Bolton Bridge Club
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Bolton F2F
Director: JC
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Director: pv
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Archive 2023
Calendar of Events 2024
Austin Barnes  Mon 5 Feb to 15 Apr
Individual  Wed 6 Mar
Men/Ladies Pairs  Wed 27 Mar
Mixed Pairs  Wed 1 May
Champ Pairs  Wed 5 Jun
Cedric Young  Wed 2 Oct to 18 Dec
Glaister Cup (NGS 6-)  Mon 11 Nov
Tyldesley Trophy (NGS 10-)  Wed 20 Nov
Queens Jubilee F2F Pairs at Club 6 June 2022

There were 17 pairs at the F2F Queens Jubilee Pairs on 6th June 2022. Well done to Ailsa Hurst & Brendan Fitzmaurice who won NS and Rod Greenhalgh & Bob Collins who won EW. The refreshments were excellent and all seemed to enjoy the evening.


                  ♠   ♣ 




Great event which was enjoyed by all





Teams Event 26 Jan 2023

Thanks to all members who are supporting the monthly Teams Event. We have had two successful sessions, the latest being on Thursday 26th January with an interesting format that few of us have played before.

This week we had six teams and played two 3-team groups. Congratulations to Sharman, Jay, Heather and Duncan for winning their group with +27 VPs from their two matches, followed by Ronnie, Wendy, Doreen and Brendon with +24 VPs with Barbara, Rita, John and Dave in third place.

In the other group,  Ken Rigg, Bob, Andrew and Kevan were successful with 31 VPs followed by Brian, Rona, John and Sandra with 21 VPs with Ailsa, Joyce, Greg and Nuala in third place.

The next Teams Event will be held on Thursday 23rd February starting, if possible, at 7.00p.m.

More teams, partnerships and individual members are welcome to join in, simply add you details to the appropriate list on the notice board.

Thank you all once again for supporting Bolton Bridge Club.

Ken Hardman

Teams Event 24 Feb 2023

This week saw another successful Teams Event with 5 teams enjoying yet another variation on Team Play, the “American Whist down” movement, which proved very successful.

My thanks go to Brian whose expertise was greatly appreciated and allowed the calculation of V.P’s (Victory Points) to give a more balanced result. We have also discovered the bridge pads are able to be used in several team play movements. Further research is required but I am confident that this will be successful.

To encourage participation in Team Events, efforts are always made to enable as far as possible, a level playing field so players play against teams at a similar level. This is straightforward when we have two groups of teams. However, with 5 teams or less, we have a single competition where all teams play each other.

I am pleased to inform you that members of the strongest team in the competition have approached me and suggested that to level things up and give all participants a chance of winning, they would split their team up and play with the lower handicap players.

I think this is an excellent idea and hopefully will encourage others to enter.

There seems to be a demand to extend this event into the Spring/Summer. I will take soundings at the March event and hopefully we can plan future dates.

The next event is on Thursday 23rd March.

Thank you for supporting Bolton Bridge Club

Ken Hardman

LCBA Teams of 8 26 Feb 2023

Hard luck to the Bolton team which finished 2nd of 10 teams behind Preston in the LCBA Teams of 8 competition held Face to Face at Bury Bridge club yesterday.

Annual General Meeting Thursday 30th March 2023

The Seventy first Annual General Meeting was held at the Club Premises 4 Chorley Old Road, Bolton on Thursday the 30th day of March 2023 at 7.30 pm. Ken Hardman is the new Chairman with Heather Carr standing down. Wendy Blyth has taken over Treasurer from Stephen Hazlitt. The report will be issued in due course.


Mens & Ladies Pairs - The Winners

The annual Bolton Club Mens Pairs & Ladies Pairs was held on Wednesday 5th April 2023 at the Club.

In the Ladies Pairs Congratulations to the winners, Linda Wilson and Sue Whittam. Second place was a tie between Stella Beswick & Margery Gardiner and Wendy Blyth & Jay Cooper.  Well done ladies.

In the Mens Pairs, it was another good result for the Whittam household.  Congratulations to the winners, Paul Evans and Alan Whittam, and second placed Steve Fanning and Mike Nicholson. (This was Paul & Alan's 3rd consecutive win)

Thank you to everyone who played and supported the event. It was good to see the Club so busy again, with a great social atmosphere.

Mens & Ladies Pairs - The Winners
Austin Barnes Ladder 2023

This competition was held as the best of 8 of 11 weeks at the Club on Monday night. In a close finish, well done to Stuart Norris who was just ahead of John Simm & Wendy Blyth with Rod Greenhalgh 4th. Full ladder on competition page.

Bolton Mixed Pairs Wednesday 3rd May 2023

The annual Bolton Mixed Pairs was held at 7:15pm on Wednesday May 3rd Face to Face at Bolton Club.  An excellent turnout of 10.5 tables contested this annual event.

Congratulations to the winners Stuart Norris & Linda Hitchen, pictured below receiving their trophy from President, Ken Hardman.  Well done to second placed Duncan & Diane Ault, and third placed Alan Whittam & Linda Wilson. Full details on Results section.

Bolton Mixed Pairs Wednesday 3rd May 2023
Championship Pairs Wed 7th June 2023

The annual Bolton Championship Pairs was held on Wednesday June 7th at 7:15pm at the club.  An excellent turnout of 15 pairs contested this annual event.

Congratulations to the winners Stephen Hazlitt & Jay Cooper,  Well done to second placed Paul Evans & Alan Whittam and third placed Phil Taylor & Pamela Hunter. Full details on Results section.

Championship Pairs Wed 7th June 2023
Glaister/Tyldesley F2F 13/22 November 2023

The annual Glaister Cup is open  to players with NGS 6 and below and the Tyldesley Trophy is for players NGS 10 and below (NGS as at 1st November). You may check your NGS for this competition at NGS Grades Nov 1 2023. Both will be played Face to Face with the Glaister Cup scheduled at the club on Monday 13 November and the Tyldesley on Wednesday 22 November both starting at 7:15pm.   There will be a free entry to a Bolton duplicate for the winners. Please send entries to Linda Hitchen Tel 01204 494506 or enter below: 

(PLEASE NOTE there will be NOT be a separate duplicate alongside the Tyldesley Trophy).

Glaister Cup Winners 2023
Glaister Cup Winners 2023

Congratulations to Chris Makinson and Ian Gibson on winning the 2023 Glaister Cup. Second place went to Bill Gordon and Ged Gaffey, and third place to Sue Hazlitt and Janice Drake.

Full results can be seen in the results section.

Tyldesley Trophy Winners 2023
Tyldesley Trophy Winners 2023

Congratulations to Ken Wood & David Thomson on winning the 2023 Tyldesley Trophy. Second place went to Leilia Price & Jacquie Evans, and third place jointly to Heather Carr & Jacqui Harte and Ailsa Hurst & Graeme Bruce.18 Pairs took part.

New Bolton Online Game - Friday 2pm from 22nd December

We are pleased to announce our new Online Bridge game, every Friday afternoon at 2pm.

These Friday games will start on December 22nd following LOP's decision to stop their Friday games after December 15th.

These games will be available to all Bolton players.  Look forward to "seeing" you there.

Cedric Young 2023

The annual Cedric Young ladder for 2023 based on the best 8 of 11 scores in a weekly dupicate from early October to mid December is now complete. Congratulations to the winners John Simm & Wendy Blyth, 2nd Rod Greenhalgh, 3rd Ken Rigg.  The full ladder is shown on the Competitions page in the menu.