Bloxham Bridge Club
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28th Aug 2024 17:42 BST
Frank Scouse Cup Winners.pdf
5th Apr 2024 09:57 BST
Bloxham Bridge Club information sheet March 2024.pdf
16th Mar 2024 13:49 GMT
Welcome to Bloxham Bridge Club
Frank Scouse Cup 2024

Congratulations to Sean Callery and Scott Orchard for winning the Frank Scouse Cup with a score of 2,440 with Ann Mahoney and Richard Middleton as runners-up on 2,110. We were pleased to have Jean Scouse as our guest playing with Joan Thomas who came third with 1,570 points.

This compares with last year with a closer result when Joan Broady and Rosemary Shirt won with 1,510 followed by Richard Goulden & Laval Edouard on 1,430.

There seem (based on the score cards) to have been less games around this year, one in each board set as compared with seven in 2023. Based on a double dummy analysis (similarly to 2023), board 10 offered a small slam (bid by none) and) board 19 a grand slam both to E-W – bid for 12 tricks but making 13 by only one pair.

Richard Goulden and Laval Edouard were especially unlucky this year by having almost no opportunities for a game themselves whilst five were made against them, though fortunately the slam on board 19 was not bid as such!

Frank Scouse Cup 2024
Bloxham runners up in local teams competittion at King's Sutton
Bloxham runners up in local teams competittion at King's Sutton


Congratulations to the Bloxham team, (Wendy Dickins, Richard Goulden, Laval Edouard and Roger Dadd) who were runners up in a local teams competion at King's Sutton on Tuesday 24th October with the other Bloxham team (Joan Thomas, Jane Cox (guest), Richard Middleton and Jürgen Fricke) eighth out of twelve. Other teams competing were from King's Sutton (three teams), Buckingham (three), Quainton (two). Bicester and Summertown who were the a comfortable margin.

This is an annual event titled the "Challenge Cup" run by King's Sutton which Bloxham entered for the first time last year when the winner were Buckingham. This was a first time for Suumertown. Pevious winners have included Bicester, King's Sutton and Banbury who only play online now. 

Ron Peace Cup 2023
Ron Peace Cup 2023

Congratulations to Wendy for wining the Ron Peace Cup on Thursday 19 October, named after the principal founder of the club, in the 30th year since the first competition for it. This event has always been for individual Chicago, a format it now seems strange to recall was used regularly once or twice a month before the club played duplicate and when members played without prearranged partners. The last time there was a competition for it was 2019 when Jean Scouse won.

The result was quite tight for the format of play with hand-by-hand dealing (60 such over the event 15 of them resulting in made games). There were 12 players and five rounds of four hands. Wendy had 3,850 points, Jürgen 3,710, Sean 3,260 and Chris 2,230.

Chris had produced table cards showing players and moves for the three tables and a scheme for coping with sit-outs for one or two extras. The latter was not required following two last minute cancellations. All players had five different partners determined by the table cards showing moves starting from positions drawn by lot. Nevertheless, several regular partnerships played one of the five rounds together – the luck of the draw.

Roger presented the rather nice silver cup to Wendy.

About the club

Bloxham Bridge Club, founded in September 1987, is a social club for players of intermediate standard playing in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The conduct of the club is arranged by a committee, elected at the AGM (appointments to vacancies during a year being made by the committee), who welcome suggestions for change in the club’s routine.

The club welcomes those who play bridge, especially those who wish to try duplicate. For further details please email or call the chairman or secretary

Whilst the club is not a member of the English Bridge Union it uses its laws, rules and proceedures for the conduct of its bridge events.

Meeting details
Meeting details

All meetings are held in The Parish Rooms, Church Street, Bloxham OX15 4ET. In addition to the callendar below the club maintains a Google calendar here.

Duplicate is played at all sessions for which a director for such is available. Otherwise either Chicago (using predealt hands and duplicate syle movements) or, in exceptional instances, rubber bridge is played.

Please remember to book with (or by calling the chairman or secretary) each time you have a partner and want to play. When you do not email with your email and telephone number and this will be circulated by blind copy. 

Members are asked to arrive in good time for a prompt 6:45pm start. The director is chairman Roger Dadd, unless otherwise shown in the calendar.

Cash is not being used for payment of table fees. These are collected as and when requests for payment are issued by the secretary (every quarter) the prefered form of payment being BACS to the club account. Cheques to Bloxham Brige Club handed to a committee member are also accepted.

Standard bidding boxes are used for all formats of bridge. Members whose email address and/or telephone number have changed are asked to email such to

12th September 2024
19th September 2024
Pairs Duplicate
26th September 2024
Pairs Duplicate
Pairs Duplicate
Director: Roger
Scorer: Roger Dadd
Pairs Duplicate
Director: Roger
Scorer: Roger Dadd
Pairs Duplicate
Director: Roger
Scorer: Roger Dadd