Release 2.19r
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3rd Oct 2024 11:23 BST
Announcing, Alerting & Doubling

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to when to alert and when to announce.

The following bids should be Announced

1NT                 Strength of the 1NT opening

2C                    Stayman (basic)

2D                   Transfer to Hearts

2H                   Transfer to Spades

2C                    Opening Bid = strong game forcing

2D}                  Strong Forcing  or

2H}                  Strong non forcing or

2S}                  Intermediate or Weak


The following bids should be Alerted

2♣                    Stayman, if it is not basic

2♠                    Transfer to 2NT

2NT                 Transfer to Clubs (or any other transfer system you use)

3♣                    Transfer to Diamonds (or any other transfer system you use)

After a 2NT opening or 2♣ - 2  - 2NT

3♣                    Stayman

3                    Transfer to Hearts

3                    Transfer to Spades

2-suited openings

2-suited overcalls

Any 2 suited defence to a 1NT opening

Any Cue bid or unassuming cue bid below 3NT must be alerted

Any artificial bid above 3NT does not have to be alerted


A Double of an artificial bid, if showing that suit, must be alerted

A Double of 1NT, if not for Penalties, must be alerted

A Double on the first round, if not for Take Out, must be alerted