Standard Convention Card for use in Individuals |
It is important that all players play to the same system in an Individual competition. This is:
1NT - 12/14 points
2NT - 20/22 points
Stayman, Transfers over 1NT and 2NT
ACOL, 2C - Strong 2 level bid in unspecified suit
2D - 23+ pts
2H & 2S weak
Standard Blackwood (not RKCB)
Negative doubles up to 2S
Weak jump overcalls
2nd/4th leads
Natural signals and discards (high encouraging).
This consists usually of a set of 3 boards played at one table with three different partnerships. North remains in place, the other players move East to South, South to West and West to East.
Players playthe boards in their own time without having to wait for other tables.
Additional players may be introduced as Roversin some one-winner indovidual movements. In each Triple, the Rover must displace three different players and have three different partners.
The recommended procedure is for the Rover to sit South, West, and East in turn.