play.

Be patient and wait for Declarer’s instruction to play, even if the play may be obvious, such as a singleton of the opening lead on board.

The Dummy must remain SILENT and cannot give the Declarer a too-late warning (as indicated above) by saying, “You’re in your hand” or “You’re on the board”

Bridge Law is precise and definitive: The Dummy may not call attention to any irregularity.

Sure, it is only a cordial club game but better to know and follow the rules than to be penalized by the Director at your first tournament.

d) If a Defender exposes a card in response to the Declarer’s wrongly played or called card from Dummy, it is deemed the out of turn lead was accepted by the Defender and play resumes as usual.

6. Prevent Declarer’s Revoke

a) A revoke is simply the failure to follow suit when able to. Dummy has the Qualified right to ask Declarer when he has failed to follow suit to a trick and possibly revoked. When the Declarer does not follow suit, the Dummy has the right to ask, “No Spades, Partner?” (Spade suit led). After checking his hand, the Declarer replies, “Having none.” Occasionally, however, the Declarer replies, “Oops, I have a Spade.” The Declarer picks up and returns the card played to his hand and then follows suit and plays his Spade.

b) The Declarer does not leave the originally played card exposed on the table as a penalty card. No harm, no foul. The Dummy prevented a costly Revoke by the Declarer, which is typically a one to two-trick penalty. The Defenders have the same privilege to ask their Partner when he does not follow suit in the same manner as the Dummy asks the Declarer.

c) When the Declarer calls for a card from the Dummy that is a revoke call, the Dummy may ensure that the Dummy follows suit and that the revoke is corrected.

d) When a revoke or any irregularity occurs, it is a good idea for the Declarer or Defenders to get the Director involved sooner than later before the matter becomes a nightmare and impossible to untangle.

e) If the Dummy or a Defender is asleep and doesn’t notice the Declarer’s or Partner’s revoke, all is not lost. Law 63 states, “A revoke becomes established when the Offender or his Partner leads or plays to the following trick or names or designates a card to be played to the following trick.” If before any of these events occur, the Offender takes corrective action; the revoke is not established (it never happened).

For example, the Declarer revokes but loses the trick. However, suppose after the Opponents lead to the next trick, the Declarer discovers and announces his revoke before he plays or designates a card from the Dummy. In that case, he can correct his misplay from the previous trick. Any Defender or Dummy who played after the Declarer is also entitled to change their card played on the previous trick if the preceding player changed their card since the revoke was not established. Suppose the Declarer wins the trick by revoking and leads to the next trick. He then realizes he made a revoke on the previous trick. In this instance, it is too late to correct. The revoke is established.

Further, either Defender can correct a revoke even if the Declarer won the trick and has made the lead to the next trick. The only proviso is that the Offending Defender makes the announcement he could have followed suit on the previous trick BEFORE he or his Partner plays. The revoke is not yet established. The Offender can correct the previous trick. However, once the first Defender has played to the next trick, the revoke is established, too late to correct.

When the circumstances are such that a revoke is not established, the following are the appropriate procedures of play; - If the Revoker is the Declarer, the card played is picked up and put back in his hand (no penalty card restriction), and then he plays the card in the suit led. - If the Revoker is a Defender, the card played is left on the table as a penalty card and played at the first appropriate opportunity. Then the Defender plays the card in the suit led.

f) When there is an agreed established revoke, immediately call a Director. Leave all cards on the table as played until the Director arrives. Director will examine the card layout and receive verbal information from players as requested.

The Dummy has the Absolute right to give information in the Director’s presence as to fact and law. The Director assesses the situation and gives instructions on how the play is to proceed. The Director will return to the table after completing the hand and determine the appropriate penalty (usually one or two tricks depending on who won the trick on which the revoke occurred, and any subsequent tricks). The Director will redress damage and restore equity by assigning an adjusted score if he deems the Non-Offending side receives insufficient compensation for the damage caused by the Revoker.

g) Know your rights to inquire about a possible revoke;

  1. Dummy may ask Declarer.
  2. Declarer may ask the Defenders.
  3. Defenders may ask one another and Declarer.

The Dummy may not question the Defenders. The Dummy cannot participate in any discussion or communicate anything about the play to the Declarer.

h) If Dummy suspects that a Defender has committed a revoke, he must wait until the end of the play of the hand before making a Director call and only after no other Player has brought attention to the suspected revoke. Dummy has the Qualified right to draw attention to any irregularity but only after the conclusion of the play.

