Brabyns Bridge Club
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Welcome to Brabyns Bridge Club

The Club is now open again. We look forward to more members returning to play. New members are welcome.  

Please arrive by 1:15pm as usual for a prompt start at 1:30pm.  

If you have any Covid symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has, then please do not attend the Club.  

Last updated : 1st May 2022 15:54 BST
Need a Partner?
Need a Partner?

If you need a partner please email or telephone Chris who will try and match you with another player looking for a partner. Please give as much notice as you can. 

Last updated : 15th Sep 2021 16:55 BST
Welcome to Brabyns Bridge Club
Welcome to Brabyns Bridge Club

The club meets in the Church Hall at St Martin's Church every Friday to play duplicate bridge starting at 1:30pm and finishing around 4 pm.

Players should be seated by 1:15pm so the Director can decide and set the movement. 

♠   ♣ 

Please click here and complete the contact form if you are interested in joining us. 

Last updated : 6th Sep 2019 16:32 GMT
St Martin's Church Hall
St Martin's Church Hall
Director: Terry
Scorer: Terry
Director: Terry & Mike
Scorer: Terry
Director: Terry & Mike
Scorer: Terry