Release 2.19q
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We are getting up to 8 tables on Weds and some players missing. We once used to get 15 or 16 tables but that's decades ago - do come along ( and bring a friend )..! The hall still has capacity for more.

As mentioned below, the Beeny Cup is up and running. Look under "competitions" to see how you are faring. Remember you need to play at least 6 times with the same partner over the 12 months to qualify.

Club competitions: Prior to the lockdown, we at Blackheath Bridge Club played for a variety of trophies throughout the year. 

Before the lockdown, due to low attendance, these had virtually all become just regular duplicate sessions and it seems best not to re-instate them as we now only play competitively on Wednesdays.

However, two trophies we plan to restart. These are the Beeny and Foulger Cups ( for finishing second in the Beeny ). The Beeny was played every third Thursday of a calendar month and we propose to make that every third Wednesday in future.

The aim is to play with the same partner at least a certain number of times throughout the year. This was once 9 times out of 12 but now we've reduced it to 6. We've now restarted from November 2023 so that the event finishes before our next AGM.

Hosting: We have re-instated our hosting system meaning that visitors can be sure of a game when they attend. Ivy will be asking members to offer to be host ( on a Wednesday afternoon ) from time to time. The only person who will ever not get a game will be the host who will get a free game subsequently should that happen. We would still be grateful if potential players call first and we will arrange a partner prior to the date. Contact Denise Mabey by email at

Love Stats..?

Look under "Competitions" for stats back to when Bridgewebs scoring began..

New statistics have now been added for results since the restart after lockdown.

Individual, Pairs and Total MP

On Revoking