One last point, if your Partner, whether Declarer or Defender, revokes, it is your fault. Be diligent and pay close attention to all cards played.

7. Prevent a Revoke by Dummy

a) The Dummy can commit a revoke if the missing card discrepancy (occasionally, two cards stuck together or a card on the floor) only becomes apparent late in the play of the hand.

b) The standard penalty for an established revoke is two tricks if the Revoker won the trick when the revoke occurred, and his side won at least one subsequent trick; or one trick otherwise. The Director will redress damages and restore equity by assigning an adjusted score if the Director deems that the Non-Offending side receives insufficient compensation for the damage caused.

c) However, in the case of a Dummy revoke, this rule does not apply. The applicable rule states there is no automatic trick adjustment following an established revoke. A revoke occurs if you fail to play a penalty card or any card belonging to Dummy.

d) The Director has the arduous task of sorting out this infraction. Under these circumstances, the Director must determine the damages to the Defenders and the score adjustment for failure to follow the proper procedure of displaying the Dummy’s hand.

e) Ensuring there are thirteen exposed cards in the Dummy is not a group-conscious matter; it is the sole duty of the Dummy.

8. Claim or Concession

Effective August 2017, the new Duplicate Bridge law ruling permits the play to continue in the usual manner if the Defenders do not accept the claim, AND all Parties agree to play it out. Yes, the Dummy must consent to the Defenders’ request for the play to continue. If there is no agreement, call the Director. A claim call temporarily terminates play. The Dummy has full rights to participate in the disposition of the claim.

9.End of Play

Dummy’s rights include making a Director call to address any irregularity concerning a claim or revoke after completing the hand.

After the play of the hand is completed and the results agreed to, Dummy and the other players collect up their cards, give a quick shuffle, and return them to the proper board pocket.

10. End of Auction

Your duties as the Dummy start at the end of the auction. a) You may be aware your partnership has made an infraction during the auction, a failure to Announce or Alert a bid, or to provide complete or correct information about an Announcement or Alerted Bid or Bid Explanation.

Suppose you are on the Offending side and become Declarer/Dummy; you are obligated to advise the Non-Offenders of the infraction during the clarification period after the final pass and before the opening lead.

The Declarer/Dummy makes a Director call. The Non-Offenders receive a correct bid explanation.

If the Non-Offenders feel damaged, the Director makes a ruling that could include rolling the bidding back to the actual bid, if appropriate to where the infraction took place and allowing the Non-Offenders to bid with the corrected bid information and resume the auction.

b) Also, be mindful that after the final pass, all players, including the presumed Dummy, are responsible for prompt correction of the misstatement(s).

How to Find a Partner


There are several ways to find a partner on this website, and one way to register for a game.

1. The "Calendar Month" menu will show if there is any player looking for a partner in a specific event. To contact that player, click on the player’s name to send an email and set up a partnership. 

2.To list your name on the “Calendar” for a Partner or to Register for a game sign in to the “Membership” menu item.

a. To access this area, you must enter a password which you do the first time you access this site. If this is the first time that you are visiting the “Members Only” site, click “Set/Reset Password. Note – the “Register” button is for non-members that are interested in joining the club and need a special code.

b. On the site is a list of available tournaments on the schedule, and you will see 3 potential boxes (not all boxes are set for all games). The 3 boxes are PR for "Partner required"; NP for "Unavailable" (Not Playing) and PL for "Playing".  Place a check mark in a box to indicate that you need a partner or that you are registering to play in an event - in that case enter your partner's name, and this will be entered on the “Calendar”.

c. Then click the “Confirm” button – one is located at the top and bottom of the page.

d. Requests for a Partner or to place a Reservation for a game will show in the Calendar and can be removed using the same technique.

3. Another option is to click on the "Find a Partner" button in the menu. You will see a list of all the people looking for partners - sorted by game date. There is also a “link” to the Calendar where you will see who is looking for a partner and where you can enter a request for a partner for a particular game.

4. Choose your prospective partner and send an email by clicking on partner’s name.

5. Removing your “Find a Partner” or "Registration" listing. You are the only person who can remove your entry.

a. To remove the entry, log into the "Membership" area and follow the instructions above for "Posting a request".

b. Remove the checkbox you created. 

c. Click the Confirm button (at the top and bottom of the page). 




STaC Hand Records - June 24, 2024